
Module: Bundler::FileUtils

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Included In:
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, StreamUtils_
Instance Chain:
self, StreamUtils_
Defined in: lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb


Namespace for file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.

What’s Here

First, what’s elsewhere. Module Bundler::FileUtils:

  • Inherits from class Object.

  • Supplements class File (but is not included or extended there).

Here, module Bundler::FileUtils provides methods that are useful for:

  • Creating.

  • Deleting.

  • Querying.

  • Setting.

  • Comparing.

  • Copying.

  • Moving.

  • Options.




  • .pwd, .getwd: Returns the path to the working directory.

  • .uptodate?: Returns whether a given entry is newer than given other entries.


  • .cd, .chdir: Sets the working directory.

  • .chmod: Sets permissions for an entry.

  • .chmod_R: Sets permissions for an entry and its descendants.

  • .chown: Sets the owner and group for entries.

  • .chown_R: Sets the owner and group for entries and their descendants.

  • .touch: Sets modification and access times for entries, creating if necessary.



  • .copy_entry: Recursively copies an entry.

  • .copy_file: Copies an entry.

  • .copy_stream: Copies a stream.

  • .cp, .copy: Copies files.

  • .cp_lr: Recursively creates hard links.

  • .cp_r: Recursively copies files, retaining mode, owner, and group.

  • .install: Recursively copies files, optionally setting mode, owner, and group.



  • .collect_method: Returns the names of methods that accept a given option.

  • .commands: Returns the names of methods that accept options.

  • .have_option?: Returns whether a given method accepts a given option.

  • .options: Returns all option names.

  • .options_of: Returns the names of the options for a given method.

Path Arguments

Some methods in Bundler::FileUtils accept path arguments, which are interpreted as paths to filesystem entries:

  • If the argument is a string, that value is the path.

  • If the argument has method :to_path, it is converted via that method.

  • If the argument has method :to_str, it is converted via that method.

About the Examples

Some examples here involve trees of file entries. For these, we sometimes display trees using the ) tree command-line utility, which is a recursive directory-listing utility that produces a depth-indented listing of files and directories.

We use a helper method to launch the command and control the format:

def tree(dirpath = '.')
  command = "tree --noreport --charset=ascii #{dirpath}"

To illustrate:

# => src0
#    |-- sub0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- sub1
#        |-- src2.txt
#        `-- src3.txt

Avoiding the TOCTTOU Vulnerability

For certain methods that recursively remove entries, there is a potential vulnerability called the Time-of-check to time-of-use, or TOCTTOU, vulnerability that can exist when:

  • An ancestor directory of the entry at the target path is world writable; such directories include /tmp.

  • The directory tree at the target path includes:

    • A world-writable descendant directory.

    • A symbolic link.

To avoid that vulnerability, you can use this method to remove entries:

Also available are these methods, each of which calls Bundler::FileUtils.remove_entry_secure:

  • .rm_r with keyword argument secure: true.

  • .rm_rf with keyword argument secure: true.

Finally, this method for moving entries calls Bundler::FileUtils.remove_entry_secure if the source and destination are on different file systems (which means that the “move” is really a copy and remove):

  • .mv with keyword argument secure: true.

Method Bundler::FileUtils.remove_entry_secure removes securely by applying a special pre-process:

  • If the target path points to a directory, this method uses methods File#chown and File#chmod in removing directories.

  • The owner of the target directory should be either the current process or the super user (root).

WARNING: You must ensure that ALL parent directories cannot be moved by other untrusted users. For example, parent directories should not be owned by untrusted users, and should not be world writable except when the sticky bit is set.

For details of this security vulnerability, see Perl cases:

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

StreamUtils_ - Extended

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Details

.cd(dir, verbose: nil, &block) (mod_func) Also known as: #chdir

Changes the working directory to the given dir, which should be interpretable as a path:

With no block given, changes the current directory to the directory at dir; returns zero:

Bundler::FileUtils.pwd # => "/rdoc/fileutils"
Bundler::FileUtils.pwd # => "/rdoc"

With a block given, changes the current directory to the directory at dir, calls the block with argument dir, and restores the original current directory; returns the block’s value:

Bundler::FileUtils.pwd                                     # => "/rdoc/fileutils"
Bundler::FileUtils.cd('..') { |arg| [arg, Bundler::FileUtils.pwd] } # => ["..", "/rdoc"]
Bundler::FileUtils.pwd                                     # => "/rdoc/fileutils"

Keyword arguments:

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:



    cd ..
    cd fileutils

.chdir is an alias for cd.

Related: .pwd.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 242

def cd(dir, verbose: nil, &block) # :yield: dir
  fu_output_message "cd #{dir}" if verbose
  result = Dir.chdir(dir, &block)
  fu_output_message 'cd -' if verbose and block

.chdir(dir, verbose: nil, &block) (mod_func)

Alias for #cd.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 250

alias chdir cd

.chmod(mode, list, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Changes permissions on the entries at the paths given in list (a single path or an array of paths) to the permissions given by mode; returns list if it is an array, [list] otherwise:

  • Modifies each entry that is a regular file using File.chmod.

  • Modifies each entry that is a symbolic link using File.lchmod.

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

Argument mode may be either an integer or a string:

  • Integer mode: represents the permission bits to be set:

    Bundler::FileUtils.chmod(0755, 'src0.txt')
    Bundler::FileUtils.chmod(0644, ['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'])
  • String mode: represents the permissions to be set:

    The string is of the form [targets][[operator][perms[,perms]], where:

    • targets may be any combination of these letters:

      • 'u': permissions apply to the file’s owner.

      • 'g': permissions apply to users in the file’s group.

      • 'o': permissions apply to other users not in the file’s group.

      • 'a' (the default): permissions apply to all users.

    • operator may be one of these letters:

      • '+': adds permissions.

      • '-': removes permissions.

      • '=': sets (replaces) permissions.

    • perms (may be repeated, with separating commas) may be any combination of these letters:

      • 'r': Read.

      • 'w': Write.

      • 'x': Execute (search, for a directory).

      • 'X': Search (for a directories only; must be used with '+')

      • 's': Uid or gid.

      • 't': Sticky bit.


    Bundler::FileUtils.chmod('u=wrx,go=rx', 'src1.txt')
    Bundler::FileUtils.chmod('u=wrx,go=rx', '/usr/bin/ruby')

Keyword arguments:

  • noop: true - does not change permissions; returns nil.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.chmod(0755, 'src0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.chmod(0644, ['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'], noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.chmod('u=wrx,go=rx', 'src1.txt', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.chmod('u=wrx,go=rx', '/usr/bin/ruby', noop: true, verbose: true)


    chmod 755 src0.txt
    chmod 644 src0.txt src0.dat
    chmod u=wrx,go=rx src1.txt
    chmod u=wrx,go=rx /usr/bin/ruby

Related: .chmod_R.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1815

def chmod(mode, list, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  list = fu_list(list)
  fu_output_message sprintf('chmod %s %s', mode_to_s(mode), list.join(' ')) if verbose
  return if noop
  list.each do |path|
    Entry_.new(path).chmod(fu_mode(mode, path))

.chmod_R(mode, list, noop: nil, verbose: nil, force: nil) (mod_func)

Like .chmod, but changes permissions recursively.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1827

def chmod_R(mode, list, noop: nil, verbose: nil, force: nil)
  list = fu_list(list)
  fu_output_message sprintf('chmod -R%s %s %s',
                            (force ? 'f' : ''),
                            mode_to_s(mode), list.join(' ')) if verbose
  return if noop
  list.each do |root|
    Entry_.new(root).traverse do |ent|
        ent.chmod(fu_mode(mode, ent.path))
        raise unless force

.chown(user, group, list, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Changes the owner and group on the entries at the paths given in list (a single path or an array of paths) to the given user and group; returns list if it is an array, [list] otherwise:

  • Modifies each entry that is a regular file using File.chown.

  • Modifies each entry that is a symbolic link using File.lchown.

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

User and group:

  • Argument user may be a user name or a user id; if nil or -1, the user is not changed.

  • Argument group may be a group name or a group id; if nil or -1, the group is not changed.

  • The user must be a member of the group.


# One path.
# User and group as string names.
File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1004
File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1004
Bundler::FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', 'src0.txt')
File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1006
File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1005

# User and group as uid and gid.
Bundler::FileUtils.chown(1004, 1004, 'src0.txt')
File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1004
File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1004

# Array of paths.
Bundler::FileUtils.chown(1006, 1005, ['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'])

# Directory (not recursive).
Bundler::FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', '.')

Keyword arguments:

  • noop: true - does not change permissions; returns nil.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', 'src0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.chown(1004, 1004, 'src0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.chown(1006, 1005, ['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'], noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', path, noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', '.', noop: true, verbose: true)


    chown user2:group1 src0.txt
    chown 1004:1004 src0.txt
    chown 1006:1005 src0.txt src0.dat
    chown user2:group1 src0.txt
    chown user2:group1 .

Related: .chown_R.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1908

def chown(user, group, list, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  list = fu_list(list)
  fu_output_message sprintf('chown %s %s',
                            (group ? "#{user}:#{group}" : user || ':'),
                            list.join(' ')) if verbose
  return if noop
  uid = fu_get_uid(user)
  gid = fu_get_gid(group)
  list.each do |path|
    Entry_.new(path).chown uid, gid

.chown_R(user, group, list, noop: nil, verbose: nil, force: nil) (mod_func)

Like .chown, but changes owner and group recursively.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1924

def chown_R(user, group, list, noop: nil, verbose: nil, force: nil)
  list = fu_list(list)
  fu_output_message sprintf('chown -R%s %s %s',
                            (force ? 'f' : ''),
                            (group ? "#{user}:#{group}" : user || ':'),
                            list.join(' ')) if verbose
  return if noop
  uid = fu_get_uid(user)
  gid = fu_get_gid(group)
  list.each do |root|
    Entry_.new(root).traverse do |ent|
        ent.chown uid, gid
        raise unless force

.cmp(a, b) (mod_func)

Alias for #compare_file.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1536

alias cmp compare_file


Returns an array of the string method names of the methods that accept the given keyword option opt; the argument must be a symbol:

Bundler::FileUtils.collect_method(:preserve) # => ["cp", "copy", "cp_r", "install"]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2621

def self.collect_method(opt)
  OPT_TABLE.keys.select {|m| OPT_TABLE[m].include?(opt) }


Returns an array of the string names of Bundler::FileUtils methods that accept one or more keyword arguments:

Bundler::FileUtils.commands.sort.take(3) # => ["cd", "chdir", "chmod"]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2582

def self.commands

.compare_file(a, b) (mod_func) Also known as: #identical?, #cmp

Returns true if the contents of files a and b are identical, false otherwise.

Arguments a and b should be interpretable as a path.

.identical? and .cmp are aliases for compare_file.

Related: .compare_stream.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1525

def compare_file(a, b)
  return false unless File.size(a) == File.size(b)
  File.open(a, 'rb') {|fa|
    File.open(b, 'rb') {|fb|
      return compare_stream(fa, fb)

.compare_stream(a, b) (mod_func)

Returns true if the contents of streams a and b are identical, false otherwise.

Arguments a and b should be interpretable as a path.

Related: .compare_file.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1548

def compare_stream(a, b)
  bsize = fu_stream_blksize(a, b)

  sa = String.new(capacity: bsize)
  sb = String.new(capacity: bsize)

    a.read(bsize, sa)
    b.read(bsize, sb)
    return true if sa.empty? && sb.empty?
  end while sa == sb

.copy(src, dest, preserve: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Alias for #cp.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 892

alias copy cp

.copy_entry(src, dest, preserve = false, dereference_root = false, remove_destination = false) (mod_func)

Recursively copies files from src to dest.

Arguments src and dest should be interpretable as paths.

If src is the path to a file, copies src to dest:

File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false
Bundler::FileUtils.copy_entry('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt')
File.file?('dest0.txt')  # => true

If src is a directory, recursively copies src to dest:

# => src1
#    |-- dir0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- dir1
#        |-- src2.txt
#        `-- src3.txt
Bundler::FileUtils.copy_entry('src1', 'dest1')
# => dest1
#    |-- dir0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- dir1
#        |-- src2.txt
#        `-- src3.txt

The recursive copying preserves file types for regular files, directories, and symbolic links; other file types (FIFO streams, device files, etc.) are not supported.

Keyword arguments:

  • dereference_root: true - if src is a symbolic link, follows the link.

  • preserve: true - preserves file times.

  • remove_destination: true - removes dest before copying files.

Related: methods for copying.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1050

def copy_entry(src, dest, preserve = false, dereference_root = false, remove_destination = false)
  if dereference_root
    src = File.realpath(src)

  Entry_.new(src, nil, false).wrap_traverse(proc do |ent|
    destent = Entry_.new(dest, ent.rel, false)
    File.unlink destent.path if remove_destination && (File.file?(destent.path) || File.symlink?(destent.path))
    ent.copy destent.path
  end, proc do |ent|
    destent = Entry_.new(dest, ent.rel, false)
    ent. destent.path if preserve

.copy_file(src, dest, preserve = false, dereference = true) (mod_func)

Copies file from src to dest, which should not be directories.

Arguments src and dest should be interpretable as paths.


Bundler::FileUtils.copy_file('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt')
File.file?('dest0.txt') # => true

Keyword arguments:

  • dereference: false - if src is a symbolic link, does not follow the link.

  • preserve: true - preserves file times.

  • remove_destination: true - removes dest before copying files.

Related: methods for copying.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1086

def copy_file(src, dest, preserve = false, dereference = true)
  ent = Entry_.new(src, nil, dereference)
  ent.copy_file dest
  ent. dest if preserve

.copy_stream(src, dest) (mod_func)

Copies IO stream src to IO stream dest via {IO.copy_stream}.

Related: methods for copying.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1098

def copy_stream(src, dest)
  IO.copy_stream(src, dest)

.cp(src, dest, preserve: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func) Also known as: #copy

Copies files.

Arguments src (a single path or an array of paths) and dest (a single path) should be interpretable as paths.

If src is the path to a file and dest is not the path to a directory, copies src to dest:

File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false
Bundler::FileUtils.cp('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt')
File.file?('dest0.txt')  # => true

If src is the path to a file and dest is the path to a directory, copies src to dest/src:

Bundler::FileUtils.cp('src1.txt', 'dest1')
File.file?('dest1/src1.txt') # => true

If src is an array of paths to files and dest is the path to a directory, copies from each src to dest:

src_file_paths = ['src2.txt', 'src2.dat']
Bundler::FileUtils.cp(src_file_paths, 'dest2')
File.file?('dest2/src2.txt') # => true
File.file?('dest2/src2.dat') # => true

Keyword arguments:

  • preserve: true - preserves file times.

  • noop: true - does not copy files.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.cp('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.cp('src1.txt', 'dest1', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.cp(src_file_paths, 'dest2', noop: true, verbose: true)


    cp src0.txt dest0.txt
    cp src1.txt dest1
    cp src2.txt src2.dat dest2

Raises an exception if src is a directory.

.copy is an alias for cp.

Related: methods for copying.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 883

def cp(src, dest, preserve: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  fu_output_message "cp#{preserve ? ' -p' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
  return if noop
  fu_each_src_dest(src, dest) do |s, d|
    copy_file s, d, preserve

.cp_lr(src, dest, noop: nil, verbose: nil, dereference_root: true, remove_destination: false) (mod_func)

Creates hard links.

Arguments src (a single path or an array of paths) and dest (a single path) should be interpretable as paths.

If src is the path to a directory and dest does not exist, creates links dest and descendents pointing to src and its descendents:

# => src0
#    |-- sub0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- sub1
#        |-- src2.txt
#        `-- src3.txt
File.exist?('dest0') # => false
Bundler::FileUtils.cp_lr('src0', 'dest0')
# => dest0
#    |-- sub0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- sub1
#        |-- src2.txt
#        `-- src3.txt

If src and dest are both paths to directories, creates links dest/src and descendents pointing to src and its descendents:

# => src1
#    |-- sub0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- sub1
#        |-- src2.txt
#        `-- src3.txt
Bundler::FileUtils.cp_lr('src1', 'dest1')
# => dest1
#    `-- src1
#        |-- sub0
#        |   |-- src0.txt
#        |   `-- src1.txt
#        `-- sub1
#            |-- src2.txt
#            `-- src3.txt

If src is an array of paths to entries and dest is the path to a directory, for each path filepath in src, creates a link at dest/filepath pointing to that path:

# => src2
#    |-- sub0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- sub1
#        |-- src2.txt
#        `-- src3.txt
Bundler::FileUtils.cp_lr(['src2/sub0', 'src2/sub1'], 'dest2')
# => dest2
#    |-- sub0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- sub1
#        |-- src2.txt
#        `-- src3.txt

Keyword arguments:

  • dereference_root: false - if src is a symbolic link, does not dereference it.

  • noop: true - does not create links.

  • remove_destination: true - removes dest before creating links.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.cp_lr('src0', 'dest0', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.cp_lr('src1', 'dest1', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.cp_lr(['src2/sub0', 'src2/sub1'], 'dest2', noop: true, verbose: true)


    cp -lr src0 dest0
    cp -lr src1 dest1
    cp -lr src2/sub0 src2/sub1 dest2

Raises an exception if dest is the path to an existing file or directory and keyword argument remove_destination: true is not given.

Related: methods for copying.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 633

def cp_lr(src, dest, noop: nil, verbose: nil,
          dereference_root: true, remove_destination: false)
  fu_output_message "cp -lr#{remove_destination ? ' --remove-destination' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
  return if noop
  fu_each_src_dest(src, dest) do |s, d|
    link_entry s, d, dereference_root, remove_destination

.cp_r(src, dest, preserve: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil, dereference_root: true, remove_destination: nil) (mod_func)

Recursively copies files.

Arguments src (a single path or an array of paths) and dest (a single path) should be interpretable as paths.

The mode, owner, and group are retained in the copy; to change those, use .install instead.

If src is the path to a file and dest is not the path to a directory, copies src to dest:

File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false
Bundler::FileUtils.cp_r('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt')
File.file?('dest0.txt')  # => true

If src is the path to a file and dest is the path to a directory, copies src to dest/src:

Bundler::FileUtils.cp_r('src1.txt', 'dest1')
File.file?('dest1/src1.txt') # => true

If src is the path to a directory and dest does not exist, recursively copies src to dest:

# => src2
#    |-- dir0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- dir1
#    |-- src2.txt
#    `-- src3.txt
Bundler::FileUtils.exist?('dest2') # => false
Bundler::FileUtils.cp_r('src2', 'dest2')
# => dest2
#    |-- dir0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- dir1
#    |-- src2.txt
#    `-- src3.txt

If src and dest are paths to directories, recursively copies src to dest/src:

# => src3
#    |-- dir0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- dir1
#    |-- src2.txt
#    `-- src3.txt
Bundler::FileUtils.cp_r('src3', 'dest3')
# => dest3
#    `-- src3
#      |-- dir0
#      |   |-- src0.txt
#      |   `-- src1.txt
#      `-- dir1
#          |-- src2.txt
#          `-- src3.txt

If src is an array of paths and dest is a directory, recursively copies from each path in src to dest; the paths in src may point to files and/or directories.

Keyword arguments:

  • dereference_root: false - if src is a symbolic link, does not dereference it.

  • noop: true - does not copy files.

  • preserve: true - preserves file times.

  • remove_destination: true - removes dest before copying files.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.cp_r('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.cp_r('src1.txt', 'dest1', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.cp_r('src2', 'dest2', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.cp_r('src3', 'dest3', noop: true, verbose: true)


    cp -r src0.txt dest0.txt
    cp -r src1.txt dest1
    cp -r src2 dest2
    cp -r src3 dest3

Raises an exception of src is the path to a directory and dest is the path to a file.

Related: methods for copying.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 995

def cp_r(src, dest, preserve: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil,
         dereference_root: true, remove_destination: nil)
  fu_output_message "cp -r#{preserve ? 'p' : ''}#{remove_destination ? ' --remove-destination' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
  return if noop
  fu_each_src_dest(src, dest) do |s, d|
    copy_entry s, d, preserve, dereference_root, remove_destination

.getwd (mod_func)

Alias for #pwd.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 204

alias getwd pwd

.have_option?(mid, opt) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if method mid accepts the given option opt, false otherwise; the arguments may be strings or symbols:

Bundler::FileUtils.have_option?(:chmod, :noop) # => true
Bundler::FileUtils.have_option?('chmod', 'secure') # => false
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2600

def self.have_option?(mid, opt)
  li = OPT_TABLE[mid.to_s] or raise ArgumentError, "no such method: #{mid}"

.identical?(a, b) (mod_func)

Alias for #compare_file.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1535

alias identical? compare_file

.install(src, dest, mode: nil, owner: nil, group: nil, preserve: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Copies a file entry. See install(1).

Arguments src (a single path or an array of paths) and dest (a single path) should be interpretable as paths;

If the entry at dest does not exist, copies from src to dest:

File.read('src0.txt')    # => "aaa\n"
File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false
Bundler::FileUtils.install('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt')
File.read('dest0.txt')   # => "aaa\n"

If dest is a file entry, copies from src to dest, overwriting:

File.read('src1.txt')  # => "aaa\n"
File.read('dest1.txt') # => "bbb\n"
Bundler::FileUtils.install('src1.txt', 'dest1.txt')
File.read('dest1.txt') # => "aaa\n"

If dest is a directory entry, copies from src to dest/src, overwriting if necessary:

File.read('src2.txt')       # => "aaa\n"
File.read('dest2/src2.txt') # => "bbb\n"
Bundler::FileUtils.install('src2.txt', 'dest2')
File.read('dest2/src2.txt') # => "aaa\n"

If src is an array of paths and dest points to a directory, copies each path path in src to dest/path:

File.file?('src3.txt') # => true
File.file?('src3.dat') # => true
Bundler::FileUtils.install(['src3.txt', 'src3.dat'], 'dest3')
File.file?('dest3/src3.txt') # => true
File.file?('dest3/src3.dat') # => true

Keyword arguments:

  • group: group - changes the group if not nil, using File.chown.

  • mode: permissions - changes the permissions. using File.chmod.

  • noop: true - does not copy entries; returns nil.

  • owner: owner - changes the owner if not nil, using File.chown.

  • preserve: true - preserve timestamps using File.utime.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.install('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.install('src1.txt', 'dest1.txt', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.install('src2.txt', 'dest2', noop: true, verbose: true)


    install -c src0.txt dest0.txt
    install -c src1.txt dest1.txt
    install -c src2.txt dest2

Related: methods for copying.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1627

def install(src, dest, mode: nil, owner: nil, group: nil, preserve: nil,
            noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  if verbose
    msg = +"install -c"
    msg << ' -p' if preserve
    msg << ' -m ' << mode_to_s(mode) if mode
    msg << " -o #{owner}" if owner
    msg << " -g #{group}" if group
    msg << ' ' << [src,dest].flatten.join(' ')
    fu_output_message msg
  return if noop
  uid = fu_get_uid(owner)
  gid = fu_get_gid(group)
  fu_each_src_dest(src, dest) do |s, d|
    st = File.stat(s)
    unless File.exist?(d) and compare_file(s, d)
      remove_file d, true
      copy_file s, d
      File.utime st.atime, st.mtime, d if preserve
      File.chmod fu_mode(mode, st), d if mode
      File.chown uid, gid, d if uid or gid

.link_entry(src, dest, dereference_root = false, remove_destination = false) (mod_func)

Creates hard links; returns nil.

Arguments src and dest should be interpretable as paths.

If src is the path to a file and dest does not exist, creates a hard link at dest pointing to src:

File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false
Bundler::FileUtils.link_entry('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt')
File.file?('dest0.txt')  # => true

If src is the path to a directory and dest does not exist, recursively creates hard links at dest pointing to paths in src:

Bundler::FileUtils.mkdir_p(['src1/dir0', 'src1/dir1'])
src_file_paths = [
File.directory?('dest1')        # => true
Bundler::FileUtils.link_entry('src1', 'dest1')
File.file?('dest1/dir0/t0.txt') # => true
File.file?('dest1/dir0/t1.txt') # => true
File.file?('dest1/dir1/t2.txt') # => true
File.file?('dest1/dir1/t3.txt') # => true

Keyword arguments:

  • dereference_root: true - dereferences src if it is a symbolic link.

  • remove_destination: true - removes dest before creating links.

Raises an exception if dest is the path to an existing file or directory and keyword argument remove_destination: true is not given.

Related: .ln (has different options).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 820

def link_entry(src, dest, dereference_root = false, remove_destination = false)
  Entry_.new(src, nil, dereference_root).traverse do |ent|
    destent = Entry_.new(dest, ent.rel, false)
    File.unlink destent.path if remove_destination && File.file?(destent.path)
    ent.link destent.path

.ln(src, dest, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func) Also known as: #link

Creates hard links.

Arguments src (a single path or an array of paths) and dest (a single path) should be interpretable as paths.

When src is the path to an existing file and dest is the path to a non-existent file, creates a hard link at dest pointing to src; returns zero:

Dir.children('tmp0/')                    # => ["t.txt"]
Dir.children('tmp1/')                    # => []
Bundler::FileUtils.ln('tmp0/t.txt', 'tmp1/t.lnk') # => 0
Dir.children('tmp1/')                    # => ["t.lnk"]

When src is the path to an existing file and dest is the path to an existing directory, creates a hard link at dest/src pointing to src; returns zero:

Dir.children('tmp2')               # => ["t.dat"]
Dir.children('tmp3')               # => []
Bundler::FileUtils.ln('tmp2/t.dat', 'tmp3') # => 0
Dir.children('tmp3')               # => ["t.dat"]

When src is an array of paths to existing files and dest is the path to an existing directory, then for each path target in src, creates a hard link at dest/target pointing to target; returns src:

Dir.children('tmp4/')                               # => []
Bundler::FileUtils.ln(['tmp0/t.txt', 'tmp2/t.dat'], 'tmp4/') # => ["tmp0/t.txt", "tmp2/t.dat"]
Dir.children('tmp4/')                               # => ["t.dat", "t.txt"]

Keyword arguments:

  • force: true - overwrites dest if it exists.

  • noop: true - does not create links.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.ln('tmp0/t.txt', 'tmp1/t.lnk', verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.ln('tmp2/t.dat', 'tmp3', verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.ln(['tmp0/t.txt', 'tmp2/t.dat'], 'tmp4/', verbose: true)


    ln tmp0/t.txt tmp1/t.lnk
    ln tmp2/t.dat tmp3
    ln tmp0/t.txt tmp2/t.dat tmp4/

Raises an exception if dest is the path to an existing file and keyword argument force is not true.

#link is an alias for ln.

Related: .link_entry (has different options).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 522

def ln(src, dest, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  fu_output_message "ln#{force ? ' -f' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
  return if noop
  fu_each_src_dest0(src, dest) do |s,d|
    remove_file d, true if force
    File.link s, d

.ln_s(src, dest, force: nil, relative: false, target_directory: true, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func) Also known as: #symlink

Creates symbolic links.

Arguments src (a single path or an array of paths) and dest (a single path) should be interpretable as paths.

If src is the path to an existing file:

  • When dest is the path to a non-existent file, creates a symbolic link at dest pointing to src:

    File.exist?('dest0.txt')   # => false
    Bundler::FileUtils.ln_s('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt')
    File.symlink?('dest0.txt') # => true
  • When dest is the path to an existing file, creates a symbolic link at dest pointing to src if and only if keyword argument force: true is given (raises an exception otherwise):

    Bundler::FileUtils.ln_s('src1.txt', 'dest1.txt', force: true)
    FileTest.symlink?('dest1.txt') # => true
    Bundler::FileUtils.ln_s('src1.txt', 'dest1.txt') # Raises Errno::EEXIST.

If dest is the path to a directory, creates a symbolic link at dest/src pointing to src:

Bundler::FileUtils.ln_s('src2.txt', 'destdir2')
File.symlink?('destdir2/src2.txt') # => true

If src is an array of paths to existing files and dest is a directory, for each child child in src creates a symbolic link dest/child pointing to child:

Bundler::FileUtils.ln_s(['srcdir3/src0.txt', 'srcdir3/src1.txt'], 'destdir3')
File.symlink?('destdir3/src0.txt') # => true
File.symlink?('destdir3/src1.txt') # => true

Keyword arguments:

  • force: true - overwrites dest if it exists.

  • relative: false - create links relative to dest.

  • noop: true - does not create links.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.ln_s('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.ln_s('src1.txt', 'destdir1', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.ln_s('src2.txt', 'dest2.txt', force: true, noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.ln_s(['srcdir3/src0.txt', 'srcdir3/src1.txt'], 'destdir3', noop: true, verbose: true)


    ln -s src0.txt dest0.txt
    ln -s src1.txt destdir1
    ln -sf src2.txt dest2.txt
    ln -s srcdir3/src0.txt srcdir3/src1.txt destdir3

.symlink is an alias for ln_s.

Related: .ln_sf.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 714

def ln_s(src, dest, force: nil, relative: false, target_directory: true, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  if relative
    return ln_sr(src, dest, force: force, noop: noop, verbose: verbose)
  fu_output_message "ln -s#{force ? 'f' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
  return if noop
  fu_each_src_dest0(src, dest) do |s,d|
    remove_file d, true if force
    File.symlink s, d

.ln_sf(src, dest, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Like .ln_s, but always with keyword argument force: true given.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 732

def ln_sf(src, dest, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  ln_s src, dest, force: true, noop: noop, verbose: verbose

.ln_sr(src, dest, target_directory: true, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Like .ln_s, but create links relative to dest.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 739

def ln_sr(src, dest, target_directory: true, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  options = "#{force ? 'f' : ''}#{target_directory ? '' : 'T'}"
  dest = File.path(dest)
  srcs = Array(src)
  link = proc do |s, target_dir_p = true|
    s = File.path(s)
    if target_dir_p
      d = File.join(destdirs = dest, File.basename(s))
      destdirs = File.dirname(d = dest)
    destdirs = fu_split_path(File.realpath(destdirs))
    if fu_starting_path?(s)
      srcdirs = fu_split_path((File.realdirpath(s) rescue File.expand_path(s)))
      base = fu_relative_components_from(srcdirs, destdirs)
      s = File.join(*base)
      srcdirs = fu_clean_components(*fu_split_path(s))
      base = fu_relative_components_from(fu_split_path(Dir.pwd), destdirs)
      while srcdirs.first&. == ".." and base.last&.!=("..") and !fu_starting_path?(base.last)
      s = File.join(*base, *srcdirs)
    fu_output_message "ln -s#{options} #{s} #{d}" if verbose
    next if noop
    remove_file d, true if force
    File.symlink s, d
  case srcs.size
  when 0
  when 1
    link[srcs[0], target_directory && File.directory?(dest)]

.makedirs(list, mode: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Alias for #mkdir_p.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 396

alias makedirs  mkdir_p

.mkdir(list, mode: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Creates directories at the paths in the given list (a single path or an array of paths); returns list if it is an array, [list] otherwise.

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

With no keyword arguments, creates a directory at each path in list by calling: Dir.mkdir(path, mode); see {Dir.mkdir}:

Bundler::FileUtils.mkdir(%w[tmp0 tmp1]) # => ["tmp0", "tmp1"]
Bundler::FileUtils.mkdir('tmp4')        # => ["tmp4"]

Keyword arguments:

  • mode: mode - also calls File.chmod(mode, path); see File.chmod.

  • noop: true - does not create directories.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.mkdir(%w[tmp0 tmp1], verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.mkdir(%w[tmp2 tmp3], mode: 0700, verbose: true)


    mkdir tmp0 tmp1
    mkdir -m 700 tmp2 tmp3

Raises an exception if any path points to an existing file or directory, or if for any reason a directory cannot be created.

Related: .mkdir_p.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 320

def mkdir(list, mode: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  list = fu_list(list)
  fu_output_message "mkdir #{mode ? ('-m %03o ' % mode) : ''}#{list.join ' '}" if verbose
  return if noop

  list.each do |dir|
    fu_mkdir dir, mode

.mkdir_p(list, mode: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func) Also known as: #mkpath, #makedirs

Creates directories at the paths in the given list (a single path or an array of paths), also creating ancestor directories as needed; returns list if it is an array, [list] otherwise.

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

With no keyword arguments, creates a directory at each path in list, along with any needed ancestor directories, by calling: Dir.mkdir(path, mode); see {Dir.mkdir}:

Bundler::FileUtils.mkdir_p(%w[tmp0/tmp1 tmp2/tmp3]) # => ["tmp0/tmp1", "tmp2/tmp3"]
Bundler::FileUtils.mkdir_p('tmp4/tmp5')             # => ["tmp4/tmp5"]

Keyword arguments:

  • mode: mode - also calls File.chmod(mode, path); see File.chmod.

  • noop: true - does not create directories.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.mkdir_p(%w[tmp0 tmp1], verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.mkdir_p(%w[tmp2 tmp3], mode: 0700, verbose: true)


    mkdir -p tmp0 tmp1
    mkdir -p -m 700 tmp2 tmp3

Raises an exception if for any reason a directory cannot be created.

.mkpath and .makedirs are aliases for mkdir_p.

Related: .mkdir.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 369

def mkdir_p(list, mode: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  list = fu_list(list)
  fu_output_message "mkdir -p #{mode ? ('-m %03o ' % mode) : ''}#{list.join ' '}" if verbose
  return *list if noop

  list.each do |item|
    path = remove_trailing_slash(item)

    stack = []
    until File.directory?(path) || File.dirname(path) == path
      stack.push path
      path = File.dirname(path)
    stack.reverse_each do |dir|
        fu_mkdir dir, mode
      rescue SystemCallError
        raise unless File.directory?(dir)

  return *list

.mkpath(list, mode: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Alias for #mkdir_p.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 395

alias mkpath    mkdir_p

.move(src, dest, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil, secure: nil) (mod_func)

Alias for #mv.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1198

alias move mv

.mv(src, dest, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil, secure: nil) (mod_func) Also known as: #move

Moves entries.

Arguments src (a single path or an array of paths) and dest (a single path) should be interpretable as paths.

If src and dest are on different file systems, first copies, then removes src.

May cause a local vulnerability if not called with keyword argument secure: true; see Avoiding the TOCTTOU Vulnerability.

If src is the path to a single file or directory and dest does not exist, moves src to dest:

# => src0
#    |-- src0.txt
#    `-- src1.txt
File.exist?('dest0') # => false
Bundler::FileUtils.mv('src0', 'dest0')
File.exist?('src0')  # => false
# => dest0
#    |-- src0.txt
#    `-- src1.txt

If src is an array of paths to files and directories and dest is the path to a directory, copies from each path in the array to dest:

File.file?('src1.txt') # => true
# => src1
#    |-- src.dat
#    `-- src.txt
Dir.empty?('dest1')    # => true
Bundler::FileUtils.mv(['src1.txt', 'src1'], 'dest1')
# => dest1
#    |-- src1
#    |   |-- src.dat
#    |   `-- src.txt
#    `-- src1.txt

Keyword arguments:

  • force: true - if the move includes removing src (that is, if src and dest are on different file systems), ignores raised exceptions of StandardError and its descendants.

  • noop: true - does not move files.

  • secure: true - removes src securely; see details at Bundler::FileUtils.remove_entry_secure.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.mv('src0', 'dest0', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.mv(['src1.txt', 'src1'], 'dest1', noop: true, verbose: true)


    mv src0 dest0
    mv src1.txt src1 dest1

.move is an alias for mv.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1169

def mv(src, dest, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil, secure: nil)
  fu_output_message "mv#{force ? ' -f' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
  return if noop
  fu_each_src_dest(src, dest) do |s, d|
    destent = Entry_.new(d, nil, true)
      if destent.exist?
        if destent.directory?
          raise Errno::EEXIST, d
        File.rename s, d
      rescue Errno::EXDEV,
             Errno::EPERM # move from unencrypted to encrypted dir (ext4)
        copy_entry s, d, true
        if secure
          remove_entry_secure s, force
          remove_entry s, force
    rescue SystemCallError
      raise unless force


Returns an array of the string keyword names:

Bundler::FileUtils.options.take(3) # => ["noop", "verbose", "force"]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2590

def self.options
  OPT_TABLE.values.flatten.uniq.map {|sym| sym.to_s }


Returns an array of the string keyword name for method mid; the argument may be a string or a symbol:

Bundler::FileUtils.options_of(:rm) # => ["force", "noop", "verbose"]
Bundler::FileUtils.options_of('mv') # => ["force", "noop", "verbose", "secure"]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2611

def self.options_of(mid)
  OPT_TABLE[mid.to_s].map {|sym| sym.to_s }


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 185

def self.private_module_function(name)   #:nodoc:
  module_function name
  private_class_method name

.pwd (mod_func) Also known as: #getwd

Returns a string containing the path to the current directory:

Bundler::FileUtils.pwd # => "/rdoc/fileutils"

.getwd is an alias for pwd.

Related: .cd.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 199

def pwd

.remove(list, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Alias for #rm.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1241

alias remove rm

.remove_dir(path, force = false) (mod_func)

Recursively removes the directory entry given by path, which should be the entry for a regular file, a symbolic link, or a directory.

Argument path should be interpretable as a path.

Optional argument force specifies whether to ignore raised exceptions of StandardError and its descendants.

Related: methods for deleting.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1510

def remove_dir(path, force = false)
  remove_entry path, force   # FIXME?? check if it is a directory

.remove_entry(path, force = false) (mod_func)

Removes the entry given by path, which should be the entry for a regular file, a symbolic link, or a directory.

Argument path should be interpretable as a path.

Optional argument force specifies whether to ignore raised exceptions of StandardError and its descendants.

Related: .remove_entry_secure.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1467

def remove_entry(path, force = false)
  Entry_.new(path).postorder_traverse do |ent|
      raise unless force
  raise unless force

.remove_entry_secure(path, force = false) (mod_func)

Securely removes the entry given by path, which should be the entry for a regular file, a symbolic link, or a directory.

Argument path should be interpretable as a path.

Avoids a local vulnerability that can exist in certain circumstances; see Avoiding the TOCTTOU Vulnerability.

Optional argument force specifies whether to ignore raised exceptions of StandardError and its descendants.

Related: methods for deleting.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1369

def remove_entry_secure(path, force = false)
  unless fu_have_symlink?
    remove_entry path, force
  fullpath = File.expand_path(path)
  st = File.lstat(fullpath)
  unless st.directory?
    File.unlink fullpath
  # is a directory.
  parent_st = File.stat(File.dirname(fullpath))
  unless parent_st.world_writable?
    remove_entry path, force
  unless parent_st.sticky?
    raise ArgumentError, "parent directory is world writable, Bundler::FileUtils#remove_entry_secure does not work; abort: #{path.inspect} (parent directory mode #{'%o' % parent_st.mode})"

  # freeze tree root
  euid = Process.euid
  dot_file = fullpath + "/."
    File.open(dot_file) {|f|
      unless fu_stat_identical_entry?(st, f.stat)
        # symlink (TOC-to-TOU attack?)
        File.unlink fullpath
      f.chown euid, -1
      f.chmod 0700
  rescue Errno::EISDIR # JRuby in non-native mode can't open files as dirs
    File.lstat(dot_file).tap {|fstat|
      unless fu_stat_identical_entry?(st, fstat)
        # symlink (TOC-to-TOU attack?)
        File.unlink fullpath
      File.chown euid, -1, dot_file
      File.chmod 0700, dot_file

  unless fu_stat_identical_entry?(st, File.lstat(fullpath))
    # TOC-to-TOU attack?
    File.unlink fullpath

  # ---- tree root is frozen ----
  root = Entry_.new(path)
  root.preorder_traverse do |ent|
    if ent.directory?
      ent.chown euid, -1
      ent.chmod 0700
  root.postorder_traverse do |ent|
      raise unless force
  raise unless force

.remove_file(path, force = false) (mod_func)

Removes the file entry given by path, which should be the entry for a regular file or a symbolic link.

Argument path should be interpretable as a path.

Optional argument force specifies whether to ignore raised exceptions of StandardError and its descendants.

Related: methods for deleting.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1491

def remove_file(path, force = false)
  raise unless force

.rm(list, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func) Also known as: #remove

Removes entries at the paths in the given list (a single path or an array of paths) returns list, if it is an array, [list] otherwise.

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

With no keyword arguments, removes files at the paths given in list:

Bundler::FileUtils.touch(['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'])
Bundler::FileUtils.rm(['src0.dat', 'src0.txt']) # => ["src0.dat", "src0.txt"]

Keyword arguments:

  • force: true - ignores raised exceptions of StandardError and its descendants.

  • noop: true - does not remove files; returns nil.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.rm(['src0.dat', 'src0.txt'], noop: true, verbose: true)


    rm src0.dat src0.txt

.remove is an alias for rm.

Related: methods for deleting.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1230

def rm(list, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  list = fu_list(list)
  fu_output_message "rm#{force ? ' -f' : ''} #{list.join ' '}" if verbose
  return if noop

  list.each do |path|
    remove_file path, force

.rm_f(list, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func) Also known as: #safe_unlink

Equivalent to:

Bundler::FileUtils.rm(list, force: true, **kwargs)

Argument list (a single path or an array of paths) should be interpretable as paths.

See .rm for keyword arguments.

.safe_unlink is an alias for rm_f.

Related: methods for deleting.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1257

def rm_f(list, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  rm list, force: true, noop: noop, verbose: verbose

.rm_r(list, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil, secure: nil) (mod_func)

Removes entries at the paths in the given list (a single path or an array of paths); returns list, if it is an array, [list] otherwise.

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

May cause a local vulnerability if not called with keyword argument secure: true; see Avoiding the TOCTTOU Vulnerability.

For each file path, removes the file at that path:

Bundler::FileUtils.touch(['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'])
Bundler::FileUtils.rm_r(['src0.dat', 'src0.txt'])
File.exist?('src0.txt') # => false
File.exist?('src0.dat') # => false

For each directory path, recursively removes files and directories:

# => src1
#    |-- dir0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- dir1
#        |-- src2.txt
#        `-- src3.txt
File.exist?('src1') # => false

Keyword arguments:

  • force: true - ignores raised exceptions of StandardError and its descendants.

  • noop: true - does not remove entries; returns nil.

  • secure: true - removes src securely; see details at Bundler::FileUtils.remove_entry_secure.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.rm_r(['src0.dat', 'src0.txt'], noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.rm_r('src1', noop: true, verbose: true)


    rm -r src0.dat src0.txt
    rm -r src1

Related: methods for deleting.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1315

def rm_r(list, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil, secure: nil)
  list = fu_list(list)
  fu_output_message "rm -r#{force ? 'f' : ''} #{list.join ' '}" if verbose
  return if noop
  list.each do |path|
    if secure
      remove_entry_secure path, force
      remove_entry path, force

.rm_rf(list, noop: nil, verbose: nil, secure: nil) (mod_func) Also known as: #rmtree

Equivalent to:

Bundler::FileUtils.rm_r(list, force: true, **kwargs)

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

May cause a local vulnerability if not called with keyword argument secure: true; see Avoiding the TOCTTOU Vulnerability.

See .rm_r for keyword arguments.

.rmtree is an alias for rm_rf.

Related: methods for deleting.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1346

def rm_rf(list, noop: nil, verbose: nil, secure: nil)
  rm_r list, force: true, noop: noop, verbose: verbose, secure: secure

.rmdir(list, parents: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) (mod_func)

Removes directories at the paths in the given list (a single path or an array of paths); returns list, if it is an array, [list] otherwise.

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

With no keyword arguments, removes the directory at each path in list, by calling: Dir.rmdir(path); see {Dir.rmdir}:

Bundler::FileUtils.rmdir(%w[tmp0/tmp1 tmp2/tmp3]) # => ["tmp0/tmp1", "tmp2/tmp3"]
Bundler::FileUtils.rmdir('tmp4/tmp5')             # => ["tmp4/tmp5"]

Keyword arguments:

  • parents: true - removes successive ancestor directories if empty.

  • noop: true - does not remove directories.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.rmdir(%w[tmp0/tmp1 tmp2/tmp3], parents: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.rmdir('tmp4/tmp5', parents: true, verbose: true)


    rmdir -p tmp0/tmp1 tmp2/tmp3
    rmdir -p tmp4/tmp5

Raises an exception if a directory does not exist or if for any reason a directory cannot be removed.

Related: methods for deleting.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 446

def rmdir(list, parents: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil)
  list = fu_list(list)
  fu_output_message "rmdir #{parents ? '-p ' : ''}#{list.join ' '}" if verbose
  return if noop
  list.each do |dir|
    Dir.rmdir(dir = remove_trailing_slash(dir))
    if parents
        until (parent = File.dirname(dir)) == '.' or parent == dir
          dir = parent
      rescue Errno::ENOTEMPTY, Errno::EEXIST, Errno::ENOENT

.rmtree(list, noop: nil, verbose: nil, secure: nil) (mod_func)

Alias for #rm_rf.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1351

alias rmtree rm_rf

.touch(list, noop: nil, verbose: nil, mtime: nil, nocreate: nil) (mod_func)

Updates modification times (mtime) and access times (atime) of the entries given by the paths in list (a single path or an array of paths); returns list if it is an array, [list] otherwise.

By default, creates an empty file for any path to a non-existent entry; use keyword argument nocreate to raise an exception instead.

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.


# Single path.
f = File.new('src0.txt') # Existing file.
f.atime # => 2022-06-10 11:11:21.200277 -0700
f.mtime # => 2022-06-10 11:11:21.200277 -0700
f = File.new('src0.txt')
f.atime # => 2022-06-11 08:28:09.8185343 -0700
f.mtime # => 2022-06-11 08:28:09.8185343 -0700

# Array of paths.
Bundler::FileUtils.touch(['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'])

Keyword arguments:

  • mtime: time - sets the entry’s mtime to the given time, instead of the current time.

  • nocreate: true - raises an exception if the entry does not exist.

  • noop: true - does not touch entries; returns nil.

  • verbose: true - prints an equivalent command:

    Bundler::FileUtils.touch('src0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.touch(['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'], noop: true, verbose: true)
    Bundler::FileUtils.touch(path, noop: true, verbose: true)


    touch src0.txt
    touch src0.txt src0.dat
    touch src0.txt

Related: .uptodate?.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2018

def touch(list, noop: nil, verbose: nil, mtime: nil, nocreate: nil)
  list = fu_list(list)
  t = mtime
  if verbose
    fu_output_message "touch #{nocreate ? '-c ' : ''}#{t ? t.strftime('-t %Y%m%d%H%M.%S ') : ''}#{list.join ' '}"
  return if noop
  list.each do |path|
    created = nocreate
      File.utime(t, t, path)
    rescue Errno::ENOENT
      raise if created
      File.open(path, 'a') {
      created = true
      retry if t

.uptodate?(new, old_list) ⇒ Boolean (mod_func)

Returns true if the file at path new is newer than all the files at paths in array old_list; false otherwise.

Argument new and the elements of old_list should be interpretable as paths:

Bundler::FileUtils.uptodate?('Rakefile', ['Gemfile', 'README.md']) # => true
Bundler::FileUtils.uptodate?('Gemfile', ['Rakefile', 'README.md']) # => false

A non-existent file is considered to be infinitely old.

Related: .touch.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 268

def uptodate?(new, old_list)
  return false unless File.exist?(new)
  new_time = File.mtime(new)
  old_list.each do |old|
    if File.exist?(old)
      return false unless new_time > File.mtime(old)

Instance Attribute Details

#fu_have_symlink?Boolean (readonly)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1441

def fu_have_symlink?   #:nodoc:
  File.symlink nil, nil
rescue NotImplementedError
  return false
rescue TypeError
  return true

Instance Method Details

#apply_mask(mode, user_mask, op, mode_mask)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1672

def apply_mask(mode, user_mask, op, mode_mask)   #:nodoc:
  case op
  when '='
    (mode & ~user_mask) | (user_mask & mode_mask)
  when '+'
    mode | (user_mask & mode_mask)
  when '-'
    mode & ~(user_mask & mode_mask)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2539

def fu_clean_components(*comp)
  comp.shift while comp.first == "."
  return comp if comp.empty?
  clean = [comp.shift]
  path = File.join(*clean, "") # ending with File::SEPARATOR
  while c = comp.shift
    if c == ".." and clean.last != ".." and !(fu_have_symlink? && File.symlink?(path))
      path.chomp!(%r((?<=\A|/)[^/]+/\z), "")
      clean << c
      path << c << "/"

#fu_each_src_dest(src, dest)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2478

def fu_each_src_dest(src, dest)   #:nodoc:
  fu_each_src_dest0(src, dest) do |s, d|
    raise ArgumentError, "same file: #{s} and #{d}" if fu_same?(s, d)
    yield s, d

#fu_each_src_dest0(src, dest, target_directory = true)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2486

def fu_each_src_dest0(src, dest, target_directory = true)   #:nodoc:
  if tmp = Array.try_convert(src)
    tmp.each do |s|
      s = File.path(s)
      yield s, (target_directory ? File.join(dest, File.basename(s)) : dest)
    src = File.path(src)
    if target_directory and File.directory?(dest)
      yield src, File.join(dest, File.basename(src))
      yield src, File.path(dest)


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1959

def fu_get_gid(group)   #:nodoc:
  return nil unless group
  case group
  when Integer
  when /\A\d+\z/
    require 'etc'
    Etc.getgrnam(group) ? Etc.getgrnam(group).gid : nil


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1945

def fu_get_uid(user)   #:nodoc:
  return nil unless user
  case user
  when Integer
  when /\A\d+\z/
    require 'etc'
    Etc.getpwnam(user) ? Etc.getpwnam(user).uid : nil


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2473

def fu_list(arg)   #:nodoc:
  [arg].flatten.map {|path| File.path(path) }

#fu_mkdir(path, mode)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 400

def fu_mkdir(path, mode)   #:nodoc:
  path = remove_trailing_slash(path)
  if mode
    Dir.mkdir path, mode
    File.chmod mode, path
    Dir.mkdir path

#fu_mode(mode, path)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1733

def fu_mode(mode, path)  #:nodoc:
  mode.is_a?(String) ? symbolic_modes_to_i(mode, path) : mode


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2508

def fu_output_message(msg)   #:nodoc:
  output = @fileutils_output if defined?(@fileutils_output)
  output ||= $stdout
  if defined?(@fileutils_label)
    msg = @fileutils_label + msg
  output.puts msg

#fu_relative_components_from(target, base)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2530

def fu_relative_components_from(target, base) #:nodoc:
  i = 0
  while target[i]&.== base[i]
    i += 1
  Array.new(base.size-i, '..').concat(target[i..-1])

#fu_same?(a, b) ⇒ Boolean

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2503

def fu_same?(a, b)   #:nodoc:
  File.identical?(a, b)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2518

def fu_split_path(path)
  path = File.path(path)
  list = []
  until (parent, base = File.split(path); parent == path or parent == ".")
    list << base
    path = parent
  list << path


See additional method definition at line 2558.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 2562

def fu_starting_path?(path)

#fu_stat_identical_entry?(a, b) ⇒ Boolean

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1450

def fu_stat_identical_entry?(a, b)   #:nodoc:
  a.dev == b.dev and a.ino == b.ino


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1738

def mode_to_s(mode)  #:nodoc:
  mode.is_a?(String) ? mode : "%o" % mode


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 280

def remove_trailing_slash(dir)   #:nodoc:
  dir == '/' ? dir : dir.chomp(?/)

#symbolic_modes_to_i(mode_sym, path)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1684

def symbolic_modes_to_i(mode_sym, path)  #:nodoc:
  path = File.stat(path) unless File::Stat === path
  mode = path.mode
  mode_sym.split(/,/).inject(mode & 07777) do |current_mode, clause|
    target, *actions = clause.split(/([=+-])/)
    raise ArgumentError, "invalid file mode: #{mode_sym}" if actions.empty?
    target = 'a' if target.empty?
    user_mask = user_mask(target)
    actions.each_slice(2) do |op, perm|
      need_apply = op == '='
      mode_mask = (perm || '').each_char.inject(0) do |mask, chr|
        case chr
        when "r"
          mask | 0444
        when "w"
          mask | 0222
        when "x"
          mask | 0111
        when "X"
          if path.directory?
            mask | 0111
        when "s"
          mask | 06000
        when "t"
          mask | 01000
        when "u", "g", "o"
          if mask.nonzero?
            current_mode = apply_mask(current_mode, user_mask, op, mask)
          need_apply = false
          copy_mask = user_mask(chr)
          (current_mode & copy_mask) / (copy_mask & 0111) * (user_mask & 0111)
          raise ArgumentError, "invalid `perm' symbol in file mode: #{chr}"

      if mode_mask.nonzero? || need_apply
        current_mode = apply_mask(current_mode, user_mask, op, mode_mask)


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/lib/fileutils.rb', line 1654

def user_mask(target)  #:nodoc:
  target.each_char.inject(0) do |mask, chr|
    case chr
    when "u"
      mask | 04700
    when "g"
      mask | 02070
    when "o"
      mask | 01007
    when "a"
      mask | 07777
      raise ArgumentError, "invalid `who' symbol in file mode: #{chr}"