
Class: RDoc::RI::Task

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ::RDoc::Task, Rake::TaskLib
Instance Chain:
self, ::RDoc::Task, Rake::TaskLib
Inherits: RDoc::Task
Defined in: lib/rdoc/ri/task.rb


Task creates ri data in ./.rdoc for your project.

It contains the following tasks:


Build ri data


Delete ri data files. This target is automatically added to the main clobber target.


Rebuild the ri data from scratch even if they are not out of date.

Simple example:

require 'rdoc/ri/task'

RDoc::RI::Task.new do |ri|
  ri.main = 'README.rdoc'
  ri.rdoc_files.include 'README.rdoc', 'lib/**/*.rb'

For further configuration details see ::RDoc::Task.

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

::RDoc::Task - Inherited


Create an ::RDoc::RDoc task with the given name.

Instance Attribute Summary

::RDoc::Task - Inherited


Whether to run the rdoc process as an external shell (default is false).


Name of format generator (<tt>–format<tt>) used by rdoc.


Name of file to be used as the main, top level file of the ::RDoc::RDoc.


::RDoc::Comment markup format.


Name of the main, top level task.


Additional list of options to be passed rdoc.


Name of directory to receive the html output files.


List of files to be included in the rdoc generation.


Name of template to be used by rdoc.


Title of ::RDoc::RDoc documentation.


All source is inline now.


All source is inline now.

Instance Method Summary

::RDoc::Task - Inherited


The block passed to this method will be called just before running the ::RDoc::RDoc generator.


Ensures that names only includes names for the :rdoc, :clobber_rdoc and :rerdoc.


Task description for the clobber rdoc task or its renamed equivalent.


Sets default task values.


Create the tasks defined by this task lib.


List of options that will be supplied to ::RDoc::RDoc.


Task description for the rdoc task or its renamed equivalent.


Task description for the rerdoc task or its renamed description.

#clobber_task_name, #rdoc_target, #rdoc_task_name, #rerdoc_task_name

Constructor Details

.new(name = DEFAULT_NAMES) ⇒ Task

Create an ri task with the given name. See ::RDoc::Task for documentation on setting names.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/ri/task.rb', line 47

def initialize name = DEFAULT_NAMES # :yield: self

Instance Method Details


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/ri/task.rb', line 51

def clobber_task_description # :nodoc:
  "Remove RI data files"


Sets default task values

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/ri/task.rb', line 58

def defaults

  @rdoc_dir = '.rdoc'


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/ri/task.rb', line 64

def rdoc_task_description # :nodoc:
  'Build RI data files'


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/ri/task.rb', line 68

def rerdoc_task_description # :nodoc:
  'Rebuild RI data files'