
Class: Thread::Backtrace::Location

Relationships & Source Files
Inherits: Object
Defined in: vm_backtrace.c


An object representation of a stack frame, initialized by Kernel.caller_locations.

For example:

# caller_locations.rb
def a(skip)
def b(skip)
def c(skip)

c(0..2).map do |call|
  puts call.to_s

Running ruby caller_locations.rb will produce:

caller_locations.rb:2:in `a'
caller_locations.rb:5:in `b'
caller_locations.rb:8:in `c'

Here’s another example with a slightly different result:

# foo.rb
class Foo
  attr_accessor :locations
  def initialize(skip)
    @locations = caller_locations(skip)

Foo.new(0..2).locations.map do |call|
  puts call.to_s

Now run ruby foo.rb and you should see:

init.rb:4:in `initialize'
init.rb:8:in `new'
init.rb:8:in `<main>'

Instance Method Summary

  • #absolute_path

    Returns the full file path of this frame.

  • #base_label

    Returns the base label of this frame.

  • #inspect

    Returns the same as calling inspect on the string representation of #to_str

  • #label

    Returns the label of this frame.

  • #lineno

    Returns the line number of this frame.

  • #path

    Returns the file name of this frame.

  • #to_s

    Returns a Kernel.caller style string representing this frame.

Instance Method Details


Returns the full file path of this frame.

Same as #path, except that it will return absolute path even if the frame is in the main script.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'vm_backtrace.c', line 378

static VALUE
location_absolute_path_m(VALUE self)
    return location_realpath(location_ptr(self));


Returns the base label of this frame.

Usually same as #label, without decoration.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'vm_backtrace.c', line 280

static VALUE
location_base_label_m(VALUE self)
    return location_base_label(location_ptr(self));


Returns the same as calling inspect on the string representation of #to_str

[ GitHub ]

# File 'vm_backtrace.c', line 445

static VALUE
location_inspect_m(VALUE self)
    return rb_str_inspect(location_to_str(location_ptr(self)));


Returns the label of this frame.

Usually consists of method, class, module, etc names with decoration.

Consider the following example:

def foo
  puts caller_locations(0).first.label

  1.times do
    puts caller_locations(0).first.label

    1.times do
      puts caller_locations(0).first.label


The result of calling foo is this:

label: foo
label: block in foo
label: block (2 levels) in foo
[ GitHub ]

# File 'vm_backtrace.c', line 255

static VALUE
location_label_m(VALUE self)
    return location_label(location_ptr(self));


Returns the line number of this frame.

For example, using caller_locations.rb from Location

loc = c(0..1).first
loc.lineno #=> 2
[ GitHub ]

# File 'vm_backtrace.c', line 208

static VALUE
location_lineno_m(VALUE self)
    return INT2FIX(location_lineno(location_ptr(self)));


Returns the file name of this frame. This will generally be an absolute path, unless the frame is in the main script, in which case it will be the script location passed on the command line.

For example, using caller_locations.rb from Location

loc = c(0..1).first
loc.path #=> caller_locations.rb
[ GitHub ]

# File 'vm_backtrace.c', line 310

static VALUE
location_path_m(VALUE self)
    const rb_iseq_t *iseq = location_iseq(location_ptr(self));
    return iseq ? rb_iseq_path(iseq) : Qnil;


Returns a Kernel.caller style string representing this frame.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'vm_backtrace.c', line 435

static VALUE
location_to_str_m(VALUE self)
    return location_to_str(location_ptr(self));