
Module: Bundler::URINormalizer

Relationships & Source Files
Defined in: lib/bundler/uri_normalizer.rb

Class Method Summary

Class Method Details

.normalize_suffix(uri, trailing_slash: true) (mod_func)

Normalizes uri to a consistent version, either with or without trailing slash.

TODO: Currently gem sources are locked with a trailing slash, while git sources are locked without a trailing slash. This should be normalized but the inconsistency is there for now to avoid changing all lockfiles including GIT sources. We could normalize this on the next major.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/uri_normalizer.rb', line 15

def normalize_suffix(uri, trailing_slash: true)
  if trailing_slash
    uri.end_with?("/") ? uri : "#{uri}/"
    uri.end_with?("/") ? uri.delete_suffix("/") : uri