
Module: Bundler::FriendlyErrors

Relationships & Source Files
Defined in: lib/bundler/friendly_errors.rb

Class Method Summary

Class Method Details

.exit_status(error) (mod_func)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/friendly_errors.rb', line 52

def exit_status(error)
  case error
  when BundlerError then error.status_code
  when Thor::Error then 15
  when SystemExit then error.status
  else 1

.issues_url(exception) (mod_func)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/friendly_errors.rb', line 115

def issues_url(exception)
  message = exception.message.lines.first.tr(":", " ").chomp
  message = message.split("-").first if exception.is_a?(Errno)
  "https://github.com/bundler/bundler/search?q=" \

.log_error(error) (mod_func)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/friendly_errors.rb', line 11

def log_error(error)
  case error
  when YamlSyntaxError
    Bundler.ui.error error.message
    Bundler.ui.trace error.orig_exception
  when Dsl::DSLError, GemspecError
    Bundler.ui.error error.message
  when GemRequireError
    Bundler.ui.error error.message
    Bundler.ui.trace error.orig_exception, nil, true
  when BundlerError
    Bundler.ui.error error.message, :wrap => true
    Bundler.ui.trace error
  when Thor::Error
    Bundler.ui.error error.message
  when LoadError
    raise error unless error.message =~ /cannot load such file -- openssl|openssl.so|libcrypto.so/
    Bundler.ui.error "\nCould not load OpenSSL."
    Bundler.ui.warn <<-WARN, :wrap => true
      You must recompile Ruby with OpenSSL support or change the sources in your \
      Gemfile from 'https' to 'http'. Instructions for compiling with OpenSSL \
      using RVM are available at http://rvm.io/packages/openssl.
    Bundler.ui.trace error
  when Interrupt
    Bundler.ui.error "\nQuitting..."
    Bundler.ui.trace error
  when Gem::InvalidSpecificationException
    Bundler.ui.error error.message, :wrap => true
  when SystemExit
  when *[defined?(Java::JavaLang::OutOfMemoryError) && Java::JavaLang::OutOfMemoryError].compact
    Bundler.ui.error "\nYour JVM has run out of memory, and Bundler cannot continue. " \
      "You can decrease the amount of memory Bundler needs by removing gems from your Gemfile, " \
      "especially large gems. (Gems can be as large as hundreds of megabytes, and Bundler has to read those files!). " \
      "Alternatively, you can increase the amount of memory the JVM is able to use by running Bundler with jruby -J-Xmx1024m -S bundle (JRuby defaults to 500MB)."
  else request_issue_report_for(error)
  raise error

.request_issue_report_for(e) (mod_func)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/friendly_errors.rb', line 61

def request_issue_report_for(e)
  Bundler.ui.info <<-EOS.gsub(/^ {8}/, "")
    --- ERROR REPORT TEMPLATE -------------------------------------------------------
    # Error Report

    ## Questions

    Please fill out answers to these questions, it'll help us figure out
    why things are going wrong.

    - **What did you do?**

      I ran the command `#{$PROGRAM_NAME} #{ARGV.join(" ")}`

    - **What did you expect to happen?**

      I expected Bundler to...

    - **What happened instead?**

      Instead, what happened was...

    - **Have you tried any solutions posted on similar issues in our issue tracker, stack overflow, or google?**

      I tried...

    - **Have you read our issues document, https://github.com/bundler/bundler/blob/master/doc/contributing/ISSUES.md?**


    ## Backtrace

    #{e.class}: #{e.message}
      #{e.backtrace && e.backtrace.join("\n          ").chomp}

    --- TEMPLATE END ----------------------------------------------------------------


  Bundler.ui.error "Unfortunately, an unexpected error occurred, and Bundler cannot continue."

  Bundler.ui.warn <<-EOS.gsub(/^ {8}/, "")

    First, try this link to see if there are any existing issue reports for this error:

    If there aren't any reports for this error yet, please create copy and paste the report template above into a new issue. Don't forget to anonymize any private data! The new issue form is located at: