
Class: CSV::TSV

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ::CSV, Forwardable
Instance Chain:
self, ::CSV, Enumerable
Inherits: CSV
  • Object
Defined in: lib/csv.rb

Constant Summary

::CSV - Inherited

ConverterEncoding, Converters, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, DateMatcher, DateTimeMatcher, HeaderConverters, ON_WINDOWS, VERSION

Class Method Summary

::CSV - Inherited

  • Parses CSV from a source (String, IO stream, or ARGF).


Calls the block with each row read from source path_or_io.

  • Argument csv_string, if given, must be a String object;.


Returns the String created by generating CSV from ary using the specified options.


Returns the String created by generating CSV from using the specified options.


Creates or retrieves cached CSV objects.


Returns the new CSV object created using string or io and the specified options.


possible options elements:


Parses string or io using the specified options.


Returns the data created by parsing the first line of string or io using the specified options.


Opens the given source with the given options (see open), reads the source (see #read), and returns the result, which will be either an Array of Arrays or a Table.


Alias for read.


Calls read with source, options, and certain default options: - #headers: true - #converters: :numeric - #header_converters: :symbol


See additional method definition at line 1984.


Instance Attribute Summary

::CSV - Inherited


Returns the encoding used for parsing and generating; see Character Encodings (M17n or Multilingualization):


Alias for #eof?.


Returns the value that determines whether all output fields are to be quoted; used for generating; see Option force_quotes:


Returns true if the next row to be read is a header row; false otherwise.


Returns the value that determines whether illegal input is to be handled; used for parsing; see Option liberal_parsing:


Returns the value that determines whether headers are to be returned; used for parsing; see Option return_headers:


Returns the value that determines whether blank lines are to be ignored; used for parsing; see Option skip_blanks:


Returns the value that determines whether unconverted fields are to be available; used for parsing; see Option unconverted_fields:


Returns the value that determines whether headers are to be written; used for generating; see Option write_headers:

Instance Method Summary

::CSV - Inherited


Appends a row to self.


Alias for #<<.


Returns the encoded column separator; used for parsing and writing; see Option col_sep:

  • With no block, installs a field converter (a Proc).


Returns an Array containing field converters; see Field Converters:


Calls the block with each successive row.


Returns the limit for field size; used for parsing; see Option field_size_limit:


Alias for #shift.


The block need not return a String object:


Returns an Array containing header converters; used for parsing; see Header Converters:


Returns the value that determines whether headers are used; used for parsing; see Option headers:


Returns a String showing certain properties of self:


Returns the line most recently read:


Returns the count of the rows parsed or generated.


Returns the limit for field size; used for parsing; see Option max_field_size:


Alias for #<<.


Returns the encoded quote character; used for parsing and writing; see Option quote_char:


Forms the remaining rows from self into: - A Table object, if headers are in use.


Alias for #shift.


Alias for #read.


Rewinds the underlying IO object and resets CSV’s lineno() counter.


Returns the encoded row separator; used for parsing and writing; see Option row_sep:


Returns the next row of data as: - An Array if no headers are used.


Returns the Regexp used to identify comment lines; used for parsing; see Option skip_lines:

#stat, #to_i, #to_io, #build_fields_converter, #build_header_fields_converter, #build_parser_fields_converter, #build_writer_fields_converter,

Processes fields with @converters, or @header_converters if #headers is passed as true, returning the converted field set.

#determine_encoding, #header_fields_converter, #normalize_converters, #parser, #parser_enumerator, #parser_fields_converter, #parser_options,

Returns the encoding of the internal IO object.

#writer, #writer_fields_converter, #writer_options

Constructor Details

.new(data, **options) ⇒ TSV

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# File 'lib/csv.rb', line 2133

def initialize(data, **options)
  super(data, **({col_sep: "\t"}.merge(options)))