
Class: IRB::StdioOutputMethod

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, OutputMethod, Exception2MessageMapper
Instance Chain:
self, OutputMethod
Inherits: IRB::OutputMethod
Defined in: lib/irb/output-method.rb


A standard output printer

Instance Method Summary

  • #print(*opts)

    Prints the given opts to standard output, see IO#print for more information.

OutputMethod - Inherited


Returns an array of the given format and opts to be used by Kernel.sprintf, if there was a successful Regexp match in the given format from #printf


Prints the given objs calling Object#inspect on each.


Prints the given objs calling Object#inspect on each and appending the given prefix.


Open this method to implement your own output method, raises a NotImplementedError if you don’t define #print in your own class.


Extends IO#printf to format the given opts for Kernel.sprintf using #parse_printf_format


Prints the given opts, with a newline delimiter.


Calls #print on each element in the given objs, followed by a newline character.

Instance Method Details