
Class: ObjectSpace::WeakMap

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
self, ::Enumerable
Inherits: Object
Defined in: gc.c,


An WeakMap object holds references to any objects, but those objects can get garbage collected.

This class is mostly used internally by WeakRef, please use lib/weakref.rb for the public interface.

Instance Method Summary

::Enumerable - Included


Returns whether every element meets a given criterion.


Returns whether any element meets a given criterion.


Returns an enumerator object generated from this enumerator and given enumerables.


Each element in the returned enumerator is a 2-element array consisting of:


Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements.


Alias for Enumerable#map.


Returns an array of all non-nil elements:


Returns the count of elements, based on an argument or block criterion, if given.


When called with positive integer argument n and a block, calls the block with each element, then does so again, until it has done so n times; returns nil:


Alias for Enumerable#find.


For positive integer n, returns an array containing all but the first n elements:


Calls the block with successive elements as long as the block returns a truthy value; returns an array of all elements after that point:


Calls the block with each successive overlapped n-tuple of elements; returns self:


Calls the given block with each element, converting multiple values from yield to an array; returns self:


Calls the block with each successive disjoint n-tuple of elements; returns self:


With a block given, calls the block with each element and its index; returns self:


Calls the block once for each element, passing both the element and the given object:


Alias for Enumerable#to_a.


Returns an array containing elements selected by the block.


Returns an array containing truthy elements returned by the block.


Returns the first element for which the block returns a truthy value.


Returns the index of the first element that meets a specified criterion, or nil if no such element is found.


Returns the first element or elements.


Returns an array of flattened objects returned by the block.


Returns an array of objects based elements of self that match the given pattern.


Returns an array of objects based on elements of self that don’t match the given pattern.


With a block given returns a hash:


Returns an object formed from operands via either:


Returns an ::Enumerator::Lazy, which redefines most ::Enumerable methods to postpone enumeration and enumerate values only on an as-needed basis.


Returns an array of objects returned by the block.


Returns the element with the maximum element according to a given criterion.


Returns the elements for which the block returns the maximum values.


Returns whether for any element object == element:


Returns the element with the minimum element according to a given criterion.


Returns the elements for which the block returns the minimum values.


Returns a 2-element array containing the minimum and maximum elements according to a given criterion.


Returns a 2-element array containing the elements for which the block returns minimum and maximum values:


Returns whether no element meets a given criterion.


Returns whether exactly one element meets a given criterion.


With a block given, returns an array of two arrays:


Returns an array of objects rejected by the block.


With a block given, calls the block with each element, but in reverse order; returns self:


Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements.


With argument pattern, returns an enumerator that uses the pattern to partition elements into arrays (“slices”).


Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements.


Returns an array containing the sorted elements of self.


With a block given, returns an array of elements of self, sorted according to the value returned by the block for each element.


With no block given, returns the sum of initial_value and the elements:


For non-negative integer n, returns the first n elements:


Calls the block with successive elements as long as the block returns a truthy value; returns an array of all elements up to that point:


Returns a hash containing the counts of equal elements:


Returns an array containing the items in self:


When self consists of 2-element arrays, returns a hash each of whose entries is the key-value pair formed from one of those arrays:


Makes a set from the enumerable object with given arguments.


With no block, returns a new array containing only unique elements; the array has no two elements e0 and e1 such that e0.eql?(e1):


With no block given, returns a new array new_array of size self.size whose elements are arrays.

Instance Method Details


Retrieves a weakly referenced object with the given key

[ GitHub ]

# File 'gc.c', line 13373

static VALUE
wmap_aref(VALUE self, VALUE key)
    VALUE obj = wmap_lookup(self, key);
    return !UNDEF_P(obj) ? obj : Qnil;

#[]=(key, value)

Creates a weak reference from the given key to the given value

[ GitHub ]

# File 'gc.c', line 13320

static VALUE
wmap_aset(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value)
    struct weakmap *w;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w);
    if (FL_ABLE(value)) {
        define_final0(value, w->final);
    if (FL_ABLE(key)) {
        define_final0(key, w->final);

    struct wmap_aset_replace_args aset_args = {
        .new_value = value,
        .old_value = Qundef,
    st_update(w->wmap2obj, (st_data_t)key, wmap_aset_replace_value, (st_data_t)&aset_args);

    // If the value is unchanged, we have nothing to do.
    if (value != aset_args.old_value) {
        if (!UNDEF_P(aset_args.old_value) && FL_ABLE(aset_args.old_value)) {
            // That key existed and had an inverse reference, we need to clear the outdated inverse reference.
            st_update(w->obj2wmap, (st_data_t)aset_args.old_value, wmap_remove_inverse_ref, key);

        if (FL_ABLE(value)) {
            // If the value has no finalizer, we don't need to keep the inverse reference
            st_update(w->obj2wmap, (st_data_t)value, wmap_aset_update, key);

    return nonspecial_obj_id(value);

#each Also known as: #each_pair

Iterates over keys and objects in a weakly referenced object

[ GitHub ]

# File 'gc.c', line 13150

static VALUE
wmap_each(VALUE self)
    struct weakmap *w;
    rb_objspace_t *objspace = &rb_objspace;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w);
    st_foreach(w->wmap2obj, wmap_each_i, (st_data_t)objspace);
    return self;


Iterates over keys and objects in a weakly referenced object

[ GitHub ]

# File 'gc.c', line 13176

static VALUE
wmap_each_key(VALUE self)
    struct weakmap *w;
    rb_objspace_t *objspace = &rb_objspace;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w);
    st_foreach(w->wmap2obj, wmap_each_key_i, (st_data_t)objspace);
    return self;


Alias for #each.


Iterates over keys and objects in a weakly referenced object

[ GitHub ]

# File 'gc.c', line 13202

static VALUE
wmap_each_value(VALUE self)
    struct weakmap *w;
    rb_objspace_t *objspace = &rb_objspace;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w);
    st_foreach(w->wmap2obj, wmap_each_value_i, (st_data_t)objspace);
    return self;

#include?(key) ⇒ Boolean

Alias for #key?.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'gc.c', line 13109

static VALUE
wmap_inspect(VALUE self)
    VALUE str;
    VALUE c = rb_class_name(CLASS_OF(self));
    struct weakmap *w;
    struct wmap_iter_arg args;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w);
    str = rb_sprintf("-<%"PRIsVALUE":%p", c, (void *)self);
    if (w->wmap2obj) {
        args.objspace = &rb_objspace;
        args.value = str;
        st_foreach(w->wmap2obj, wmap_inspect_i, (st_data_t)&args);
    RSTRING_PTR(str)[0] = '#';
    rb_str_cat2(str, ">");
    return str;

#key?(key) Also known as: #include?, #member?

Returns true if key is registered

[ GitHub ]

# File 'gc.c', line 13381

static VALUE
wmap_has_key(VALUE self, VALUE key)
    return RBOOL(!UNDEF_P(wmap_lookup(self, key)));


Iterates over keys and objects in a weakly referenced object

[ GitHub ]

# File 'gc.c', line 13230

static VALUE
wmap_keys(VALUE self)
    struct weakmap *w;
    struct wmap_iter_arg args;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w);
    args.objspace = &rb_objspace;
    args.value = rb_ary_new();
    st_foreach(w->wmap2obj, wmap_keys_i, (st_data_t)&args);
    return args.value;

#length Also known as: #size

Returns the number of referenced objects

[ GitHub ]

# File 'gc.c', line 13388

static VALUE
wmap_size(VALUE self)
    struct weakmap *w;
    st_index_t n;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w);
    n = w->wmap2obj->num_entries;
    return ULONG2NUM(n);
    return ULL2NUM(n);

#member?(key) ⇒ Boolean

Alias for #key?.


Alias for #length.


Iterates over values and objects in a weakly referenced object

[ GitHub ]

# File 'gc.c', line 13260

static VALUE
wmap_values(VALUE self)
    struct weakmap *w;
    struct wmap_iter_arg args;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w);
    args.objspace = &rb_objspace;
    args.value = rb_ary_new();
    st_foreach(w->wmap2obj, wmap_values_i, (st_data_t)&args);
    return args.value;