Class: RDoc::Mixin
Relationships & Source Files | |
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: |
Defined in: | lib/rdoc/mixin.rb |
Constant Summary
Text - Included
Class Method Summary
.new(name, comment) ⇒ Mixin
Creates a new
for #name withcomment
CodeObject - Inherited
.new | Creates a new CodeObject that will document itself and its children. |
Instance Attribute Summary
Name of included module.
Sets the store for this class or module and its contained code objects.
CodeObject - Inherited
#comment | Our comment. |
#comment= | Replaces our comment with |
#display? | Should this CodeObject be displayed in output? |
#document_children | Do we document our children? |
#document_children= | Enables or disables documentation of this CodeObject's children unless it has been turned off by :enddoc: |
#document_self | Do we document ourselves? |
#document_self= | Enables or disables documentation of this CodeObject unless it has been turned off by :enddoc:. |
#documented? | Does this object have a comment with content or is |
#done_documenting | Are we done documenting (ie, did we come across a :enddoc:)? |
#done_documenting= | Turns documentation on/off, and turns on/off |
#file | Which file this code object was defined in. |
#force_documentation | Force documentation of this CodeObject. |
#force_documentation= | Force the documentation of this object unless documentation has been turned off by :enddoc: |
#full_name= | Sets the full_name overriding any computed full name. |
#ignored? | Has this class been ignored? |
#line | Line in |
#metadata | Hash of arbitrary metadata for this CodeObject. |
#parent | Our parent CodeObject. |
#parent= | Sets the parent CodeObject. |
#received_nodoc | Did we ever receive a |
#section | The section this CodeObject is in. |
#section= | Set the section this CodeObject is in. |
#store | The Store for this object. |
#store= | Sets the |
#suppressed? | Has this class been suppressed? |
#viewer | We are the model of the code, but we know that at some point we will be worked on by viewers. |
Instance Method Summary
Mixins are sorted by name.
Full name based on #module
Attempts to locate the included module object.
- #==(other) (also: #eql?) Internal use only
- #eql?(other) Internal use only
- #hash Internal use only
- #inspect Internal use only
- #to_s Internal use only
CodeObject - Inherited
#each_parent | Yields each parent of this CodeObject. |
#file_name | File name where this CodeObject was found. |
#ignore | Use this to ignore a CodeObject and all its children until found again (#record_location is called). |
#options | The options instance from the store this CodeObject is attached to, or a default options instance if the CodeObject is not attached. |
#parent_file_name | File name of our parent. |
#parent_name | Name of our parent. |
#record_location | Records the TopLevel (file) where this code object was defined. |
#start_doc | Enable capture of documentation unless documentation has been turned off by :enddoc: |
#stop_doc | Disable capture of documentation. |
#suppress | Use this to suppress a CodeObject and all its children until the next file it is seen in or documentation is discovered. |
#initialize_visibility | Initializes state for visibility of this CodeObject and its children. |
Generator::Markup - Included
#aref_to | Generates a relative URL from this object's path to |
#as_href | Generates a relative URL from |
#cvs_url | Build a webcvs URL starting for the given |
#description | Handy wrapper for marking up this object's comment. |
#formatter | Creates an Markup::ToHtmlCrossref formatter. |
Text - Included
#expand_tabs | Expands tab characters in |
#flush_left | Flush |
#markup | Convert a string in markup format into HTML. |
#normalize_comment | Strips hashes, expands tabs then flushes |
#parse | Normalizes |
#snippet | The first |
#strip_hashes | Strips leading # characters from |
#strip_newlines | Strips leading and trailing n characters from |
#strip_stars | Strips /* */ style comments. |
#to_html | Converts ampersand, dashes, ellipsis, quotes, copyright and registered trademark symbols in |
#wrap | Wraps |
Constructor Details
.new(name, comment) ⇒ Mixin
Creates a new Mixin
for #name with comment
Instance Attribute Details
#name (rw)
Name of included module
# File 'lib/rdoc/mixin.rb', line 11
attr_accessor :name
#store=(store) (writeonly)
Sets the store for this class or module and its contained code objects.
# File 'lib/rdoc/mixin.rb', line 110
def store= store super @file = @store.add_file @file.full_name if @file end
Instance Method Details
Mixins are sorted by name
#==(other) Also known as: #eql?
# File 'lib/rdoc/mixin.rb', line 32
def == other # :nodoc: self.class === other and @name == end
# File 'lib/rdoc/mixin.rb', line 36
alias eql? == # :nodoc:
Full name based on #module
# File 'lib/rdoc/mixin.rb', line 41
def full_name m = self.module RDoc::ClassModule === m ? m.full_name : @name end
# File 'lib/rdoc/mixin.rb', line 46
def hash # :nodoc: [@name, self.module].hash end
# File 'lib/rdoc/mixin.rb', line 50
def inspect # :nodoc: "#<%s:0x%x %s.%s %s>" % [ self.class, object_id, parent_name,, @name, ] end
Attempts to locate the included module object. Returns the name if not known.
The scoping rules of Ruby to resolve the name of an included module are:
first look into the children of the current context;
if not found, look into the children of included modules, in reverse inclusion order;
if still not found, go up the hierarchy of names.
This method has O(n!)
behavior when the module calling include is referencing nonexistent modules. Avoid calling #module
until after all the files are parsed. This behavior is due to ruby's constant lookup behavior.
As of the beginning of October, 2011, no gem includes nonexistent modules.
# File 'lib/rdoc/mixin.rb', line 75
def module return @module if @module # search the current context return @name unless parent full_name = parent.child_name(@name) @module = @store.modules_hash[full_name] return @module if @module return @name if @name =~ /^::/ # search the includes before this one, in reverse order searched = parent.includes.take_while { |i| i != self }.reverse searched.each do |i| inc = i.module next if String === inc full_name = inc.child_name(@name) @module = @store.modules_hash[full_name] return @module if @module end # go up the hierarchy of names up = parent.parent while up full_name = up.child_name(@name) @module = @store.modules_hash[full_name] return @module if @module up = up.parent end @name end
# File 'lib/rdoc/mixin.rb', line 116
def to_s # :nodoc: "#{} #@name in: #{parent}" end