
Class: Minitest::Result

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Runnable
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Minitest::Runnable
Defined in: lib/minitest.rb


This represents a test result in a clean way that can be marshalled over a wire. Tests can do anything they want to the test instance and can create conditions that cause Marshal.dump to blow up. By using .from(a_test) you can be reasonably sure that the test result can be marshalled.

Constant Summary

Runnable - Inherited


Class Method Summary

Runnable - Inherited


Returns all instance methods matching the pattern re.


Responsible for running all runnable methods in a given class, each in its own instance.


Runs a single method and has the reporter record the result.


Each subclass of Runnable is responsible for overriding this method to return all runnable methods.


Returns all subclasses of Runnable.

.inherited, .new, .on_signal, .reset, .with_info_handler

Instance Attribute Summary

Reportable - Included


Did this run error?


Did this run pass?


Was this run skipped?

Runnable - Inherited


Number of assertions executed in this run.


An assertion raised during the run, if any.


Name of the run.


Set the name of the run.


Did this run pass?


Was this run skipped? See #passed? for more information.


The time it took to run.

Instance Method Summary

Reportable - Included


The location identifier of this test.


Returns “.”, “F”, or “E” based on the result of the run.


Runnable - Inherited


Returns a single character string to print based on the result of the run.


Runs a single method.

#failure, #marshal_dump, #marshal_load, #time_it

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Minitest::Runnable

Class Method Details


Create a new test result from a Runnable instance.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 521

def self.from runnable
  o = runnable

  r = self.new o.name
  r.klass      = o.class.name
  r.assertions = o.assertions
  r.failures   = o.failures.dup
  r.time       = o.time

  r.source_location = o.method(o.name).source_location rescue ["unknown", -1]


Instance Attribute Details

#klass (rw)

The class name of the test result.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 511

attr_accessor :klass

#source_location (rw)

The location of the test method.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 516

attr_accessor :source_location

Instance Method Details


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 535

def class_name # :nodoc:
  self.klass # for Minitest::Reportable


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 539

def to_s # :nodoc:
  return location if passed? and not skipped?

  failures.map { |failure|
  }.join "\n"