Class: OpenSSL::X509::Request
Relationships & Source Files | |
Inherits: | Object |
Defined in: | ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c, ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb |
Class Method Summary
- .new(*args) constructor
Instance Attribute Summary
- #attributes rw
- #attributes=(ary) rw
- #public_key rw
- #subject rw
- #subject=(subject) rw
- #version rw
- #version=(version) rw
Instance Method Summary
- #==(other)
- #add_attribute(attr)
- #initialize_copy(other)
- #sign(key, digest)
- #signature_algorithm
- #to_der
Alias for #to_s.
- #to_s (also: #to_pem)
- #to_text
Checks that cert signature is made with PRIVversion of this PUBLIC ‘key’.
Constructor Details
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 78
static VALUE ossl_x509req_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { BIO *in; X509_REQ *req, *x = DATA_PTR(self); VALUE arg; if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &arg) == 0) { return self; } arg = ossl_to_der_if_possible(arg); in = ossl_obj2bio(&arg); req = PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ(in, &x, NULL, NULL); DATA_PTR(self) = x; if (!req) { OSSL_BIO_reset(in); req = d2i_X509_REQ_bio(in, &x); DATA_PTR(self) = x; } BIO_free(in); if (!req) ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); return self; }
Instance Attribute Details
#attributes (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 343
static VALUE ossl_x509req_get_attributes(VALUE self) { X509_REQ *req; int count, i; X509_ATTRIBUTE *attr; VALUE ary; GetX509Req(self, req); count = X509_REQ_get_attr_count(req); if (count < 0) { OSSL_Debug("count < 0???"); return rb_ary_new(); } ary = rb_ary_new2(count); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { attr = X509_REQ_get_attr(req, i); rb_ary_push(ary, ossl_x509attr_new(attr)); } return ary; }
#attributes=(ary) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 367
static VALUE ossl_x509req_set_attributes(VALUE self, VALUE ary) { X509_REQ *req; X509_ATTRIBUTE *attr; long i; VALUE item; Check_Type(ary, T_ARRAY); for (i=0;i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) { OSSL_Check_Kind(RARRAY_AREF(ary, i), cX509Attr); } GetX509Req(self, req); while ((attr = X509_REQ_delete_attr(req, 0))) X509_ATTRIBUTE_free(attr); for (i=0;i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) { item = RARRAY_AREF(ary, i); attr = GetX509AttrPtr(item); if (!X509_REQ_add1_attr(req, attr)) { ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } } return ary; }
#public_key (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 275
static VALUE ossl_x509req_get_public_key(VALUE self) { X509_REQ *req; EVP_PKEY *pkey; GetX509Req(self, req); if (!(pkey = X509_REQ_get_pubkey(req))) { /* adds reference */ ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } return ossl_pkey_new(pkey); /* NO DUP - OK */ }
#public_key=(key) (rw)
# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 289
static VALUE ossl_x509req_set_public_key(VALUE self, VALUE key) { X509_REQ *req; EVP_PKEY *pkey; GetX509Req(self, req); pkey = GetPKeyPtr(key); ossl_pkey_check_public_key(pkey); if (!X509_REQ_set_pubkey(req, pkey)) ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, "X509_REQ_set_pubkey"); return key; }
#subject (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 226
static VALUE ossl_x509req_get_subject(VALUE self) { X509_REQ *req; X509_NAME *name; GetX509Req(self, req); if (!(name = X509_REQ_get_subject_name(req))) { /* NO DUP - don't free */ ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } return ossl_x509name_new(name); }
#subject=(subject) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 240
static VALUE ossl_x509req_set_subject(VALUE self, VALUE subject) { X509_REQ *req; GetX509Req(self, req); /* DUPs name */ if (!X509_REQ_set_subject_name(req, GetX509NamePtr(subject))) { ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } return subject; }
#version (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 197
static VALUE ossl_x509req_get_version(VALUE self) { X509_REQ *req; long version; GetX509Req(self, req); version = X509_REQ_get_version(req); return LONG2NUM(version); }
#version=(version) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 209
static VALUE ossl_x509req_set_version(VALUE self, VALUE version) { X509_REQ *req; long ver; if ((ver = NUM2LONG(version)) < 0) { ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, "version must be >= 0!"); } GetX509Req(self, req); if (!X509_REQ_set_version(req, ver)) { ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, "X509_REQ_set_version"); } return version; }
Instance Method Details
[ GitHub ]#add_attribute(attr)
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 392
static VALUE ossl_x509req_add_attribute(VALUE self, VALUE attr) { X509_REQ *req; GetX509Req(self, req); if (!X509_REQ_add1_attr(req, GetX509AttrPtr(attr))) { ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } return attr; }
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 103
static VALUE ossl_x509req_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other) { X509_REQ *a, *b, *req; rb_check_frozen(self); if (self == other) return self; GetX509Req(self, a); GetX509Req(other, b); if (!(req = X509_REQ_dup(b))) { ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } X509_REQ_free(a); DATA_PTR(self) = req; return self; }
#sign(key, digest)
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 303
static VALUE ossl_x509req_sign(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE digest) { X509_REQ *req; EVP_PKEY *pkey; const EVP_MD *md; GetX509Req(self, req); pkey = GetPrivPKeyPtr(key); /* NO NEED TO DUP */ md = ossl_evp_get_digestbyname(digest); if (!X509_REQ_sign(req, pkey, md)) { ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } return self; }
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 254
static VALUE ossl_x509req_get_signature_algorithm(VALUE self) { X509_REQ *req; const X509_ALGOR *alg; BIO *out; GetX509Req(self, req); if (!(out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) { ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } X509_REQ_get0_signature(req, NULL, &alg); if (!i2a_ASN1_OBJECT(out, alg->algorithm)) { BIO_free(out); ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } return ossl_membio2str(out); }
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 139
static VALUE ossl_x509req_to_der(VALUE self) { X509_REQ *req; VALUE str; long len; unsigned char *p; GetX509Req(self, req); if ((len = i2d_X509_REQ(req, NULL)) <= 0) ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); str = rb_str_new(0, len); p = (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str); if (i2d_X509_REQ(req, &p) <= 0) ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); ossl_str_adjust(str, p); return str; }
Alias for #to_s.
#to_s Also known as: #to_pem
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 121
static VALUE ossl_x509req_to_pem(VALUE self) { X509_REQ *req; BIO *out; GetX509Req(self, req); if (!(out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) { ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } if (!PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ(out, req)) { BIO_free(out); ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } return ossl_membio2str(out); }
[ GitHub ]# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 159
static VALUE ossl_x509req_to_text(VALUE self) { X509_REQ *req; BIO *out; GetX509Req(self, req); if (!(out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) { ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } if (!X509_REQ_print(out, req)) { BIO_free(out); ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } return ossl_membio2str(out); }
Checks that cert signature is made with PRIVversion of this PUBLIC ‘key’
# File 'ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c', line 323
static VALUE ossl_x509req_verify(VALUE self, VALUE key) { X509_REQ *req; EVP_PKEY *pkey; GetX509Req(self, req); pkey = GetPKeyPtr(key); ossl_pkey_check_public_key(pkey); switch (X509_REQ_verify(req, pkey)) { case 1: return Qtrue; case 0: ossl_clear_error(); return Qfalse; default: ossl_raise(eX509ReqError, NULL); } }