
Class: Gem::Validator::ErrorData

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Struct
Instance Chain:
self, Struct
Inherits: Struct
  • Object
Defined in: lib/rubygems/validator.rb


Describes a problem with a file in a gem.

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #path rw

    Describes a problem with a file in a gem.

  • #problem rw

    Describes a problem with a file in a gem.

Instance Method Summary

Instance Attribute Details

#path (rw)

Describes a problem with a file in a gem.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/validator.rb', line 41

ErrorData = Struct.new :path, :problem do
def <=>(other)

#problem (rw)

Describes a problem with a file in a gem.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/validator.rb', line 41

ErrorData = Struct.new :path, :problem do
def <=>(other)

Instance Method Details


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/validator.rb', line 42

def <=>(other) # :nodoc:
  return nil unless self.class === other

  [path, problem] <=> [other.path, other.problem]