
Module: Net::HTTPHeader

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Included In:
HTTP::Copy, HTTP::Delete, HTTP::Get, HTTP::Head, HTTP::Lock, HTTP::Mkcol, HTTP::Move, HTTP::Options, HTTP::Patch, HTTP::Post, HTTP::Propfind, HTTP::Proppatch, HTTP::Put, HTTP::Trace, HTTP::Unlock, HTTPAccepted, HTTPAlreadyReported, HTTPBadGateway, HTTPBadRequest, HTTPClientError, HTTPConflict, HTTPContinue, HTTPCreated, HTTPEarlyHints, HTTPExpectationFailed, HTTPFailedDependency, HTTPForbidden, HTTPFound, HTTPGatewayTimeout, HTTPGenericRequest, HTTPGone, HTTPIMUsed, HTTPInformation, HTTPInsufficientStorage, HTTPInternalServerError, HTTPLengthRequired, HTTPLocked, HTTPLoopDetected, HTTPMethodNotAllowed, HTTPMisdirectedRequest, HTTPMovedPermanently, HTTPMultiStatus, HTTPMultipleChoices, HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired, HTTPNoContent, HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation, HTTPNotAcceptable, HTTPNotExtended, HTTPNotFound, HTTPNotImplemented, HTTPNotModified, HTTPOK, HTTPPartialContent, HTTPPayloadTooLarge, HTTPPaymentRequired, HTTPPermanentRedirect, HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPPreconditionRequired, HTTPProcessing, HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired, HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable, HTTPRedirection, HTTPRequest, HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, HTTPRequestTimeout, HTTPResetContent, HTTPResponse, HTTPSeeOther, HTTPServerError, HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPSuccess, HTTPSwitchProtocol, HTTPTemporaryRedirect, HTTPTooManyRequests, HTTPURITooLong, HTTPUnauthorized, HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons, HTTPUnknownResponse, HTTPUnprocessableEntity, HTTPUnsupportedMediaType, HTTPUpgradeRequired, HTTPUseProxy, HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates, HTTPVersionNotSupported
Defined in: lib/net/http/header.rb


The HTTPHeader module defines methods for reading and writing HTTP headers.

It is used as a mixin by other classes, to provide hash-like access to HTTP header values. Unlike raw hash access, HTTPHeader provides access via case-insensitive keys. It also provides methods for accessing commonly-used HTTP header values in more convenient formats.

Constant Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance Attribute Details

#chunked?Boolean (readonly)

Returns “true” if the “transfer-encoding” header is present and set to “chunked”. This is an HTTP/1.1 feature, allowing the content to be sent in “chunks” without at the outset stating the entire content length.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 337

def chunked?
  return false unless @header['transfer-encoding']
  field = self['Transfer-Encoding']
  (/(?:\A|[^\-\w])chunked(?![\-\w])/i =~ field) ? true : false

#connection_close?Boolean (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 510

def connection_close?
  token = /(?:\A|,)\s*close\s*(?:\z|,)/i
  @header['connection']&.grep(token) {return true}
  @header['proxy-connection']&.grep(token) {return true}

#connection_keep_alive?Boolean (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 517

def connection_keep_alive?
  token = /(?:\A|,)\s*keep-alive\s*(?:\z|,)/i
  @header['connection']&.grep(token) {return true}
  @header['proxy-connection']&.grep(token) {return true}

#content_length (rw)

Returns an Integer object which represents the HTTP Content-Length: header field, or nil if that field was not provided.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 318

def content_length
  return nil unless key?('Content-Length')
  len = self['Content-Length'].slice(/\d+/) or
      raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Length format'

#content_length=(len) (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 325

def content_length=(len)
  unless len
    @header.delete 'content-length'
    return nil
  @header['content-length'] = [len.to_i.to_s]

Instance Method Details


Returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key. For example, a key of “Content-Type” might return “text/html”

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 46

def [](key)
  a = @header[key.downcase.to_s] or return nil
  a.join(', ')

#[]=(key, val)

Sets the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 52

def []=(key, val)
  unless val
    @header.delete key.downcase.to_s
    return val
  set_field(key, val)

#add_field(key, val)

Ruby 1.8.3

Adds a value to a named header field, instead of replacing its value. Second argument val must be a String. See also #[]=, #[] and #get_fields.

request.add_field 'X-My-Header', 'a'
p request['X-My-Header']              #=> "a"
p request.get_fields('X-My-Header')   #=> ["a"]
request.add_field 'X-My-Header', 'b'
p request['X-My-Header']              #=> "a, b"
p request.get_fields('X-My-Header')   #=> ["a", "b"]
request.add_field 'X-My-Header', 'c'
p request['X-My-Header']              #=> "a, b, c"
p request.get_fields('X-My-Header')   #=> ["a", "b", "c"]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 75

def add_field(key, val)
  stringified_downcased_key = key.downcase.to_s
  if @header.key?(stringified_downcased_key)
    append_field_value(@header[stringified_downcased_key], val)
    set_field(key, val)

#append_field_value(ary, val) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 99

private def append_field_value(ary, val)
  case val
  when Enumerable
    val.each{|x| append_field_value(ary, x)}
    val = val.to_s
    if /[\r\n]/n.match?(val.b)
      raise ArgumentError, 'header field value cannot include CR/LF'
    ary.push val

#basic_auth(account, password)

Set the Authorization: header for “Basic” authorization.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 496

def basic_auth(, password)
  @header['authorization'] = [basic_encode(, password)]

#basic_encode(account, password) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 505

def basic_encode(, password)
  'Basic ' + ["#{}:#{password}"].pack('m0')


Alias for #each_capitalized.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 226

alias canonical_each each_capitalized

#capitalize(name) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 228

def capitalize(name)
  name.to_s.split(/-/).map {|s| s.capitalize }.join('-')


Returns a Range object which represents the value of the Content-Range: header field. For a partial entity body, this indicates where this fragment fits inside the full entity body, as range of byte offsets.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 347

def content_range
  return nil unless @header['content-range']
  m = %r<bytes\s(\d)-(\d)/(\d|\*)>i.match(self['Content-Range']) or
      raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Range format'
  m[1].to_i .. m[2].to_i


Returns a content type string such as “text/html”. This method returns nil if Content-Type: header field does not exist.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 362

def content_type
  return nil unless main_type()
  if sub_type()
  then "#{main_type()}/#{sub_type()}"
  else main_type()

#content_type=(type, params = {})

Alias for #set_content_type.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 409

alias content_type= set_content_type


Removes a header field, specified by case-insensitive key.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 194

def delete(key)


Alias for #each_header.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 154

alias each each_header

#each_capitalized Also known as: #canonical_each

As for #each_header, except the keys are provided in capitalized form.

Note that header names are capitalized systematically; capitalization may not match that used by the remote HTTP server in its response.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 219

def each_capitalized
  block_given? or return enum_for(__method__) { @header.size }
  @header.each do |k,v|
    yield capitalize(k), v.join(', ')


Iterates through the header names in the header, passing capitalized header names to the code block.

Note that header names are capitalized systematically; capitalization may not match that used by the remote HTTP server in its response.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 175

def each_capitalized_name  #:yield: key
  block_given? or return enum_for(__method__) { @header.size }
  @header.each_key do |k|
    yield capitalize(k)

#each_header Also known as: #each

Iterates through the header names and values, passing in the name and value to the code block supplied.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.


response.header.each_header {|key,value| puts "#{key} = #{value}" }
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 147

def each_header   #:yield: key, value
  block_given? or return enum_for(__method__) { @header.size }
  @header.each do |k,va|
    yield k, va.join(', ')


Alias for #each_name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 165

alias each_key each_name

#each_name(&block) Also known as: #each_key

Iterates through the header names in the header, passing each header name to the code block.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 160

def each_name(&block)   #:yield: key
  block_given? or return enum_for(__method__) { @header.size }


Iterates through header values, passing each value to the code block.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 186

def each_value   #:yield: value
  block_given? or return enum_for(__method__) { @header.size }
  @header.each_value do |va|
    yield va.join(', ')

#fetch(key, *args, &block)

Returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key. Returns the default value args, or the result of the block, or raises an IndexError if there’s no header field named key See Hash#fetch

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 133

def fetch(key, *args, &block)   #:yield: key
  a = @header.fetch(key.downcase.to_s, *args, &block)
  a.kind_of?(Array) ? a.join(', ') : a

#form_data=(params, sep = '&')

Alias for #set_form_data.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 431

alias form_data= set_form_data


Ruby 1.8.3

Returns an array of header field strings corresponding to the case-insensitive key. This method allows you to get duplicated header fields without any processing. See also #[].

p response.get_fields('Set-Cookie')
  #=> ["session=al98axx; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-1999 23:58:23",
       "query=rubyscript; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-1999 23:58:23"]
p response['Set-Cookie']
  #=> "session=al98axx; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-1999 23:58:23, query=rubyscript; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-1999 23:58:23"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 123

def get_fields(key)
  stringified_downcased_key = key.downcase.to_s
  return nil unless @header[stringified_downcased_key]


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 15

def initialize_http_header(initheader)
  @header = {}
  return unless initheader
  initheader.each do |key, value|
    warn "net/http: duplicated HTTP header: #{key}", uplevel: 3 if key?(key) and $VERBOSE
    if value.nil?
      warn "net/http: nil HTTP header: #{key}", uplevel: 3 if $VERBOSE
      value = value.strip # raise error for invalid byte sequences
      if key.to_s.bytesize > MAX_KEY_LENGTH
        raise ArgumentError, "too long (#{key.bytesize} bytes) header: #{key[0, 30].inspect}..."
      if value.to_s.bytesize > MAX_FIELD_LENGTH
        raise ArgumentError, "header #{key} has too long field vallue: #{value.bytesize}"
      if value.count("\r\n") > 0
        raise ArgumentError, "header #{key} has field value #{value.inspect}, this cannot include CR/LF"
      @header[key.downcase.to_s] = [value]

#key?(key) ⇒ Boolean

true if key header exists.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 199

def key?(key)


This method is for internal use only.

Alias for #size.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 42

alias length size   #:nodoc: obsolete


Returns a content type string such as “text”. This method returns nil if Content-Type: header field does not exist.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 372

def main_type
  return nil unless @header['content-type']

#proxy_basic_auth(account, password)

Set Proxy-Authorization: header for “Basic” authorization.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 501

def proxy_basic_auth(, password)
  @header['proxy-authorization'] = [basic_encode(, password)]


Returns an Array of Range objects which represent the Range: HTTP header field, or nil if there is no such header.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 235

def range
  return nil unless @header['range']

  value = self['Range']
  # byte-range-set = *( "," OWS ) ( byte-range-spec / suffix-byte-range-spec )
  #   *( OWS "," [ OWS ( byte-range-spec / suffix-byte-range-spec ) ] )
  # corrected collected ABNF
  # http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p5-range-19#section-5.4.1
  # http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p5-range-19#appendix-C
  # http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-19#section-3.2.5
  unless /\Abytes=((?:,[ \t]*)*(?:\d-\d*|-\d)(?:[ \t]*,(?:[ \t]*\d-\d*|-\d)?)*)\z/ =~ value
    raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "invalid syntax for byte-ranges-specifier: '#{value}'"

  byte_range_set = $1
  result = byte_range_set.split(/,/).map {|spec|
    m = /(\d)?\s*-\s*(\d)?/i.match(spec) or
            raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "invalid byte-range-spec: '#{spec}'"
    d1 = m[1].to_i
    d2 = m[2].to_i
    if m[1] and m[2]
      if d1 > d2
        raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "last-byte-pos MUST greater than or equal to first-byte-pos but '#{spec}'"
    elsif m[1]
    elsif m[2]
      raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range is not specified'
  # if result.empty?
  # byte-range-set must include at least one byte-range-spec or suffix-byte-range-spec
  # but above regexp already denies it.
  if result.size == 1 && result[0].begin == 0 && result[0].end == -1
    raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'only one suffix-byte-range-spec with zero suffix-length'

#range=(r, e = nil)

Alias for #set_range.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 314

alias range= set_range


The length of the range represented in Content-Range: header.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 355

def range_length
  r = content_range() or return nil
  r.end - r.begin + 1

#set_content_type(type, params = {}) Also known as: #content_type=

Sets the content type in an HTTP header. The type should be a full HTTP content type, e.g. “text/html”. The params are an optional Hash of parameters to add after the content type, e.g. => ‘iso-8859-1’

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 405

def set_content_type(type, params = {})
  @header['content-type'] = [type + params.map{|k,v|"; #{k}=#{v}"}.join('')]

#set_field(key, val) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 84

private def set_field(key, val)
  case val
  when Enumerable
    ary = []
    append_field_value(ary, val)
    @header[key.downcase.to_s] = ary
    val = val.to_s # for compatibility use to_s instead of to_str
    if val.b.count("\r\n") > 0
      raise ArgumentError, 'header field value cannot include CR/LF'
    @header[key.downcase.to_s] = [val]

#set_form(params, enctype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', formopt = {})

Set an HTML form data set.


The form data to set, which should be an enumerable. See below for more details.


The content type to use to encode the form submission, which should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.


An options hash, supporting the following options:


The boundary of the multipart message. If not given, a random boundary will be used.


The charset of the form submission. All field names and values of non-file fields should be encoded with this charset.

Each item of params should respond to #each and yield 2-3 arguments, or an array of 2-3 elements. The arguments yielded should be:

* The name of the field.
* The value of the field, it should be a String or a File or IO-like.
* An options hash, supporting the following options, only
  used for file uploads:
  :filename :: The name of the file to use.
  :content_type :: The content type of the uploaded file.

Each item is a file field or a normal field. If value is a File object or the opt hash has a :filename key, the item is treated as a file field.

If Transfer-Encoding is set as chunked, this sends the request using chunked encoding. Because chunked encoding is HTTP/1.1 feature, you should confirm that the server supports HTTP/1.1 before using chunked encoding.


req.set_form([["q", "ruby"], ["lang", "en"]])

             charset: "UTF-8",

               {filename: "other-filename.foo"}

See also RFC 2388, RFC 2616, HTML 4.01, and HTML5

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 481

def set_form(params, enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded', formopt={})
  @body_data = params
  @body = nil
  @body_stream = nil
  @form_option = formopt
  case enctype
  when /\Aapplication\/x-www-form-urlencoded\z/i,
    self.content_type = enctype
    raise ArgumentError, "invalid enctype: #{enctype}"

#set_form_data(params, sep = '&') Also known as: #form_data=

Set header fields and a body from HTML form data. params should be an Array of Arrays or a Hash containing HTML form data. Optional argument sep means data record separator.

Values are URL encoded as necessary and the content-type is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Example: http.form_data = => “ruby”, “lang” => “en” http.form_data = => [“ruby”, “perl”], “lang” => “en” http.set_form_data(=> “ruby”, “lang” => “en”, ‘;’)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 424

def set_form_data(params, sep = '&')
  query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
  query.gsub!(/&/, sep) if sep != '&'
  self.body = query
  self.content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

#set_range(r, e = nil) Also known as: #range=

Sets the HTTP Range: header. Accepts either a Range object as a single argument, or a beginning index and a length from that index. Example:

req.range = (0..1023)
req.set_range 0, 1023
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 285

def set_range(r, e = nil)
  unless r
    @header.delete 'range'
    return r
  r = (r...r+e) if e
  case r
  when Numeric
    n = r.to_i
    rangestr = (n > 0 ? "0-#{n-1}" : "-#{-n}")
  when Range
    first = r.first
    last = r.end
    last -= 1 if r.exclude_end?
    if last == -1
      rangestr = (first > 0 ? "#{first}-" : "-#{-first}")
      raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.first is negative' if first < 0
      raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.last is negative' if last < 0
      raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'must be .first < .last' if first > last
      rangestr = "#{first}-#{last}"
    raise TypeError, 'Range/Integer is required'
  @header['range'] = ["bytes=#{rangestr}"]

#size Also known as: #length

This method is for internal use only.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 38

def size   #:nodoc: obsolete


Returns a content type string such as “html”. This method returns nil if Content-Type: header field does not exist or sub-type is not given (e.g. “Content-Type: text”).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 380

def sub_type
  return nil unless @header['content-type']
  _, sub = *self['Content-Type'].split(';').first.to_s.split('/')
  return nil unless sub


Returns a Hash consisting of header names and array of values. e.g. => [“private”],

"content-type" => ["text/html"],
"date" => ["Wed, 22 Jun 2005 22:11:50 GMT"]</code>
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 208

def to_hash


Any parameters specified for the content type, returned as a Hash. For example, a header of Content-Type: text/html; charset=EUC-JP would result in type_params returning => ‘EUC-JP’

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/http/header.rb', line 390

def type_params
  result = {}
  list = self['Content-Type'].to_s.split(';')
  list.each do |param|
    k, v = *param.split('=', 2)
    result[k.strip] = v.strip