
Class: Prism::LexCompat::IgnoredNewlineToken

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Token, SimpleDelegator
Instance Chain:
self, Token, SimpleDelegator
Inherits: Prism::LexCompat::Token
Defined in: lib/prism/lex_compat.rb


Ignored newlines can occasionally have a LABEL state attached to them, so we compare the state differently here.

Instance Method Summary

Token - Inherited


The type of the token.


The location of the token in the source.


The state of the lexer when this token was produced.


The slice of the source that this token represents.

Instance Method Details


This method is for internal use only.
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# File 'lib/prism/lex_compat.rb', line 240

def ==(other) # :nodoc:
  return false unless self[0...-1] == other[0...-1]

  if self[4] == Ripper::EXPR_ARG | Ripper::EXPR_LABELED
    other[4] & Ripper::EXPR_ARG | Ripper::EXPR_LABELED > 0
    self[4] == other[4]