
Class: Net::IMAP::Config

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/net/imap/config.rb,


Config (available since v0.4.13) stores configuration options for ::Net::IMAP clients. The global configuration can be seen at either config or .global, and the client-specific configuration can be seen at #config.

When creating a new client, all unhandled keyword arguments to new are delegated to .new. Every client has its own config.

debug_client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, debug: true)
quiet_client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, debug: false)
debug_client.config.debug?  # => true
quiet_client.config.debug?  # => false


Configs have a parent config, and any attributes which have not been set locally will inherit the parent’s value. Every client creates its own specific config. By default, client configs inherit from .global.

plain_client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname)
debug_client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, debug: true)
quiet_client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, debug: false)

plain_client.config.inherited?(:debug)  # => true
debug_client.config.inherited?(:debug)  # => false
quiet_client.config.inherited?(:debug)  # => false

plain_client.config.debug?  # => false
debug_client.config.debug?  # => true
quiet_client.config.debug?  # => false

# Net::IMAP.debug is delegated to Net::IMAP::Config.global.debug
Net::IMAP.debug = true
plain_client.config.debug?  # => true
debug_client.config.debug?  # => true
quiet_client.config.debug?  # => false

Net::IMAP.debug = false
plain_client.config.debug = true
plain_client.config.inherited?(:debug)  # => false
plain_client.config.debug?  # => true
plain_client.config.inherited?(:debug)  # => true
plain_client.config.debug?  # => false

Versioned defaults

The effective default configuration for a specific x.y version of net-imap can be loaded with the config keyword argument to new. Requesting default configurations for previous versions enables extra backward compatibility with those versions:

client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, config: 0.3)
client.config.sasl_ir                  # => false
client.config.responses_without_block  # => :silence_deprecation_warning

client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, config: 0.4)
client.config.sasl_ir                  # => true
client.config.responses_without_block  # => :silence_deprecation_warning

client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, config: 0.5)
client.config.sasl_ir                  # => true
client.config.responses_without_block  # => :warn

client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, config: :future)
client.config.sasl_ir                  # => true
client.config.responses_without_block  # => :frozen_dup

The versioned default configs inherit certain specific config options from .global, for example #debug:

client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, config: 0.4)
Net::IMAP.debug = false
client.config.debug?  # => false

Net::IMAP.debug = true
client.config.debug?  # => true

Use #load_defaults to globally behave like a specific version:

client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname)
client.config.sasl_ir              # => true
Net::IMAP.config.load_defaults 0.3
client.config.sasl_ir              # => false

Named defaults

In addition to x.y version numbers, the following aliases are supported:


An alias for :current.

NOTE: This is not the same as Config.default. It inherits some attributes from Config.global, for example: #debug.


An alias for the current x.y version’s defaults.


The planned config for the next x.y version.


The planned eventual config for some future x.y version.

For example, to disable all currently deprecated behavior:

client = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, config: :future)
client.config.response_without_args     # => :frozen_dup
client.responses.frozen?                # => true
client.responses.values.all?(&:frozen?) # => true

Thread Safety

NOTE: Updates to config objects are not synchronized for thread-safety.

Constant Summary

AttrInheritance - Included


Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

AttrInheritance - Included


The parent Config object.

AttrAccessors - Included


internal API.

Instance Method Summary

AttrInheritance - Included


Returns true if attr is inherited from #parent and not overridden by this config.




Creates a new config, which inherits from self.


Resets an attr to inherit from the #parent config.


AttrAccessors - Included


Freezes the internal attributes struct, in addition to self.



#initialize_clone, #initialize_dup

Constructor Details

.new(parent = Config.global, **attrs) {|_self| ... } ⇒ Config

Creates a new config object and initialize its attribute with attrs.

If parent is not given, the global config is used by default.

If a block is given, the new config object is yielded to it.


  • (_self)

Yield Parameters:

  • _self (Config)

    the object that the method was called on

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 356

def initialize(parent = Config.global, **attrs)
  yield self if block_given?

Class Method Details

Net::IMAP::ConfigConfig Net::IMAP::ConfigConfig Net::IMAP::ConfigConfig Net::IMAP::ConfigConfig

Given a version number, returns the default configuration for the target version. See Config@Versioned+defaults.

Given a version name, returns the default configuration for the target version. See Config@Named+defaults.

Given a Hash, creates a new frozen config which inherits from .global. Use .new for an unfrozen config.

Given a config, returns that same config.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 153

def self.[](config)
  if    config.is_a?(Config)         then config
  elsif config.nil? && global.nil?   then nil
  elsif config.respond_to?(:to_hash) then new(global, **config).freeze
    version_defaults.fetch(config) do
      case config
      when Numeric
        raise RangeError, "unknown config version: %p" % [config]
      when Symbol
        raise KeyError, "unknown config name: %p" % [config]
        raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion of %s to %s" % [
          config.class, Config


The default config, which is hardcoded and frozen.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 128

def self.default; @default end


The global config object. Also available from Net::IMAP.config.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 131

def self.global; @global if defined?(@global) end


A hash of hard-coded configurations, indexed by version number or name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 134

def self.version_defaults; @version_defaults end

Instance Method Details

#defaults_hash (protected)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 420

def defaults_hash
  to_h.reject {|k,v| DEFAULT_TO_INHERIT.include?(k) }

#load_defaults(version) ⇒ self

Resets the current config to behave like the versioned default configuration for version. #parent will not be changed.

Some config attributes default to inheriting from their #parent (which is usually .global) and are left unchanged, for example: #debug.

See Config@Versioned+defaults and Config@Named+defaults.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 407

def load_defaults(version)
  [Numeric, Symbol, String].any? { _1 === version } or
    raise ArgumentError, "expected number or symbol, got %p" % [version]


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 282

alias responses_without_args  responses_without_block  # :nodoc:


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 283

alias responses_without_args= responses_without_block= # :nodoc:


Returns all config attributes in a hash.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 416

def to_h; data.members.to_h { [_1, send(_1)] } end

#update(**attrs) ⇒ self

Assigns all of the provided attrs to this config, and returns self.

An ArgumentError is raised unless every key in attrs matches an assignment method on Config.

NOTE: #update is not atomic. If an exception is raised due to an invalid attribute value, attrs may be partially applied.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 372

def update(**attrs)
  unless (bad = attrs.keys.reject { respond_to?(:"#{_1}=") }).empty?
    raise ArgumentError, "invalid config options: #{bad.join(", ")}"
  attrs.each do send(:"#{_1}=", _2) end

#with(**attrs) ⇒ Config #with(**attrs) {|config| ... } ⇒ result

Without a block, returns a new config which inherits from self. With a block, yields the new config and returns the block’s result.

If no keyword arguments are given, an ArgumentError will be raised.

If self is frozen, the copy will also be frozen.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/config.rb', line 390

def with(**attrs)
  attrs.empty? and
    raise ArgumentError, "expected keyword arguments, none given"
  copy = new(**attrs)
  copy.freeze if frozen?
  block_given? ? yield(copy) : copy