
Module: RubyVM::MJIT

Relationships & Source Files
Defined in: vm.c


Provides access to the ::Method JIT compiler of MRI. Of course, this module is MRI specific.

Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

Class Attribute Details

.enabled?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if JIT is enabled

[ GitHub ]

# File 'vm.c', line 3277

static VALUE
mjit_enabled_p(VALUE _)
    return RBOOL(mjit_enabled);

Class Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'vm.c', line 3283

static VALUE
mjit_pause_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, RB_UNUSED_VAR(VALUE self))
    VALUE options = Qnil;
    VALUE wait = Qtrue;
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "0:", &options);

    if (!NIL_P(options)) {
        static ID keyword_ids[1];
        if (!keyword_ids[0])
            keyword_ids[0] = rb_intern("wait");
        rb_get_kwargs(options, keyword_ids, 0, 1, &wait);

    return mjit_pause(RTEST(wait));


[ GitHub ]

# File 'vm.c', line 3300

static VALUE
mjit_resume_m(VALUE _)
    return mjit_resume();