Class: Bundler::Injector
Relationships & Source Files | |
Inherits: | Object |
Defined in: | lib/bundler/injector.rb |
Constant Summary
# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 5"injected gems"
Class Method Summary
Instance Method Summary
- #inject(gemfile_path, lockfile_path) ⇒ Array
- #remove(gemfile_path, lockfile_path) ⇒ Array
- #append_to(gemfile_path, new_gem_lines) private
- #build_gem_lines(conservative_versioning) private
- #conservative_version(spec) private
- #convert_autorequire(autorequire) private
- #cross_check_for_errors(gemfile_path, original_deps, removed_deps, initial_gemfile) private
- #is_not_within_comment?(line, match_data) ⇒ Boolean private
evaluates a gemfile to remove the specified gem from it.
- #remove_gems_from_dependencies(builder, gems, gemfile_path) ⇒ Array private
- #remove_gems_from_gemfile(gems, gemfile_path) private
- #remove_nested_blocks(gemfile, block_name) private
- #show_warning(message) private
- #version_prefix private
Constructor Details
.new(deps, options = {}) ⇒ Injector
# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 17
def initialize(deps, = {}) @deps = deps @options = end
Class Method Details
.inject(new_deps, options = {})
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 7
def self.inject(new_deps, = {}) injector = new(new_deps, ) injector.inject(Bundler.default_gemfile, Bundler.default_lockfile) end
.remove(gems, options = {})
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 12
def self.remove(gems, = {}) injector = new(gems, ) injector.remove(Bundler.default_gemfile, Bundler.default_lockfile) end
Instance Method Details
#append_to(gemfile_path, new_gem_lines) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 127
def append_to(gemfile_path, new_gem_lines)"a") do |f| f.puts f.puts new_gem_lines end end
#build_gem_lines(conservative_versioning) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 100
def build_gem_lines(conservative_versioning) do |d| name = requirement = if conservative_versioning ", \"#{conservative_version(@definition.specs[][0])}\"" else ", #{", ")}" end if d.groups != Array(:default) group = d.groups.size == 1 ? ", :group => #{d.groups.first.inspect}" : ", :groups => #{d.groups.inspect}" end source = ", :source => \"#{d.source}\"" unless d.source.nil? path = ", :path => \"#{d.path}\"" unless d.path.nil? git = ", :git => \"#{d.git}\"" unless d.git.nil? github = ", :github => \"#{d.github}\"" unless d.github.nil? branch = ", :branch => \"#{d.branch}\"" unless d.branch.nil? ref = ", :ref => \"#{d.ref}\"" unless d.ref.nil? glob = ", :glob => \"#{d.glob}\"" unless d.glob.nil? require_path = ", :require => #{convert_autorequire(d.autorequire)}" unless d.autorequire.nil? %(gem #{name}#{requirement}#{group}#{source}#{path}#{git}#{github}#{branch}#{ref}#{glob}#{require_path}) end.join("\n") end
#conservative_version(spec) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 80
def conservative_version(spec) version = spec.version return ">= 0" if version.nil? segments = version.segments seg_end_index = version >="1.0") ? 1 : 2 prerelease_suffix = version.to_s.delete_prefix(version.release.to_s) if version.prerelease? "#{version_prefix}#{segments[0..seg_end_index].join(".")}#{prerelease_suffix}" end
#convert_autorequire(autorequire) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 279
def convert_autorequire(autorequire) autorequire = autorequire.first return autorequire if autorequire == "false" autorequire.inspect end
#cross_check_for_errors(gemfile_path, original_deps, removed_deps, initial_gemfile) (private)
# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 250
def cross_check_for_errors(gemfile_path, original_deps, removed_deps, initial_gemfile) # evaluate the new gemfile to look for any failure cases builder = builder.eval_gemfile(gemfile_path) # record gems which were removed but not requested extra_removed_gems = original_deps - builder.dependencies # if some extra gems were removed then raise error # and revert Gemfile to original unless extra_removed_gems.empty? SharedHelpers.write_to_gemfile(gemfile_path, initial_gemfile.join) raise InvalidOption, "Gems could not be removed. #{extra_removed_gems.join(", ")} would also have been removed. Bundler cannot continue." end # record gems which could not be removed due to some reasons errored_deps = {|d| d.gemfile == gemfile_path } & {|d| d.gemfile == gemfile_path } show_warning "#{", ")} could not be removed." unless errored_deps.empty? # return actual removed dependencies removed_deps - errored_deps end
#inject(gemfile_path, lockfile_path) ⇒ Array
# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 25
def inject(gemfile_path, lockfile_path) Bundler.definition.ensure_equivalent_gemfile_and_lockfile(true) # temporarily unfreeze Bundler.settings.temporary(deployment: false, frozen: false) do # evaluate the Gemfile we have now builder = builder.eval_gemfile(gemfile_path) # don't inject any gems that are already in the Gemfile @deps -= builder.dependencies # add new deps to the end of the in-memory Gemfile # Set conservative versioning to false because # we want to let the resolver resolve the version first builder.eval_gemfile(INJECTED_GEMS, build_gem_lines(false)) if @deps.any? # resolve to see if the new deps broke anything @definition = builder.to_definition(lockfile_path, {}) @definition.remotely! # since nothing broke, we can add those gems to the gemfile append_to(gemfile_path, build_gem_lines(@options[:conservative_versioning])) if @deps.any? # since we resolved successfully, write out the lockfile @definition.lock # invalidate the cached Bundler.definition Bundler.reset_paths! # return an array of the deps that we added @deps end end
#is_not_within_comment?(line, match_data) ⇒ Boolean
# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 218
def is_not_within_comment?(line, match_data) match_start_index = match_data.offset(0).first !line[0..match_start_index].include?("#") end
#remove(gemfile_path, lockfile_path) ⇒ Array
# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 63
def remove(gemfile_path, lockfile_path) # remove gems from each gemfiles we have Bundler.definition.gemfiles.each do |path| deps = remove_deps(path) show_warning("No gems were removed from the gemfile.") if deps.empty? deps.each {|dep| Bundler.ui.confirm "#{SharedHelpers.pretty_dependency(dep)} was removed." } end # Invalidate the cached Bundler.definition. # This prevents e.g. `bundle remove ...` from using outdated information. Bundler.reset_paths! end
#remove_deps(gemfile_path) (private)
evaluates a gemfile to remove the specified gem from it.
# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 136
def remove_deps(gemfile_path) initial_gemfile = File.readlines(gemfile_path) "Removing gems from #{gemfile_path}" # evaluate the Gemfile we have builder = builder.eval_gemfile(gemfile_path) removed_deps = remove_gems_from_dependencies(builder, @deps, gemfile_path) # abort the operation if no gems were removed # no need to operate on gemfile further return [] if removed_deps.empty? cleaned_gemfile = remove_gems_from_gemfile(@deps, gemfile_path) SharedHelpers.write_to_gemfile(gemfile_path, cleaned_gemfile) # check for errors # including extra gems being removed # or some gems not being removed # and return the actual removed deps cross_check_for_errors(gemfile_path, builder.dependencies, removed_deps, initial_gemfile) end
#remove_gems_from_dependencies(builder, gems, gemfile_path) ⇒ Array
# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 166
def remove_gems_from_dependencies(builder, gems, gemfile_path) removed_deps = [] gems.each do |gem_name| deleted_dep = builder.dependencies.find {|d| == gem_name } if deleted_dep.nil? raise GemfileError, "`#{gem_name}` is not specified in #{gemfile_path} so it could not be removed." end builder.dependencies.delete(deleted_dep) removed_deps << deleted_dep end removed_deps end
#remove_gems_from_gemfile(gems, gemfile_path) (private)
# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 186
def remove_gems_from_gemfile(gems, gemfile_path) patterns = /gem\s+(['"])#{Regexp.union(gems)}\1|gem\s*\((['"])#{Regexp.union(gems)}\2.*\)/ new_gemfile = [] multiline_removal = false File.readlines(gemfile_path).each do |line| match_data = line.match(patterns) if match_data && is_not_within_comment?(line, match_data) multiline_removal = line.rstrip.end_with?(",") # skip lines which match the regex next end # skip followup lines until line does not end with ',' new_gemfile << line unless multiline_removal multiline_removal = line.rstrip.end_with?(",") if multiline_removal end # remove line \n and append them with other strings new_gemfile.each_with_index do |_line, index| if new_gemfile[index + 1] == "\n" new_gemfile[index] += new_gemfile[index + 1] new_gemfile.delete_at(index + 1) end end %w[group source env install_if].each {|block| remove_nested_blocks(new_gemfile, block) } new_gemfile.join.chomp end
#remove_nested_blocks(gemfile, block_name) (private)
# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 225
def remove_nested_blocks(gemfile, block_name) nested_blocks = 0 # count number of nested blocks gemfile.each_with_index {|line, index| nested_blocks += 1 if !gemfile[index + 1].nil? && gemfile[index + 1].include?(block_name) && line.include?(block_name) } while nested_blocks >= 0 nested_blocks -= 1 gemfile.each_with_index do |line, index| next unless !line.nil? && line.strip.start_with?(block_name) if /^\s*end\s*$/.match?(gemfile[index + 1]) gemfile[index] = nil gemfile[index + 1] = nil end end gemfile.compact! end end
#show_warning(message) (private)
[ GitHub ]#version_prefix (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/injector.rb', line 90
def version_prefix if @options[:strict] "= " elsif @options[:optimistic] ">= " else "~> " end end