
Class: Gem::Security::Signer

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #cert_chain rw

    The chain of certificates for signing including the signing certificate.

  • #digest_algorithm readonly

    The digest algorithm used to create the signature.

  • #key rw

    The private key for the signing certificate.

  • #options readonly

    Signer options.

  • #digest_name readonly Internal use only

    The name of the digest algorithm, used to pull digests out of the hash by name.

::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction - Included

Instance Method Summary

::Gem::UserInteraction - Included


Displays an alert statement.


Displays an error statement to the error output location.


Displays a warning statement to the warning output location.


Asks a question and returns the answer.


Asks for a password with a prompt


Asks a yes or no question.


Asks the user to answer question with an answer from the given list.


Displays the given statement on the standard output (or equivalent).


Terminates the RubyGems process with the given exit_code


Calls say with msg or the results of the block if really_verbose is true.

::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction - Included

::Gem::Text - Included


Remove any non-printable characters and make the text suitable for printing.


Wraps text to wrap characters and optionally indents by indent characters.


Returns a value representing the “cost” of transforming str1 into str2 Vendored version of DidYouMean::Levenshtein.distance from the ruby/did_you_mean gem @ 1.4.0 github.com/ruby/did_you_mean/blob/2ddf39b874808685965dbc47d344cf6c7651807c/lib/did_you_mean/levenshtein.rb#L7-L37.

#truncate_text, #min3

Constructor Details

.new(key, cert_chain, passphrase = nil, options = {}) ⇒ Signer

Creates a new signer with an RSA #key or path to a key, and a certificate chain containing X509 certificates, encoding certificates or paths to certificates.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 68

def initialize(key, cert_chain, passphrase = nil, options = {})
  @cert_chain = cert_chain
  @key        = key
  @passphrase = passphrase
  @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options)

  unless @key
    default_key = File.join Gem.default_key_path
    @key = default_key if File.exist? default_key

  unless @cert_chain
    default_cert = File.join Gem.default_cert_path
    @cert_chain = [default_cert] if File.exist? default_cert

  @digest_name      = Gem::Security::DIGEST_NAME
  @digest_algorithm = Gem::Security.create_digest(@digest_name)

  if @key && !@key.is_a?(OpenSSL::PKey::PKey)
    @key = OpenSSL::PKey.read(File.read(@key), @passphrase)

  if @cert_chain
    @cert_chain = @cert_chain.compact.map do |cert|
      next cert if OpenSSL::X509::Certificate === cert

      cert = File.read cert if File.exist? cert

      OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new cert


Class Method Details

.re_sign_cert(expired_cert, expired_cert_path, private_key) {|expired_cert_path, new_expired_cert_path| ... }

Attempts to re-sign an expired cert with a given private key


  • (expired_cert_path, new_expired_cert_path)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 43

def self.re_sign_cert(expired_cert, expired_cert_path, private_key)
  return unless expired_cert.not_after < Time.now

  expiry = expired_cert.not_after.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
  expired_cert_file = "#{File.basename(expired_cert_path)}.expired.#{expiry}"
  new_expired_cert_path = File.join(Gem.user_home, ".gem", expired_cert_file)

  Gem::Security.write(expired_cert, new_expired_cert_path)

  re_signed_cert = Gem::Security.re_sign(
    (Gem::Security::ONE_DAY * Gem.configuration.cert_expiration_length_days)

  Gem::Security.write(re_signed_cert, expired_cert_path)

  yield(expired_cert_path, new_expired_cert_path) if block_given?

Instance Attribute Details

#cert_chain (rw)

The chain of certificates for signing including the signing certificate

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 14

attr_accessor :cert_chain

#digest_algorithm (readonly)

The digest algorithm used to create the signature

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 24

attr_reader :digest_algorithm

#digest_name (readonly)

This method is for internal use only.

The name of the digest algorithm, used to pull digests out of the hash by name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 30

attr_reader :digest_name # :nodoc:

#key (rw)

The private key for the signing certificate

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 19

attr_accessor :key

#options (readonly)

Signer options

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 35

attr_reader :options

Instance Method Details


This method is for internal use only.

Extracts the full name of cert. If the certificate has a subjectAltName this value is preferred, otherwise the subject is used.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 108

def extract_name(cert) # :nodoc:
  subject_alt_name = cert.extensions.find {|e| "subjectAltName" == e.oid }

  if subject_alt_name
    /\Aemail:/ =~ subject_alt_name.value # rubocop:disable Performance/StartWith

    $' || subject_alt_name.value


This method is for internal use only.

Loads any missing issuers in the cert chain from the trusted certificates.

If the issuer does not exist it is ignored as it will be checked later.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 125

def load_cert_chain # :nodoc:
  return if @cert_chain.empty?

  while @cert_chain.first.issuer.to_s != @cert_chain.first.subject.to_s do
    issuer = Gem::Security.trust_dir.issuer_of @cert_chain.first

    break unless issuer # cert chain is verified later

    @cert_chain.unshift issuer

#re_sign_key(expiration_length: Gem::Security::ONE_YEAR)

This method is for internal use only.

Attempts to re-sign the private key if the signing certificate is expired.

The key will be re-signed if:

  • The expired certificate is self-signed

  • The expired certificate is saved at ~/.gem/gem-public_cert.pem and the private key is saved at ~/.gem/gem-private_key.pem

  • There is no file matching the expiry date at ~/.gem/gem-public_cert.pem.expired.%Y%m%d%H%M%S

If the signing certificate can be re-signed the expired certificate will be saved as ~/.gem/gem-public_cert.pem.expired.%Y%m%d%H%M%S where the expiry time (not after) is used for the timestamp.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 174

def re_sign_key(expiration_length: Gem::Security::ONE_YEAR) # :nodoc:
  old_cert = @cert_chain.last

  disk_cert_path = File.join(Gem.default_cert_path)
  disk_cert = File.read(disk_cert_path) rescue nil

  disk_key_path = File.join(Gem.default_key_path)
  disk_key = OpenSSL::PKey.read(File.read(disk_key_path), @passphrase) rescue nil

  return unless disk_key

  if disk_key.to_pem == @key.to_pem && disk_cert == old_cert.to_pem
    expiry = old_cert.not_after.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    old_cert_file = "gem-public_cert.pem.expired.#{expiry}"
    old_cert_path = File.join(Gem.user_home, ".gem", old_cert_file)

    unless File.exist?(old_cert_path)
      Gem::Security.write(old_cert, old_cert_path)

      cert = Gem::Security.re_sign(old_cert, @key, expiration_length)

      Gem::Security.write(cert, disk_cert_path)

      alert("Your cert: #{disk_cert_path} has been auto re-signed with the key: #{disk_key_path}")
      alert("Your expired cert will be located at: #{old_cert_path}")

      @cert_chain = [cert]


Sign data with given digest algorithm

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb', line 140

def sign(data)
  return unless @key

  raise Gem::Security::Exception, "no certs provided" if @cert_chain.empty?

  if @cert_chain.length == 1 && @cert_chain.last.not_after < Time.now
    alert("Your certificate has expired, trying to re-sign it...")

      expiration_length: (Gem::Security::ONE_DAY * options[:expiration_length_days])

  full_name = extract_name @cert_chain.last

  Gem::Security::SigningPolicy.verify @cert_chain, @key, {}, {}, full_name

  @key.sign @digest_algorithm.new, data