
Class: Prism::RipperCompat::SexpBuilderPP

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Prism::RipperCompat::SexpBuilder
Defined in: lib/prism/ripper_compat.rb


This class mirrors the ::Ripper::SexpBuilderPP subclass of ::Ripper that returns the same values as ::Ripper::SexpBuilder except with a couple of niceties that flatten linked lists into arrays.

Class Method Summary

::Prism::RipperCompat - Inherited


Create a new ::Prism::RipperCompat object with the given source.


This is a convenience method that runs the SexpBuilderPP subclass parser.


This is a convenience method that runs the SexpBuilder subclass parser.

Instance Attribute Summary

::Prism::RipperCompat - Inherited


The current column number of the parser.


True if the parser encountered an error during parsing.


The current line number of the parser.


The source that is being parsed.

Instance Method Summary

::Prism::RipperCompat - Inherited


Parse the source and return the result.


Visit a CallNode node.


Visit a ::Prism::FloatNode node.


Visit an ::Prism::IntegerNode node.


Visit a ProgramNode node.


Visit a ::Prism::RationalNode node.


Visit a StatementsNode node.


This method is responsible for updating lineno and column information to reflect the current node.


Alias for #_dispatch2.


Alias for #_dispatch1.


Lazily initialize the parse result.

#_dispatch0, #_dispatch1, #_dispatch2, #_dispatch3, #_dispatch4, #_dispatch5, #_dispatch7

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Prism::RipperCompat

Instance Method Details

#_dispatch_event_new (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/ripper_compat.rb', line 45

def _dispatch_event_new # :nodoc:

#_dispatch_event_push(list, item) (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/ripper_compat.rb', line 49

def _dispatch_event_push(list, item) # :nodoc:
  list << item