Class: Gem::SpecificationPolicy
Relationships & Source Files | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Instance Chain:
Inherits: | Object |
Defined in: | lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb |
Constant Summary
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 392/\A[a-z][a-z\d+.-]*:/i.freeze
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 390'"FIxxxXME" or "TOxxxDO"'.gsub(/xxx/, "")
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 391/\AFI XME|\ATO DO/x.freeze
Internal use only
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 14%w[ bug_tracker_uri changelog_uri documentation_uri homepage_uri mailing_list_uri source_code_uri wiki_uri funding_uri ].freeze
Internal use only
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 10/\A[#{Regexp.escape('.-_')}]+/.freeze
Internal use only
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 8/\A[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+\z/.freeze
Internal use only
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 12%r{\Ahttps?:\/\/([^\s:@]:[^\s:@]*@)?[A-Za-z\d\-](\.[A-Za-z\d\-])\.?(:\d{1,5})?([\/?]\S*)?\z}.freeze
Class Method Summary
- .new(specification) ⇒ SpecificationPolicy constructor Internal use only
Instance Attribute Summary
If set to true, run packaging-specific checks, as well.
- Included
Instance Method Summary
#validate(strict = false)
Does a sanity check on the specification.
Implementation for Specification#validate_metadata
- #validate_optional(strict)
Issues a warning for each file to be packaged which is world-readable.
Does a sanity check on the specification.
- #validate_array_attribute(field) private
- #validate_array_attributes private
- #validate_attribute_present(attribute) private
- #validate_authors_field private
- #validate_lazy_metadata private
- #validate_licenses private
- #validate_licenses_length private
- #validate_name private
- #validate_nil_attributes private
- #validate_non_files private
- #validate_platform private
- #validate_require_paths private
- #validate_required_attributes private
- #validate_rubygems_version private
- #validate_self_inclusion_in_files_list private
- #validate_shebang_line_in(executable) private
- #validate_specification_version private
- #validate_values private
Internal use only
Checks that the gem does not depend on itself.
Internal use only
Checks that no duplicate dependencies are specified.
- #error(statement) private Internal use only
- #help_text private Internal use only
- #validate_extensions private Internal use only
- #validate_rake_extensions(builder) private Internal use only
- #validate_removed_attributes private Internal use only
- #validate_rust_extensions(builder) private Internal use only
- #warning(statement) private Internal use only
- Included
#alert | Displays an alert |
#alert_error | Displays an error |
#alert_warning | Displays a warning |
#ask | Asks a |
#ask_for_password | Asks for a password with a |
#ask_yes_no | Asks a yes or no |
#choose_from_list | Asks the user to answer |
#say | Displays the given |
#terminate_interaction | Terminates the RubyGems process with the given |
#verbose | Calls |
- Included
- Included
#clean_text | Remove any non-printable characters and make the text suitable for printing. |
#format_text | Wraps |
#levenshtein_distance | Returns a value representing the “cost” of transforming str1 into str2 Vendored version of |
#truncate_text, #min3 |
Constructor Details
.new(specification) ⇒ SpecificationPolicy
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 25
def initialize(specification) @warnings = 0 @specification = specification end
Instance Attribute Details
#packaging (rw)
If set to true, run packaging-specific checks, as well.
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 34
attr_accessor :packaging
Instance Method Details
#error(statement) (private)
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 498
def error(statement) # :nodoc: raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, statement ensure alert_warning help_text end
#help_text (private)
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 504
def help_text # :nodoc: "See for help" end
#validate(strict = false)
Does a sanity check on the specification.
Raises InvalidSpecificationException if the spec does not pass the checks.
It also performs some validations that do not raise but print warning messages instead.
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 45
def validate(strict = false) validate_required! validate_optional(strict) if packaging || strict true end
#validate_array_attribute(field) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 339
def validate_array_attribute(field) val = @specification.send(field) klass = case field when :dependencies then Gem::Dependency else String end unless Array === val && val.all? {|x| x.kind_of?(klass) } error "#{field} must be an Array of #{klass}" end end
#validate_array_attributes (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 333
def validate_array_attributes Gem::Specification.array_attributes.each do |field| validate_array_attribute(field) end end
#validate_attribute_present(attribute) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 448
def validate_attribute_present(attribute) value = @specification.send attribute warning("no #{attribute} specified") if value.nil? || value.empty? end
#validate_authors_field (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 353
def return unless @specification. .empty? error "authors may not be empty" end
Checks that the gem does not depend on itself. Checks that dependencies use requirements as we recommend. Warnings are issued when dependencies are open-ended or overly strict for semantic versioning.
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 183
def validate_dependencies # :nodoc: = [] @specification.dependencies.each do |dep| if == # warn on self reference << "Self referencing dependency is unnecessary and strongly discouraged." end prerelease_dep = dep.requirements_list.any? do |req| end << "prerelease dependency on #{dep} is not recommended" if prerelease_dep && !@specification.version.prerelease? open_ended = dep.requirement.requirements.all? do |op, version| !version.prerelease? && (op == ">" || op == ">=") end if open_ended op, dep_version = dep.requirement.requirements.first segments = dep_version.segments base = segments.first 2 recommendation = if (op == ">" || op == ">=") && segments == [0] " use a bounded requirement, such as '~> x.y'" else bugfix = if op == ">" ", '> #{dep_version}'" elsif op == ">=" && base != segments ", '>= #{dep_version}'" end " if #{} is semantically versioned, use:\n" \ " add_#{dep.type}_dependency '#{}', '~> #{base.join '.'}'#{bugfix}" end << ["open-ended dependency on #{dep} is not recommended", recommendation].join("\n") + "\n" end end if .any? .each {|| warning } end end
Checks that no duplicate dependencies are specified.
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 157
def validate_duplicate_dependencies # :nodoc: # NOTE: see REFACTOR note in Gem::Dependency about types - this might be brittle seen = Gem::Dependency::TYPES.inject({}) {|types, type| types.merge({ type => {} }) } = [] @specification.dependencies.each do |dep| if prev = seen[dep.type][] << <<-MESSAGE duplicate dependency on #{dep}, (#{prev.requirement}) use: add_#{dep.type}_dependency '#{}', '#{dep.requirement}', '#{prev.requirement}' MESSAGE end seen[dep.type][] = dep end if .any? error .join end end
#validate_extensions (private)
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 466
def validate_extensions # :nodoc: require_relative "ext" builder = validate_rake_extensions(builder) validate_rust_extensions(builder) end
#validate_lazy_metadata (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 394
def unless @specification. .grep(LAZY_PATTERN).empty? error "#{LAZY} is not an author" end unless Array( error "#{LAZY} is not an email" end if @specification.description =~ LAZY_PATTERN error "#{LAZY} is not a description" end if @specification.summary =~ LAZY_PATTERN error "#{LAZY} is not a summary" end homepage = @specification.homepage # Make sure a homepage is valid HTTP/HTTPS URI if homepage && !homepage.empty? require "uri" begin homepage_uri = URI.parse(homepage) unless [URI::HTTP, URI::HTTPS].member? homepage_uri.class error "\"#{homepage}\" is not a valid HTTP URI" end rescue URI::InvalidURIError error "\"#{homepage}\" is not a valid HTTP URI" end end end
#validate_licenses (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 369
def validate_licenses licenses = @specification.licenses licenses.each do |license| if !Gem::Licenses.match?(license) suggestions = Gem::Licenses.suggestions(license) = <<-WARNING license value '#{license}' is invalid. Use a license identifier from or '#{Gem::Licenses::NONSTANDARD}' for a nonstandard license. WARNING += "Did you mean #{ {|s| "'#{s}'" }.join(', ')}?\n" unless suggestions.nil? warning( ) end end warning <<-WARNING if licenses.empty? licenses is empty, but is recommended. Use a license identifier from or '#{Gem::Licenses::NONSTANDARD}' for a nonstandard license. WARNING end
#validate_licenses_length (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 359
def validate_licenses_length licenses = @specification.licenses licenses.each do |license| if license.length > 64 error "each license must be 64 characters or less" end end end
Implementation for Specification#validate_metadata
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 121
def = @specification. unless Hash === error "metadata must be a hash" end .each do |key, value| entry = "metadata['#{key}']" if !key.kind_of?(String) error "metadata keys must be a String" end if key.size > 128 error "metadata key is too large (#{key.size} > 128)" end if !value.kind_of?(String) error "#{entry} value must be a String" end if value.size > 1024 error "#{entry} value is too large (#{value.size} > 1024)" end if METADATA_LINK_KEYS.include? key if value !~ VALID_URI_PATTERN error "#{entry} has invalid link: #{value.inspect}" end end end end
#validate_name (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 279
def validate_name name = if !name.is_a?(String) error "invalid value for attribute name: \"#{name.inspect}\" must be a string" elsif name !~ /[a-zA-Z]/ error "invalid value for attribute name: #{name.dump} must include at least one letter" elsif name !~ VALID_NAME_PATTERN error "invalid value for attribute name: #{name.dump} can only include letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores" elsif name =~ SPECIAL_CHARACTERS error "invalid value for attribute name: #{name.dump} can not begin with a period, dash, or underscore" end end
#validate_nil_attributes (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 253
def validate_nil_attributes nil_attributes = do |attrname| @specification.instance_variable_get("@#{attrname}").nil? end return if nil_attributes.empty? error "#{nil_attributes.join ', '} must not be nil" end
#validate_non_files (private)
[ GitHub ]#validate_optional(strict)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 96
def validate_optional(strict) validate_licenses validate_values validate_dependencies validate_extensions validate_removed_attributes if @warnings > 0 if strict error "specification has warnings" else alert_warning help_text end end end
Issues a warning for each file to be packaged which is world-readable.
Implementation for Specification#validate_permissions
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 234
def return if Gem.win_platform? @specification.files.each do |file| next unless File.file?(file) next if File.stat(file).mode & 0444 == 0444 warning "#{file} is not world-readable" end @specification.executables.each do |name| exec = File.join @specification.bindir, name next unless File.file?(exec) next if File.stat(exec).executable? warning "#{exec} is not executable" end end
#validate_platform (private)
[ GitHub ]#validate_rake_extensions(builder) (private)
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 483
def validate_rake_extensions(builder) # :nodoc: rake_extension = @specification.extensions.any? {|s| builder.builder_for(s) == Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder } rake_dependency = @specification.dependencies.any? {|d| == "rake" } warning <<-WARNING if rake_extension && !rake_dependency You have specified rake based extension, but rake is not added as dependency. It is recommended to add rake as a dependency in gemspec since there's no guarantee rake will be already installed. WARNING end
#validate_removed_attributes (private)
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 460
def validate_removed_attributes # :nodoc: @specification.removed_method_calls.each do |attr| warning("#{attr} is deprecated and ignored. Please remove this from your gemspec to ensure that your gem continues to build in the future.") end end
#validate_require_paths (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 293
def validate_require_paths return unless @specification.raw_require_paths.empty? error "specification must have at least one require_path" end
Does a sanity check on the specification.
Raises InvalidSpecificationException if the spec does not pass the checks.
Only runs checks that are considered necessary for the specification to be functional.
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 62
def validate_required! validate_nil_attributes validate_rubygems_version validate_required_attributes validate_name validate_require_paths @specification.keep_only_files_and_directories validate_non_files validate_self_inclusion_in_files_list validate_specification_version validate_platform validate_array_attributes validate_licenses_length validate_duplicate_dependencies end
#validate_required_attributes (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 271
def validate_required_attributes Gem::Specification.required_attributes.each do |symbol| unless @specification.send symbol error "missing value for attribute #{symbol}" end end end
#validate_rubygems_version (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 261
def validate_rubygems_version return unless packaging rubygems_version = @specification.rubygems_version return if rubygems_version == Gem::VERSION error "expected RubyGems version #{Gem::VERSION}, was #{rubygems_version}" end
#validate_rust_extensions(builder) (private)
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 474
def validate_rust_extensions(builder) # :nodoc: rust_extension = @specification.extensions.any? {|s| builder.builder_for(s).is_a? Gem::Ext::CargoBuilder } missing_cargo_lock = !@specification.files.any? {|f| f.end_with?("Cargo.lock") } error <<-ERROR if rust_extension && missing_cargo_lock You have specified rust based extension, but Cargo.lock is not part of the gem files. Please run `cargo generate-lockfile` or any other command to generate Cargo.lock and ensure it is added to your gem files section in gemspec. ERROR end
#validate_self_inclusion_in_files_list (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 309
def validate_self_inclusion_in_files_list file_name = @specification.file_name return unless @specification.files.include?(file_name) error "#{@specification.full_name} contains itself (#{file_name}), check your files list" end
#validate_shebang_line_in(executable) (private)
[ GitHub ]#validate_specification_version (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 317
def validate_specification_version return if @specification.specification_version.is_a?(Integer) error "specification_version must be an Integer (did you mean version?)" end
#validate_values (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 427
def validate_values %w[author homepage summary files].each do |attribute| validate_attribute_present(attribute) end if @specification.description == @specification.summary warning "description and summary are identical" end # TODO: raise at some given date warning "deprecated autorequire specified" if @specification.autorequire @specification.executables.each do |executable| validate_shebang_line_in(executable) end {|f| File.symlink?(f) }.each do |file| warning "#{file} is a symlink, which is not supported on all platforms" end end
#warning(statement) (private)
# File 'lib/rubygems/specification_policy.rb', line 492
def warning(statement) # :nodoc: @warnings += 1 alert_warning statement end