
Exception: FrozenError

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: RuntimeError
Defined in: error.c,


Raised when there is an attempt to modify a frozen object.

[1, 2, 3].freeze << 4

raises the exception:

FrozenError: can't modify frozen Array

Class Attribute Summary

::Exception - Inherited


Returns true if exception messages will be sent to a terminal device.

Class Method Summary

::Exception - Inherited


Returns an exception object of the same class as self; useful for creating a similar exception, but with a different message.


Returns a new exception object.

Instance Method Summary

::Exception - Inherited


Returns whether object is the same class as self and its #message and #backtrace are equal to those of self.


Returns the backtrace (the list of code locations that led to the exception), as an array of strings.


Returns the backtrace (the list of code locations that led to the exception), as an array of ::Thread::Backtrace::Location instances.


Returns the previous value of global variable $!, which may be nil (see Global Variables):


Returns the message string with enhancements:


Returns an exception object of the same class as self; useful for creating a similar exception, but with a different message.


Returns an enhanced message string:


Returns a string representation of self:


Returns #to_s.


Sets the backtrace value for self; returns the given value.


Returns a string representation of self:

Constructor Details

.new(msg = nil, receiver: nil) ⇒ frozen_error

Construct a new FrozenError exception. If given the receiver parameter may subsequently be examined using the #receiver method.

a = [].freeze
raise FrozenError.new("can't modify frozen array", receiver: a)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'error.c', line 2319

static VALUE
frozen_err_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    ID keywords[1];
    VALUE values[numberof(keywords)], options;

    argc = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "*:", NULL, &options);
    keywords[0] = id_receiver;
    rb_get_kwargs(options, keywords, 0, numberof(values), values);
    rb_call_super(argc, argv);
    err_init_recv(self, values[0]);
    return self;

Instance Method Details


Return the receiver associated with this FrozenError exception.

[ GitHub ]