
Module: Bundler::BuildMetadata

Relationships & Source Files
Defined in: lib/bundler/build_metadata.rb


Represents metadata from when the ::Bundler gem was built.

Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

  • .built_at

    A string representing the date the bundler gem was built.

  • .git_commit_sha

    The SHA for the git commit the bundler gem was built from.

  • .to_h

    A hash representation of the build metadata.

Class Attribute Details

.release?Boolean (readonly)

Whether this is an official release build of ::Bundler.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/build_metadata.rb', line 49

def self.release?

Class Method Details


A string representing the date the bundler gem was built.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/build_metadata.rb', line 22

def self.built_at
  @built_at ||= Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%d").freeze


The SHA for the git commit the bundler gem was built from.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/build_metadata.rb', line 27

def self.git_commit_sha
  return @git_commit_sha if @git_commit_sha

  # If Bundler has been installed without its .git directory and without a
  # commit instance variable then we can't determine its commits SHA.
  git_dir = File.join(File.expand_path("../../..", __FILE__), ".git")
  if File.directory?(git_dir)
    return @git_commit_sha = Dir.chdir(git_dir) { `git rev-parse --short HEAD`.strip.freeze }

  # If Bundler is a submodule in RubyGems, get the submodule commit
  git_sub_dir = File.join(File.expand_path("../../../..", __FILE__), ".git")
  if File.directory?(git_sub_dir)
    return @git_commit_sha = Dir.chdir(git_sub_dir) do
      `git ls-tree --abbrev=8 HEAD bundler`.split(/\s/).fetch(2, "").strip.freeze

  @git_commit_sha ||= "unknown"


A hash representation of the build metadata.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/build_metadata.rb', line 13

def self.to_h
    "Built At" => built_at,
    "Git SHA" => git_commit_sha,
    "Released Version" => release?,