
Class: PP::SingleLine

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, PrettyPrint::SingleLine
Instance Chain:
self, PPMethods, PrettyPrint::SingleLine
Inherits: PrettyPrint::SingleLine
  • ::Object
Defined in: lib/pp.rb

Instance Method Summary

PPMethods - Included


Check whether the object_id id is in the current buffer of objects to be pretty printed.


A convenience method which is same as follows:


Yields to a block and preserves the previous set of objects being printed.


A convenience method, like object_group, but also reformats the Object's object_id.


A convenience method which is same as follows:


Removes an object from the set of objects being pretty printed.


Adds obj to the pretty printing buffer using Object#pretty_print or Object#pretty_print_cycle.


A pretty print for a ::Hash.


A present standard failsafe for pretty printing any given ::Object.


Adds the object_id id to the set of objects being pretty printed, so as to not repeat objects.


Adds a separated list.