
Class: Bundler::PersistentHTTP

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
Defined in: lib/bundler/vendored_persistent.rb

Constant Summary

Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent - Inherited


Class Method Summary

Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent - Inherited


Use this method to detect the idle timeout of the host at uri.


Instance Attribute Summary

Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent - Inherited


An SSL certificate authority.


Sets the SSL certificate authority file.


A directory of SSL certificates to be used as certificate authorities.


Sets the SSL certificate authority path.


For Net::HTTP parity.


An SSL certificate store.


Overrides the default SSL certificate store used for verifying connections.


This client’s OpenSSL::X509::Certificate


Sets this client’s OpenSSL::X509::Certificate


The ciphers allowed for SSL connections.


The ciphers allowed for SSL connections.


Sends debug_output to this IO via Net::HTTP#set_debug_output.


Headers that are added to every request using Net::HTTP#add_field


Maps host:port to an HTTP version.


Maximum time an unused connection can remain idle before being automatically closed.


The value sent in the Keep-Alive header.


For Net::HTTP parity.


Maximum number of requests on a connection before it is considered expired and automatically closed.


Number of retries to perform if a request fails.


Set the maximum number of retries for a request.


Maximum SSL version to use, e.g. :TLS1_2.


maximum SSL version to use.


Minimum SSL version to use, e.g. :TLS1_1.


Minimum SSL version to use.


The name for this collection of persistent connections.


List of host suffixes which will not be proxied.


Seconds to wait until a connection is opened.


Headers that are added to every request using Net::HTTP#[]=


This client’s SSL private key.


Sets this client’s SSL private key.


Sets the proxy server.


The URL through which requests will be proxied.


Seconds to wait until reading one block.


By default SSL sessions are reused to avoid extra SSL handshakes.


An array of options for Socket#setsockopt.


SSL session lifetime.


SSL session lifetime.


SSL version to use.


SSL version to use.


SSL verification callback.


SSL verification callback.


Sets the depth of SSL certificate verification.


Sets the depth of SSL certificate verification.


HTTPS verify mode.


Sets the HTTPS verify mode.


Seconds to wait until writing one block.


Current connection generation.


Test-only accessor for the connection pool.


Current SSL connection generation.


Where this instance’s last-use times live in the thread local variables.

Instance Method Summary

Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent - Inherited


Creates a new connection for uri


CGI.escape wrapper.


Returns true if the connection should be reset due to an idle timeout, or maximum request count, false otherwise.


Finishes the Net::HTTP connection


Returns the HTTP protocol version for uri


Adds “http://” to the String uri if it is missing.


Returns true when proxy should by bypassed for host.


Creates a URI for an HTTP proxy server from ENV variables.


Forces reconnection of all HTTP connections, including TLS/SSL connections.


Forces reconnection of only TLS/SSL connections.


Makes a request on uri.


Finishes then restarts the Net::HTTP connection


Shuts down all connections.


Enables SSL on connection


Starts the Net::HTTP connection


CGI.unescape wrapper.


Creates a GET request if req_or_uri is a URI and adds headers to the request.

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendored_persistent.rb', line 15

def connection_for(uri)
  super(uri) do |connection|
    result = yield connection
    warn_old_tls_version_rubygems_connection(uri, connection)

#warn_old_tls_version_rubygems_connection(uri, connection)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/vendored_persistent.rb', line 23

def warn_old_tls_version_rubygems_connection(uri, connection)
  return unless connection.http.use_ssl?
  return unless (uri.host || "").end_with?("rubygems.org")

  socket = connection.instance_variable_get(:@socket)
  return unless socket
  socket_io = socket.io
  return unless socket_io.respond_to?(:ssl_version)
  ssl_version = socket_io.ssl_version

  case ssl_version
  when /TLSv([\d\.]+)/
    version = Gem::Version.new($1)
    if version < Gem::Version.new("1.2")
      Bundler.ui.warn \
        "Warning: Your Ruby version is compiled against a copy of OpenSSL that is very old. " \
        "Starting in January 2018, RubyGems.org will refuse connection requests from these " \
        "very old versions of OpenSSL. If you will need to continue installing gems after " \
        "January 2018, please follow this guide to upgrade: http://ruby.to/tls-outdated.",
        :wrap => true