
Class: Benchmark::Tms

Relationships & Source Files
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/benchmark.rb


A data object, representing the times associated with a benchmark measurement.

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

  • #*(x)

    Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise multiplication of the individual times for this Tms object by x.

  • #+(other)

    Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise summation of the individual times for this Tms object with those of the other Tms object.

  • #-(other)

    Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise subtraction of the individual times for the other Tms object from those of this Tms object.

  • #/(x)

    Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise division of the individual times for this Tms object by x.

  • #add(&blk)

    Returns a new Tms object whose times are the sum of the times for this Tms object, plus the time required to execute the code block (blk).

  • #add!(&blk)

    An in-place version of #add.

  • #format(format = nil, *args)

    Returns the contents of this Tms object as a formatted string, according to a #format string like that passed to Kernel.format.

  • #to_a

    Returns a new 6-element array, consisting of the label, user CPU time, system CPU time, children’s user CPU time, children’s system CPU time and elapsed real time.

  • #to_h

    Returns a hash containing the same data as #to_a.

  • #to_s

    Same as #format.

  • #memberwise(op, x) protected

    Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise operation op of the individual times for this Tms object with those of the other Tms object (x).

Constructor Details

.new(utime = 0.0, stime = 0.0, cutime = 0.0, cstime = 0.0, real = 0.0, label = nil) ⇒ Tms

Returns an initialized Tms object which has #utime as the user CPU time, #stime as the system CPU time, #cutime as the children’s user CPU time, #cstime as the children’s system CPU time, #real as the elapsed real time and #label as the label.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 432

def initialize(utime = 0.0, stime = 0.0, cutime = 0.0, cstime = 0.0, real = 0.0, label = nil)
  @utime, @stime, @cutime, @cstime, @real, @label = utime, stime, cutime, cstime, real, label.to_s
  @total = @utime + @stime + @cutime + @cstime

Instance Attribute Details

#cstime (readonly)

System CPU time of children

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 415

attr_reader :cstime

#cutime (readonly)

User CPU time of children

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 412

attr_reader :cutime

#label (readonly)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 424

attr_reader :label

#real (readonly)

Elapsed real time

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 418

attr_reader :real

#stime (readonly)

System CPU time

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 409

attr_reader :stime

#total (readonly)

Total time, that is #utime + #stime + #cutime + #cstime

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 421

attr_reader :total

#utime (readonly)

User CPU time

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 406

attr_reader :utime

Instance Method Details


Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise multiplication of the individual times for this Tms object by x.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 480

def *(x); memberwise(:*, x) end


Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise summation of the individual times for this Tms object with those of the other Tms object. This method and #/() are useful for taking statistics.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 467

def +(other); memberwise(:+, other) end


Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise subtraction of the individual times for the other Tms object from those of this Tms object.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 474

def -(other); memberwise(:-, other) end


Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise division of the individual times for this Tms object by x. This method and #+() are useful for taking statistics.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 487

def /(x); memberwise(:/, x) end


Returns a new Tms object whose times are the sum of the times for this Tms object, plus the time required to execute the code block (blk).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 441

def add(&blk) # :yield:
  self + Benchmark.measure(&blk)


An in-place version of #add. Changes the times of this Tms object by making it the sum of the times for this Tms object, plus the time required to execute the code block (blk).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 451

def add!(&blk)
  t = Benchmark.measure(&blk)
  @utime  = utime + t.utime
  @stime  = stime + t.stime
  @cutime = cutime + t.cutime
  @cstime = cstime + t.cstime
  @real   = real + t.real

#format(format = nil, *args)

Returns the contents of this Tms object as a formatted string, according to a format string like that passed to Kernel.format. In addition, #format accepts the following extensions:


Replaced by the user CPU time, as reported by #utime.


Replaced by the system CPU time, as reported by #stime (Mnemonic: y of “s*y*stem”)


Replaced by the children’s user CPU time, as reported by #cutime


Replaced by the children’s system CPU time, as reported by #cstime


Replaced by the total CPU time, as reported by #total


Replaced by the elapsed real time, as reported by #real


Replaced by the label string, as reported by #label (Mnemonic: n of “*n*ame”)

If format is not given, FORMAT is used as default value, detailing the user, system and real elapsed time.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 506

def format(format = nil, *args)
  str = (format || FORMAT).dup
  str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)n/) { "#{$1}s" % label }
  str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)u/) { "#{$1}f" % utime }
  str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)y/) { "#{$1}f" % stime }
  str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)U/) { "#{$1}f" % cutime }
  str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)Y/) { "#{$1}f" % cstime }
  str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)t/) { "#{$1}f" % total }
  str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)r/) { "(#{$1}f)" % real }
  format ? str % args : str

#memberwise(op, x) (protected)

Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise operation op of the individual times for this Tms object with those of the other Tms object (x).

op can be a mathematical operation such as +, -, *, /

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 559

def memberwise(op, x)
  case x
  when Benchmark::Tms
    Benchmark::Tms.new(utime.__send__(op, x.utime),
                       stime.__send__(op, x.stime),
                       cutime.__send__(op, x.cutime),
                       cstime.__send__(op, x.cstime),
                       real.__send__(op, x.real)
    Benchmark::Tms.new(utime.__send__(op, x),
                       stime.__send__(op, x),
                       cutime.__send__(op, x),
                       cstime.__send__(op, x),
                       real.__send__(op, x)


Returns a new 6-element array, consisting of the label, user CPU time, system CPU time, children’s user CPU time, children’s system CPU time and elapsed real time.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 531

def to_a
  [@label, @utime, @stime, @cutime, @cstime, @real]


Returns a hash containing the same data as #to_a.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 538

def to_h
    label:  @label,
    utime:  @utime,
    stime:  @stime,
    cutime: @cutime,
    cstime: @cstime,
    real:   @real


Same as #format.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/benchmark.rb', line 521

def to_s