
Class: IRB::ReidlineInputMethod

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: IRB::RelineInputMethod
Defined in: lib/irb/input-method.rb

Constant Summary

InputMethod - Inherited


RelineInputMethod - Inherited


Class Method Summary

RelineInputMethod - Inherited


Creates a new input method object using Reline.

StdioInputMethod - Inherited


Creates a new input method object.

Instance Attribute Summary

RelineInputMethod - Inherited


Whether the end of this input method has been reached, returns true if there is no more data to read.


HistorySavingAbility - Included

StdioInputMethod - Inherited


Whether the end of this input method has been reached, returns true if there is no more data to read.


Whether this input method is still readable when there is no more data to read.

InputMethod - Inherited


The irb prompt associated with this input method.


Whether this input method is still readable when there is no more data to read.


Instance Method Summary

RelineInputMethod - Inherited

HistorySavingAbility - Included

StdioInputMethod - Inherited


The external encoding for standard input.


Reads the next line from this input method.


For debug message.


Returns the current line number for #io.

InputMethod - Inherited


Reads the next line from this input method.


For debug message.


Constructor Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/irb/input-method.rb', line 505

def initialize
  warn <<~MSG.strip
    IRB::ReidlineInputMethod is deprecated, please use IRB::RelineInputMethod instead.