
Class: Net::APOP

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, POP3, Protocol
Instance Chain:
self, POP3, Protocol
Inherits: Net::POP3
Defined in: lib/net/pop.rb


This class is equivalent to POP3, except that it uses APOP authentication.

Constant Summary

POP3 - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

POP3 - Inherited


returns true if POP3.ssl_params is set.

Class Method Summary

POP3 - Inherited


Returns the APOP class if isapop is true; otherwise, returns the POP class.


Opens a POP3 session, attempts authentication, and quits.


returns the :ca_file or :ca_path from POP3.ssl_params


Constructs proper parameters from arguments.


The default port for POP3 connections, port 110.


The default port for POP3S connections, port 995.


returns the port for POP3.


Starts a POP3 session and deletes all messages on the server.


Disable SSL for all new instances.


Enable SSL for all new instances.


Starts a POP3 session and iterates over each POPMail object, yielding it to the block.


Creates a new POP3 object.


returns the SSL Parameters.


Creates a new POP3 object and open the connection.


returns whether verify_mode is enable from POP3.ssl_params



Instance Attribute Summary

POP3 - Inherited


The address to connect to.


Does this instance use APOP authentication?


Seconds to wait until a connection is opened.


Seconds to wait until reading one block (by one read(1) call).


Set the read timeout.


true if the POP3 session has started.


does this instance use SSL?


Alias for POP3#started?.

Instance Method Summary

POP3 - Inherited


Starts a pop3 session, attempts authentication, and quits.


Deletes all messages on the server.


Disable SSL for all new instances.


Alias for POP3#each_mail.


Yields each message to the passed-in block in turn.


Enables SSL for this instance.


Finishes a POP3 session and closes TCP connection.


Provide human-readable stringification of class state.


debugging output for msg


Returns an array of POPMail objects, representing all the messages on the server.


Returns the total size in bytes of all the messages on the POP server.


Returns the number of messages on the POP server.


The port number to connect to.


Resets the session.


WARNING: This method causes a serious security hole.


Starts a POP3 session.


internal use only (called from POPMail#uidl).


Returns the current command.


nil’s out the: - mails - number counter for mails - number counter for bytes - quits the current command, if any.


internal method for POP3.start


Does nothing.

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Net::POP3

Instance Attribute Details

#apop?Boolean (readonly)

Always returns true.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/pop.rb', line 728

def apop?