
Class: Minitest::PrideLOL

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, PrideIO
Instance Chain:
self, PrideIO
Inherits: Minitest::PrideIO
Defined in: lib/minitest/pride_plugin.rb


If you thought the PrideIO was colorful…

(Inspired by lolcat, but with clean math)

Constant Summary

PrideIO - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

PrideIO - Inherited


Are we showing our testing pride?

Class Method Summary

PrideIO - Inherited


Activate the pride plugin.


Instance Attribute Summary

PrideIO - Inherited


The IO we’re going to pipe through.

Instance Method Summary

PrideIO - Inherited


Color a string.


Wrap print to colorize the output.

#method_missing, #puts

Constructor Details

.new(io) ⇒ PrideLOL

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest/pride_plugin.rb', line 109

def initialize io # :nodoc:
  # walk red, green, and blue around a circle separated by equal thirds.
  # To visualize, type this into wolfram-alpha:
  #   plot (3*sin(x)+3), (3*sin(x2*pi/3)3), (3*sin(x4*pi/3)3)

  # 6 has wide pretty gradients. 3 == lolcat, about half the width
  @colors = (0...(6 * 7)).map { |n|
    n *= 1.0 / 6
    r  = (3 * Math.sin(n           ) + 3).to_i
    g  = (3 * Math.sin(n + 2 * PI_3) + 3).to_i
    b  = (3 * Math.sin(n + 4 * PI_3) + 3).to_i

    # Then we take rgb and encode them in a single number using base 6.
    # For some mysterious reason, we add 16... to clear the bottom 4 bits?
    # Yes... they're ugly.

    36 * r + 6 * g + b + 16


Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Minitest::PrideIO

Instance Method Details


Make the string even more colorful. Damnit.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest/pride_plugin.rb', line 136

def pride string
  c = @colors[@index % @size]
  @index += 1