
Class: RDoc::Task

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Rake::TaskLib
Instance Chain:
self, Rake::TaskLib
Inherits: Rake::TaskLib
  • Object
Defined in: lib/rdoc/task.rb


Task creates the following rake tasks to generate and clean up RDoc output:


Main task for this RDoc task.


Delete all the rdoc files. This target is automatically added to the main clobber target.


Rebuild the rdoc files from scratch, even if they are not out of date.

Simple Example:

require 'rdoc/task'

RDoc::Task.new do |rdoc|
  rdoc.main = "README.rdoc"
  rdoc.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc", "lib/**/*.rb")

The rdoc object passed to the block is an Task object. See the attributes list for the Task class for available customization options.

Specifying different task names

You may wish to give the task a different name, such as if you are generating two sets of documentation. For instance, if you want to have a development set of documentation including private methods:

require 'rdoc/task'

RDoc::Task.new :rdoc_dev do |rdoc|
  rdoc.main = "README.doc"
  rdoc.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc", "lib/**/*.rb")
  rdoc.options << "--all"

The tasks would then be named :rdoc_dev, :clobber_rdoc_dev, and :rerdoc_dev.

If you wish to have completely different task names, then pass a Hash as first argument. With the :rdoc, :clobber_rdoc and :rerdoc options, you can customize the task names to your liking.

For example:

require 'rdoc/task'

RDoc::Task.new(:rdoc => "rdoc", :clobber_rdoc => "rdoc:clean",
               :rerdoc => "rdoc:force")

This will create the tasks :rdoc, :rdoc:clean and :rdoc:force.

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #external rw

    Whether to run the rdoc process as an external shell (default is false).

  • #generator rw

    Name of format generator (<tt>–format<tt>) used by rdoc.

  • #main rw

    Name of file to be used as the main, top level file of the RDoc.

  • #markup rw

    Comment markup format.

  • #name rw

    Name of the main, top level task.

  • #options rw

    Additional list of options to be passed rdoc.

  • #rdoc_dir rw

    Name of directory to receive the html output files.

  • #rdoc_files rw

    List of files to be included in the rdoc generation.

  • #template rw

    Name of template to be used by rdoc.

  • #title rw

    Title of RDoc documentation.

  • #inline_source rw Internal use only

    All source is inline now.

  • #inline_source=(value) rw Internal use only

    All source is inline now.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(name = :rdoc) {|_self| ... } ⇒ Task

Create an RDoc task with the given name. See the Task class overview for documentation.


  • (_self)

Yield Parameters:

  • _self (Task)

    the object that the method was called on

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 155

def initialize name = :rdoc # :yield: self

  check_names name

  @name = name

  yield self if block_given?


Instance Attribute Details

#external (rw)

Whether to run the rdoc process as an external shell (default is false)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 149

attr_accessor :external

#generator (rw)

Name of format generator (<tt>–format<tt>) used by rdoc. (defaults to rdoc’s default)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 134

attr_accessor :generator

#inline_source (rw)

This method is for internal use only.

All source is inline now. This method is deprecated

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 206

def inline_source # :nodoc:
  warn "RDoc::Task#inline_source is deprecated"

#inline_source=(value) (rw)

This method is for internal use only.

All source is inline now. This method is deprecated

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 214

def inline_source=(value) # :nodoc:
  warn "RDoc::Task#inline_source is deprecated"

#main (rw)

Name of file to be used as the main, top level file of the RDoc. (default is none)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 123

attr_accessor :main

#markup (rw)

Comment markup format. rdoc, rd and tomdoc are supported. (default is ‘rdoc’)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 107

attr_accessor :markup

#name (rw)

Name of the main, top level task. (default is :rdoc)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 101

attr_accessor :name

#options (rw)

Additional list of options to be passed rdoc. (default is [])

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 144

attr_accessor :options

#rdoc_dir (rw)

Name of directory to receive the html output files. (default is “html”)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 112

attr_accessor :rdoc_dir

#rdoc_files (rw)

List of files to be included in the rdoc generation. (default is [])

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 139

attr_accessor :rdoc_files

#template (rw)

Name of template to be used by rdoc. (defaults to rdoc’s default)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 128

attr_accessor :template

#title (rw)

Title of RDoc documentation. (defaults to rdoc’s default)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 117

attr_accessor :title

Instance Method Details


The block passed to this method will be called just before running the RDoc generator. It is allowed to modify Task attributes inside the block.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 273

def before_running_rdoc(&block)
  @before_running_rdoc = block


Ensures that names only includes names for the :rdoc, :clobber_rdoc and :rerdoc. If other names are given an ArgumentError is raised.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 171

def check_names names
  return unless Hash === names

  invalid_options =
    names.keys.map { |k| k.to_sym } - [:rdoc, :clobber_rdoc, :rerdoc]

  unless invalid_options.empty? then
    raise ArgumentError, "invalid options: #{invalid_options.join ', '}"


Task description for the clobber rdoc task or its renamed equivalent

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 185

def clobber_task_description
  "Remove RDoc HTML files"

#clobber_task_name (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 304

def clobber_task_name
  case name
  when Hash then (name[:clobber_rdoc] || "clobber_rdoc").to_s
  else           "clobber_#{name}"


Sets default task values

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 192

def defaults
  @name = :rdoc
  @rdoc_files = Rake::FileList.new
  @rdoc_dir = 'html'
  @main = nil
  @title = nil
  @template = nil
  @generator = nil
  @options = []


Create the tasks defined by this task lib.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 221

def define
  desc rdoc_task_description
  task rdoc_task_name

  desc rerdoc_task_description
  task rerdoc_task_name => [clobber_task_name, rdoc_task_name]

  desc clobber_task_description
  task clobber_task_name do
    rm_r @rdoc_dir rescue nil

  task :clobber => [clobber_task_name]

  directory @rdoc_dir

  rdoc_target_deps = [

  task rdoc_task_name => [rdoc_target]
  file rdoc_target => rdoc_target_deps do
    @before_running_rdoc.call if @before_running_rdoc
    args = option_list + @rdoc_files

    $stderr.puts "rdoc #{args.join ' '}" if Rake.application.options.trace
    RDoc::RDoc.new.document args



List of options that will be supplied to RDoc

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 257

def option_list
  result = @options.dup
  result << "-o"       << @rdoc_dir
  result << "--main"   << main      if main
  result << "--markup" << markup    if markup
  result << "--title"  << title     if title
  result << "-T"       << template  if template
  result << '-f'       << generator if generator

#rdoc_target (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 293

def rdoc_target


Task description for the rdoc task or its renamed equivalent

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 280

def rdoc_task_description
  'Build RDoc HTML files'

#rdoc_task_name (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 297

def rdoc_task_name
  case name
  when Hash then (name[:rdoc] || "rdoc").to_s
  else           name.to_s


Task description for the rerdoc task or its renamed description

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 287

def rerdoc_task_description
  "Rebuild RDoc HTML files"

#rerdoc_task_name (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/task.rb', line 311

def rerdoc_task_name
  case name
  when Hash then (name[:rerdoc] || "rerdoc").to_s
  else           "re#{name}"