
Class: WEBrick::Log

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, BasicLog
Instance Chain:
self, BasicLog
Inherits: WEBrick::BasicLog
Defined in: lib/webrick/log.rb


A logging class that prepends a timestamp to each message.

Constant Summary

BasicLog - Inherited


Class Method Summary

BasicLog - Inherited


Initializes a new logger for log_file that outputs messages at level or higher.

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #time_format rw

    Format of the timestamp which is applied to each logged line.

BasicLog - Inherited


Will the logger output DEBUG messages?


Will the logger output ERROR messages?


Will the logger output FATAL messages?


Will the logger output INFO messages?


log-level, messages above this level will be logged.


Will the logger output WARN messages?

Instance Method Summary

BasicLog - Inherited


Synonym for log(INFO, obj.to_s).


Closes the logger (also closes the log device associated to the logger).


Shortcut for logging a DEBUG message.


Shortcut for logging an ERROR message.


Shortcut for logging a FATAL message.


Shortcut for logging an INFO message.


Logs data at level if the given level is above the current log level.


Shortcut for logging a WARN message.


Formats arg for the logger.

Constructor Details

.new(log_file = nil, level = nil) ⇒ Log

Same as BasicLog#initialize

You can set the timestamp format through #time_format

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/webrick/log.rb', line 143

def initialize(log_file=nil, level=nil)
  super(log_file, level)
  @time_format = "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"

Instance Attribute Details

#time_format (rw)

Format of the timestamp which is applied to each logged line. The default is "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/webrick/log.rb', line 137

attr_accessor :time_format

Instance Method Details

#log(level, data)

Same as BasicLog#log

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/webrick/log.rb', line 150

def log(level, data)
  tmp = Time.now.strftime(@time_format)
  tmp << " " << data
  super(level, tmp)