
Module: Bundler::Plugin::API::Source

Relationships & Source Files
Defined in: lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb


This class provides the base to build source plugins All the method here are required to build a source plugin (except #uri_hash, #gem_install_dir; they are helpers).

Defaults for methods, where ever possible are provided which is expected to work. But, all source plugins have to override #fetch_gemspec_files and #install. Defaults are also not provided for #remote!, cache! and #unlock!.

The defaults shall work for most situations but nevertheless they can be (preferably should be) overridden as per the plugins’ needs safely (as long as they behave as expected). On overriding #initialize you should call super first.

If required plugin should override #hash, #== and #eql? methods to be able to match objects representing same sources, but may be created in different situation (like form gemfile and lockfile). The default ones checks only for class and uri, but elaborate source plugins may need more comparisons (e.g. git checking on branch or tag).

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance Attribute Details

#dependency_namesArray<String> (rw)


  • (Array<String>)

    Names of dependencies that the source should try to resolve. It is not necessary to use this list internally. This is present to be compatible with ‘Definition` and is used by rubygems source.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 41

module Source
  attr_reader :uri, :options, :name
  attr_accessor :dependency_names

  def initialize(opts)
    @options = opts
    @dependency_names = []
    @uri = opts["uri"]
    @type = opts["type"]
    @name = opts["name"] || "#{@type} at #{@uri}"

  # This is used by the default `spec` method to constructs the
  # Specification objects for the gems and versions that can be installed
  # by this source plugin.
  # Note: If the spec method is overridden, this function is not necessary
  # @return [Array<String>] paths of the gemspec files for gems that can
  #                         be installed
  def fetch_gemspec_files

  # Options to be saved in the lockfile so that the source plugin is able
  # to check out same version of gem later.
  # There options are passed when the source plugin is created from the
  # lock file.
  # @return [Hash]
  def options_to_lock

  # Install the gem specified by the spec at appropriate path.
  # `install_path` provides a sufficient default, if the source can only
  # satisfy one gem,  but is not binding.
  # @return [String] post installation message (if any)
  def install(spec, opts)
    raise MalformattedPlugin, "Source plugins need to override the install method."

  # It builds extensions, generates bins and installs them for the spec
  # provided.
  # It depends on `spec.loaded_from` to get full_gem_path. The source
  # plugins should set that.
  # It should be called in `install` after the plugin is done placing the
  # gem at correct install location.
  # It also runs Gem hooks `pre_install`, `post_build` and `post_install`
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def post_install(spec, disable_exts = false)
    opts = { :env_shebang => false, :disable_extensions => disable_exts }
    installer = Bundler::Source::Path::Installer.new(spec, opts)

  # A default installation path to install a single gem. If the source
  # servers multiple gems, it's not of much use and the source should one
  # of its own.
  def install_path
    @install_path ||=
        base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)


  # Parses the gemspec files to find the specs for the gems that can be
  # satisfied by the source.
  # Few important points to keep in mind:
  #   - If the gems are not installed then it shall return specs for all
  #   the gems it can satisfy
  #   - If gem is installed (that is to be detected by the plugin itself)
  #   then it shall return at least the specs that are installed.
  #   - The `loaded_from` for each of the specs shall be correct (it is
  #   used to find the load path)
  # @return [Bundler::Index] index containing the specs
  def specs
    files = fetch_gemspec_files

    Bundler::Index.build do |index|
      files.each do |file|
        next unless spec = Bundler.load_gemspec(file)

        spec.source = self

        index << spec

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs locally.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from the local system.
  def local!

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from remote.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from remote path.
  def remote!

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from app cache.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from the path provided by `app_cache_path`.
  def cached!

  # This is called to update the spec and installation.
  # If the source plugin is loaded from lockfile or otherwise, it shall
  # refresh the cache/specs (e.g. git sources can make a fresh clone).
  def unlock!

  # Name of directory where plugin the is expected to cache the gems when
  # #cache is called.
  # Also this name is matched against the directories in cache for pruning
  # This is used by `app_cache_path`
  def app_cache_dirname
    base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)

  # This method is called while caching to save copy of the gems that the
  # source can resolve to path provided by `app_cache_app`so that they can
  # be reinstalled from the cache without querying the remote (i.e. an
  # alternative to remote)
  # This is stored with the app and source plugins should try to provide
  # specs and install only from this cache when `cached!` is called.
  # This cache is different from the internal caching that can be done
  # at sub paths of `cache_path` (from API). This can be though as caching
  # by bundler.
  def cache(spec, custom_path = nil)
    new_cache_path = app_cache_path(custom_path)

    FileUtils.cp_r(install_path, new_cache_path)

  # This shall check if two source object represent the same source.
  # The comparison shall take place only on the attribute that can be
  # inferred from the options passed from Gemfile and not on attributes
  # that are used to pin down the gem to specific version (e.g. Git
  # sources should compare on branch and tag but not on commit hash)
  # The sources objects are constructed from Gemfile as well as from
  # lockfile. To converge the sources, it is necessary that they match.
  # The same applies for `eql?` and `hash`
  def ==(other)
    other.is_a?(self.class) && uri == other.uri

  # When overriding `eql?` please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in
  # docstring for `==` method.
  alias_method :eql?, :==

  # When overriding `hash` please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in
  # docstring for `==` method, i.e. two methods equal by above comparison
  # should have same hash.
  def hash
    [self.class, uri].hash

  # A helper method, not necessary if not used internally.
  def installed?

  # The full path where the plugin should cache the gem so that it can be
  # installed latter.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def app_cache_path(custom_path = nil)
    @app_cache_path ||= Bundler.app_cache(custom_path).join(app_cache_dirname)

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def unmet_deps

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def spec_names

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def add_dependency_names(names)
    @dependencies |= Array(names)

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def can_lock?(spec)
    spec.source == self

  # Generates the content to be entered into the lockfile.
  # Saves type and remote and also calls to `options_to_lock`.
  # Plugin should use `options_to_lock` to save information in lockfile
  # and not override this.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def to_lock
    out = String.new("#{LockfileParser::PLUGIN}\n")
    out << "  remote: #{@uri}\n"
    out << "  type: #{@type}\n"
    options_to_lock.each do |opt, value|
      out << "  #{opt}: #{value}\n"
    out << "  specs:\n"

  def to_s
    "plugin source for #{@type} with uri #{@uri}"
  alias_method :identifier, :to_s

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def include?(other)
    other == self

  def uri_hash

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def gem_install_dir

  # It is used to obtain the full_gem_path.
  # spec's loaded_from path is expanded against this to get full_gem_path
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def root

  # @private
  # This API on source might not be stable, and for now we expect plugins
  # to download all specs in `#specs`, so we implement the method for
  # compatibility purposes and leave it undocumented (and don't support)
  # overriding it)
  def double_check_for(*); end

#installed?Boolean (readonly)

A helper method, not necessary if not used internally.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 228

def installed?

#nameString (readonly)


  • (String)

    name that can be used to uniquely identify a source

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 41

module Source
  attr_reader :uri, :options, :name
  attr_accessor :dependency_names

  def initialize(opts)
    @options = opts
    @dependency_names = []
    @uri = opts["uri"]
    @type = opts["type"]
    @name = opts["name"] || "#{@type} at #{@uri}"

  # This is used by the default `spec` method to constructs the
  # Specification objects for the gems and versions that can be installed
  # by this source plugin.
  # Note: If the spec method is overridden, this function is not necessary
  # @return [Array<String>] paths of the gemspec files for gems that can
  #                         be installed
  def fetch_gemspec_files

  # Options to be saved in the lockfile so that the source plugin is able
  # to check out same version of gem later.
  # There options are passed when the source plugin is created from the
  # lock file.
  # @return [Hash]
  def options_to_lock

  # Install the gem specified by the spec at appropriate path.
  # `install_path` provides a sufficient default, if the source can only
  # satisfy one gem,  but is not binding.
  # @return [String] post installation message (if any)
  def install(spec, opts)
    raise MalformattedPlugin, "Source plugins need to override the install method."

  # It builds extensions, generates bins and installs them for the spec
  # provided.
  # It depends on `spec.loaded_from` to get full_gem_path. The source
  # plugins should set that.
  # It should be called in `install` after the plugin is done placing the
  # gem at correct install location.
  # It also runs Gem hooks `pre_install`, `post_build` and `post_install`
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def post_install(spec, disable_exts = false)
    opts = { :env_shebang => false, :disable_extensions => disable_exts }
    installer = Bundler::Source::Path::Installer.new(spec, opts)

  # A default installation path to install a single gem. If the source
  # servers multiple gems, it's not of much use and the source should one
  # of its own.
  def install_path
    @install_path ||=
        base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)


  # Parses the gemspec files to find the specs for the gems that can be
  # satisfied by the source.
  # Few important points to keep in mind:
  #   - If the gems are not installed then it shall return specs for all
  #   the gems it can satisfy
  #   - If gem is installed (that is to be detected by the plugin itself)
  #   then it shall return at least the specs that are installed.
  #   - The `loaded_from` for each of the specs shall be correct (it is
  #   used to find the load path)
  # @return [Bundler::Index] index containing the specs
  def specs
    files = fetch_gemspec_files

    Bundler::Index.build do |index|
      files.each do |file|
        next unless spec = Bundler.load_gemspec(file)

        spec.source = self

        index << spec

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs locally.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from the local system.
  def local!

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from remote.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from remote path.
  def remote!

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from app cache.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from the path provided by `app_cache_path`.
  def cached!

  # This is called to update the spec and installation.
  # If the source plugin is loaded from lockfile or otherwise, it shall
  # refresh the cache/specs (e.g. git sources can make a fresh clone).
  def unlock!

  # Name of directory where plugin the is expected to cache the gems when
  # #cache is called.
  # Also this name is matched against the directories in cache for pruning
  # This is used by `app_cache_path`
  def app_cache_dirname
    base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)

  # This method is called while caching to save copy of the gems that the
  # source can resolve to path provided by `app_cache_app`so that they can
  # be reinstalled from the cache without querying the remote (i.e. an
  # alternative to remote)
  # This is stored with the app and source plugins should try to provide
  # specs and install only from this cache when `cached!` is called.
  # This cache is different from the internal caching that can be done
  # at sub paths of `cache_path` (from API). This can be though as caching
  # by bundler.
  def cache(spec, custom_path = nil)
    new_cache_path = app_cache_path(custom_path)

    FileUtils.cp_r(install_path, new_cache_path)

  # This shall check if two source object represent the same source.
  # The comparison shall take place only on the attribute that can be
  # inferred from the options passed from Gemfile and not on attributes
  # that are used to pin down the gem to specific version (e.g. Git
  # sources should compare on branch and tag but not on commit hash)
  # The sources objects are constructed from Gemfile as well as from
  # lockfile. To converge the sources, it is necessary that they match.
  # The same applies for `eql?` and `hash`
  def ==(other)
    other.is_a?(self.class) && uri == other.uri

  # When overriding `eql?` please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in
  # docstring for `==` method.
  alias_method :eql?, :==

  # When overriding `hash` please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in
  # docstring for `==` method, i.e. two methods equal by above comparison
  # should have same hash.
  def hash
    [self.class, uri].hash

  # A helper method, not necessary if not used internally.
  def installed?

  # The full path where the plugin should cache the gem so that it can be
  # installed latter.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def app_cache_path(custom_path = nil)
    @app_cache_path ||= Bundler.app_cache(custom_path).join(app_cache_dirname)

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def unmet_deps

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def spec_names

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def add_dependency_names(names)
    @dependencies |= Array(names)

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def can_lock?(spec)
    spec.source == self

  # Generates the content to be entered into the lockfile.
  # Saves type and remote and also calls to `options_to_lock`.
  # Plugin should use `options_to_lock` to save information in lockfile
  # and not override this.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def to_lock
    out = String.new("#{LockfileParser::PLUGIN}\n")
    out << "  remote: #{@uri}\n"
    out << "  type: #{@type}\n"
    options_to_lock.each do |opt, value|
      out << "  #{opt}: #{value}\n"
    out << "  specs:\n"

  def to_s
    "plugin source for #{@type} with uri #{@uri}"
  alias_method :identifier, :to_s

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def include?(other)
    other == self

  def uri_hash

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def gem_install_dir

  # It is used to obtain the full_gem_path.
  # spec's loaded_from path is expanded against this to get full_gem_path
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def root

  # @private
  # This API on source might not be stable, and for now we expect plugins
  # to download all specs in `#specs`, so we implement the method for
  # compatibility purposes and leave it undocumented (and don't support)
  # overriding it)
  def double_check_for(*); end

#optionsString (readonly)


  • (String)

    options passed during initialization (either from lockfile or Gemfile)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 41

module Source
  attr_reader :uri, :options, :name
  attr_accessor :dependency_names

  def initialize(opts)
    @options = opts
    @dependency_names = []
    @uri = opts["uri"]
    @type = opts["type"]
    @name = opts["name"] || "#{@type} at #{@uri}"

  # This is used by the default `spec` method to constructs the
  # Specification objects for the gems and versions that can be installed
  # by this source plugin.
  # Note: If the spec method is overridden, this function is not necessary
  # @return [Array<String>] paths of the gemspec files for gems that can
  #                         be installed
  def fetch_gemspec_files

  # Options to be saved in the lockfile so that the source plugin is able
  # to check out same version of gem later.
  # There options are passed when the source plugin is created from the
  # lock file.
  # @return [Hash]
  def options_to_lock

  # Install the gem specified by the spec at appropriate path.
  # `install_path` provides a sufficient default, if the source can only
  # satisfy one gem,  but is not binding.
  # @return [String] post installation message (if any)
  def install(spec, opts)
    raise MalformattedPlugin, "Source plugins need to override the install method."

  # It builds extensions, generates bins and installs them for the spec
  # provided.
  # It depends on `spec.loaded_from` to get full_gem_path. The source
  # plugins should set that.
  # It should be called in `install` after the plugin is done placing the
  # gem at correct install location.
  # It also runs Gem hooks `pre_install`, `post_build` and `post_install`
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def post_install(spec, disable_exts = false)
    opts = { :env_shebang => false, :disable_extensions => disable_exts }
    installer = Bundler::Source::Path::Installer.new(spec, opts)

  # A default installation path to install a single gem. If the source
  # servers multiple gems, it's not of much use and the source should one
  # of its own.
  def install_path
    @install_path ||=
        base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)


  # Parses the gemspec files to find the specs for the gems that can be
  # satisfied by the source.
  # Few important points to keep in mind:
  #   - If the gems are not installed then it shall return specs for all
  #   the gems it can satisfy
  #   - If gem is installed (that is to be detected by the plugin itself)
  #   then it shall return at least the specs that are installed.
  #   - The `loaded_from` for each of the specs shall be correct (it is
  #   used to find the load path)
  # @return [Bundler::Index] index containing the specs
  def specs
    files = fetch_gemspec_files

    Bundler::Index.build do |index|
      files.each do |file|
        next unless spec = Bundler.load_gemspec(file)

        spec.source = self

        index << spec

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs locally.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from the local system.
  def local!

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from remote.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from remote path.
  def remote!

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from app cache.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from the path provided by `app_cache_path`.
  def cached!

  # This is called to update the spec and installation.
  # If the source plugin is loaded from lockfile or otherwise, it shall
  # refresh the cache/specs (e.g. git sources can make a fresh clone).
  def unlock!

  # Name of directory where plugin the is expected to cache the gems when
  # #cache is called.
  # Also this name is matched against the directories in cache for pruning
  # This is used by `app_cache_path`
  def app_cache_dirname
    base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)

  # This method is called while caching to save copy of the gems that the
  # source can resolve to path provided by `app_cache_app`so that they can
  # be reinstalled from the cache without querying the remote (i.e. an
  # alternative to remote)
  # This is stored with the app and source plugins should try to provide
  # specs and install only from this cache when `cached!` is called.
  # This cache is different from the internal caching that can be done
  # at sub paths of `cache_path` (from API). This can be though as caching
  # by bundler.
  def cache(spec, custom_path = nil)
    new_cache_path = app_cache_path(custom_path)

    FileUtils.cp_r(install_path, new_cache_path)

  # This shall check if two source object represent the same source.
  # The comparison shall take place only on the attribute that can be
  # inferred from the options passed from Gemfile and not on attributes
  # that are used to pin down the gem to specific version (e.g. Git
  # sources should compare on branch and tag but not on commit hash)
  # The sources objects are constructed from Gemfile as well as from
  # lockfile. To converge the sources, it is necessary that they match.
  # The same applies for `eql?` and `hash`
  def ==(other)
    other.is_a?(self.class) && uri == other.uri

  # When overriding `eql?` please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in
  # docstring for `==` method.
  alias_method :eql?, :==

  # When overriding `hash` please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in
  # docstring for `==` method, i.e. two methods equal by above comparison
  # should have same hash.
  def hash
    [self.class, uri].hash

  # A helper method, not necessary if not used internally.
  def installed?

  # The full path where the plugin should cache the gem so that it can be
  # installed latter.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def app_cache_path(custom_path = nil)
    @app_cache_path ||= Bundler.app_cache(custom_path).join(app_cache_dirname)

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def unmet_deps

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def spec_names

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def add_dependency_names(names)
    @dependencies |= Array(names)

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def can_lock?(spec)
    spec.source == self

  # Generates the content to be entered into the lockfile.
  # Saves type and remote and also calls to `options_to_lock`.
  # Plugin should use `options_to_lock` to save information in lockfile
  # and not override this.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def to_lock
    out = String.new("#{LockfileParser::PLUGIN}\n")
    out << "  remote: #{@uri}\n"
    out << "  type: #{@type}\n"
    options_to_lock.each do |opt, value|
      out << "  #{opt}: #{value}\n"
    out << "  specs:\n"

  def to_s
    "plugin source for #{@type} with uri #{@uri}"
  alias_method :identifier, :to_s

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def include?(other)
    other == self

  def uri_hash

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def gem_install_dir

  # It is used to obtain the full_gem_path.
  # spec's loaded_from path is expanded against this to get full_gem_path
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def root

  # @private
  # This API on source might not be stable, and for now we expect plugins
  # to download all specs in `#specs`, so we implement the method for
  # compatibility purposes and leave it undocumented (and don't support)
  # overriding it)
  def double_check_for(*); end

#uriString (readonly)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 41

module Source
  attr_reader :uri, :options, :name
  attr_accessor :dependency_names

  def initialize(opts)
    @options = opts
    @dependency_names = []
    @uri = opts["uri"]
    @type = opts["type"]
    @name = opts["name"] || "#{@type} at #{@uri}"

  # This is used by the default `spec` method to constructs the
  # Specification objects for the gems and versions that can be installed
  # by this source plugin.
  # Note: If the spec method is overridden, this function is not necessary
  # @return [Array<String>] paths of the gemspec files for gems that can
  #                         be installed
  def fetch_gemspec_files

  # Options to be saved in the lockfile so that the source plugin is able
  # to check out same version of gem later.
  # There options are passed when the source plugin is created from the
  # lock file.
  # @return [Hash]
  def options_to_lock

  # Install the gem specified by the spec at appropriate path.
  # `install_path` provides a sufficient default, if the source can only
  # satisfy one gem,  but is not binding.
  # @return [String] post installation message (if any)
  def install(spec, opts)
    raise MalformattedPlugin, "Source plugins need to override the install method."

  # It builds extensions, generates bins and installs them for the spec
  # provided.
  # It depends on `spec.loaded_from` to get full_gem_path. The source
  # plugins should set that.
  # It should be called in `install` after the plugin is done placing the
  # gem at correct install location.
  # It also runs Gem hooks `pre_install`, `post_build` and `post_install`
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def post_install(spec, disable_exts = false)
    opts = { :env_shebang => false, :disable_extensions => disable_exts }
    installer = Bundler::Source::Path::Installer.new(spec, opts)

  # A default installation path to install a single gem. If the source
  # servers multiple gems, it's not of much use and the source should one
  # of its own.
  def install_path
    @install_path ||=
        base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)


  # Parses the gemspec files to find the specs for the gems that can be
  # satisfied by the source.
  # Few important points to keep in mind:
  #   - If the gems are not installed then it shall return specs for all
  #   the gems it can satisfy
  #   - If gem is installed (that is to be detected by the plugin itself)
  #   then it shall return at least the specs that are installed.
  #   - The `loaded_from` for each of the specs shall be correct (it is
  #   used to find the load path)
  # @return [Bundler::Index] index containing the specs
  def specs
    files = fetch_gemspec_files

    Bundler::Index.build do |index|
      files.each do |file|
        next unless spec = Bundler.load_gemspec(file)

        spec.source = self

        index << spec

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs locally.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from the local system.
  def local!

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from remote.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from remote path.
  def remote!

  # Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from app cache.
  # When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
  # install from the path provided by `app_cache_path`.
  def cached!

  # This is called to update the spec and installation.
  # If the source plugin is loaded from lockfile or otherwise, it shall
  # refresh the cache/specs (e.g. git sources can make a fresh clone).
  def unlock!

  # Name of directory where plugin the is expected to cache the gems when
  # #cache is called.
  # Also this name is matched against the directories in cache for pruning
  # This is used by `app_cache_path`
  def app_cache_dirname
    base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)

  # This method is called while caching to save copy of the gems that the
  # source can resolve to path provided by `app_cache_app`so that they can
  # be reinstalled from the cache without querying the remote (i.e. an
  # alternative to remote)
  # This is stored with the app and source plugins should try to provide
  # specs and install only from this cache when `cached!` is called.
  # This cache is different from the internal caching that can be done
  # at sub paths of `cache_path` (from API). This can be though as caching
  # by bundler.
  def cache(spec, custom_path = nil)
    new_cache_path = app_cache_path(custom_path)

    FileUtils.cp_r(install_path, new_cache_path)

  # This shall check if two source object represent the same source.
  # The comparison shall take place only on the attribute that can be
  # inferred from the options passed from Gemfile and not on attributes
  # that are used to pin down the gem to specific version (e.g. Git
  # sources should compare on branch and tag but not on commit hash)
  # The sources objects are constructed from Gemfile as well as from
  # lockfile. To converge the sources, it is necessary that they match.
  # The same applies for `eql?` and `hash`
  def ==(other)
    other.is_a?(self.class) && uri == other.uri

  # When overriding `eql?` please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in
  # docstring for `==` method.
  alias_method :eql?, :==

  # When overriding `hash` please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in
  # docstring for `==` method, i.e. two methods equal by above comparison
  # should have same hash.
  def hash
    [self.class, uri].hash

  # A helper method, not necessary if not used internally.
  def installed?

  # The full path where the plugin should cache the gem so that it can be
  # installed latter.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def app_cache_path(custom_path = nil)
    @app_cache_path ||= Bundler.app_cache(custom_path).join(app_cache_dirname)

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def unmet_deps

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def spec_names

  # Used by definition.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def add_dependency_names(names)
    @dependencies |= Array(names)

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def can_lock?(spec)
    spec.source == self

  # Generates the content to be entered into the lockfile.
  # Saves type and remote and also calls to `options_to_lock`.
  # Plugin should use `options_to_lock` to save information in lockfile
  # and not override this.
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def to_lock
    out = String.new("#{LockfileParser::PLUGIN}\n")
    out << "  remote: #{@uri}\n"
    out << "  type: #{@type}\n"
    options_to_lock.each do |opt, value|
      out << "  #{opt}: #{value}\n"
    out << "  specs:\n"

  def to_s
    "plugin source for #{@type} with uri #{@uri}"
  alias_method :identifier, :to_s

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def include?(other)
    other == self

  def uri_hash

  # NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def gem_install_dir

  # It is used to obtain the full_gem_path.
  # spec's loaded_from path is expanded against this to get full_gem_path
  # Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
  def root

  # @private
  # This API on source might not be stable, and for now we expect plugins
  # to download all specs in `#specs`, so we implement the method for
  # compatibility purposes and leave it undocumented (and don't support)
  # overriding it)
  def double_check_for(*); end

Instance Method Details

#==(other) Also known as: #eql?

This shall check if two source object represent the same source.

The comparison shall take place only on the attribute that can be inferred from the options passed from Gemfile and not on attributes that are used to pin down the gem to specific version (e.g. Git sources should compare on branch and tag but not on commit hash)

The sources objects are constructed from Gemfile as well as from lockfile. To converge the sources, it is necessary that they match.

The same applies for #eql? and #hash

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 212

def ==(other)
  other.is_a?(self.class) && uri == other.uri


Used by definition.

Note: Do not override if you don’t know what you are doing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 257

def add_dependency_names(names)
  @dependencies |= Array(names)


Name of directory where plugin the is expected to cache the gems when #cache is called.

Also this name is matched against the directories in cache for pruning

This is used by #app_cache_path

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 177

def app_cache_dirname
  base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)

#app_cache_path(custom_path = nil)

The full path where the plugin should cache the gem so that it can be installed latter.

Note: Do not override if you don’t know what you are doing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 236

def app_cache_path(custom_path = nil)
  @app_cache_path ||= Bundler.app_cache(custom_path).join(app_cache_dirname)

#cache(spec, custom_path = nil)

This method is called while caching to save copy of the gems that the source can resolve to path provided by app_cache_appso that they can be reinstalled from the cache without querying the remote (i.e. an alternative to remote)

This is stored with the app and source plugins should try to provide specs and install only from this cache when #cached! is called.

This cache is different from the internal caching that can be done at sub paths of cache_path (from ::Bundler::Plugin::API). This can be though as caching by bundler.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 193

def cache(spec, custom_path = nil)
  new_cache_path = app_cache_path(custom_path)

  FileUtils.cp_r(install_path, new_cache_path)


Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from app cache.

When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and install from the path provided by #app_cache_path.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 161

def cached!

#can_lock?(spec) ⇒ Boolean

NOTE: Do not override if you don’t know what you are doing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 262

def can_lock?(spec)
  spec.source == self


This method is for internal use only.

This API on source might not be stable, and for now we expect plugins to download all specs in #specs, so we implement the method for compatibility purposes and leave it undocumented (and don’t support) overriding it)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 316

def double_check_for(*); end


Alias for #==.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 218

alias_method :eql?, :==


This is used by the default spec method to constructs the Specification objects for the gems and versions that can be installed by this source plugin.

Note: If the spec method is overridden, this function is not necessary


  • (Array<String>)

    paths of the gemspec files for gems that can be installed

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 61

def fetch_gemspec_files


NOTE: Do not override if you don’t know what you are doing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 298

def gem_install_dir


When overriding hash please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in docstring for #== method, i.e. two methods equal by above comparison should have same hash.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 223

def hash
  [self.class, uri].hash


Alias for #to_s.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 286

alias_method :identifier, :to_s

#include?(other) ⇒ Boolean

NOTE: Do not override if you don’t know what you are doing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 289

def include?(other)
  other == self


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 45

def initialize(opts)
  @options = opts
  @dependency_names = []
  @uri = opts["uri"]
  @type = opts["type"]
  @name = opts["name"] || "#{@type} at #{@uri}"

#install(spec, opts) ⇒ String

Install the gem specified by the spec at appropriate path. #install_path provides a sufficient default, if the source can only satisfy one gem, but is not binding.


  • (String)

    post installation message (if any)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 81

def install(spec, opts)
  raise MalformattedPlugin, "Source plugins need to override the install method."


A default installation path to install a single gem. If the source servers multiple gems, it’s not of much use and the source should one of its own.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 106

def install_path
  @install_path ||=
      base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)



Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs locally.

When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and install from the local system.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 147

def local!


Options to be saved in the lockfile so that the source plugin is able to check out same version of gem later.

There options are passed when the source plugin is created from the lock file.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 72

def options_to_lock

#post_install(spec, disable_exts = false)

It builds extensions, generates bins and installs them for the spec provided.

It depends on spec.loaded_from to get full_gem_path. The source plugins should set that.

It should be called in #install after the plugin is done placing the gem at correct install location.

It also runs ::Gem hooks pre_install, post_build and post_install

Note: Do not override if you don’t know what you are doing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 97

def post_install(spec, disable_exts = false)
  opts = { :env_shebang => false, :disable_extensions => disable_exts }
  installer = Bundler::Source::Path::Installer.new(spec, opts)


Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from remote.

When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and install from remote path.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 154

def remote!


It is used to obtain the full_gem_path.

spec’s loaded_from path is expanded against this to get full_gem_path

Note: Do not override if you don’t know what you are doing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 307

def root


Used by definition.

Note: Do not override if you don’t know what you are doing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 250

def spec_names


Parses the gemspec files to find the specs for the gems that can be satisfied by the source.

Few important points to keep in mind:

- If the gems are not installed then it shall return specs for all
the gems it can satisfy
- If gem is installed (that is to be detected by the plugin itself)
then it shall return at least the specs that are installed.
- The `loaded_from` for each of the specs shall be correct (it is
used to find the load path)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 127

def specs
  files = fetch_gemspec_files

  Bundler::Index.build do |index|
    files.each do |file|
      next unless spec = Bundler.load_gemspec(file)

      spec.source = self

      index << spec


Generates the content to be entered into the lockfile. Saves type and remote and also calls to #options_to_lock.

::Bundler::Plugin should use #options_to_lock to save information in lockfile and not override this.

Note: Do not override if you don’t know what you are doing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 273

def to_lock
  out = String.new("#{LockfileParser::PLUGIN}\n")
  out << "  remote: #{@uri}\n"
  out << "  type: #{@type}\n"
  options_to_lock.each do |opt, value|
    out << "  #{opt}: #{value}\n"
  out << "  specs:\n"

#to_s Also known as: #identifier

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 283

def to_s
  "plugin source for #{@type} with uri #{@uri}"


This is called to update the spec and installation.

If the source plugin is loaded from lockfile or otherwise, it shall refresh the cache/specs (e.g. git sources can make a fresh clone).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 168

def unlock!


Used by definition.

Note: Do not override if you don’t know what you are doing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 243

def unmet_deps


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/plugin/api/source.rb', line 293

def uri_hash