
Class: Fiddle::CUnionEntity

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Fiddle::CStructEntity
Defined in: ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/struct.rb


A C union wrapper

Constant Summary

PackInfo - Included


Class Method Summary

CStructEntity - Inherited


Allocates a C struct with the types provided.


Wraps the C pointer addr as a C struct with the given types.


Returns the offset for the packed sizes for the given types.

Pointer - Inherited


Get the underlying pointer for ruby object val and return it as a Pointer object.


Create a new pointer to address with an optional .size and freefunc.


Alias for Pointer.[].

Instance Attribute Summary

Pointer - Inherited


Get the free function for this pointer.


Set the free function for this pointer to function in the given Function.


Returns true if this is a null pointer.


Get the size of this pointer.


Set the size of this pointer to .size

Instance Method Summary

  • #set_ctypes(types)

    Calculate the necessary offset and for each union member with the given types

CStructEntity - Inherited


Fetch struct member name


Set struct member name, to value val


Set the names of the members in this C struct.


Calculates the offsets and sizes for the given types in the struct.


ValueUtil - Included

PackInfo - Included

Pointer - Inherited


Returns a new pointer instance that has been advanced n bytes.


Returns a new Pointer instance that is a dereferenced pointer for this pointer.


Returns a new pointer instance that has been moved back n bytes.


Returns a new Pointer instance that is a reference pointer for this pointer.


Returns -1 if less than, 0 if equal to, 1 if greater than other.


Returns true if other wraps the same pointer, otherwise returns false.


Returns integer stored at index.


Set the value at index to int.


Alias for Pointer#==.


Returns a string formatted with an easily readable representation of the internal state of the pointer.


Alias for Pointer#+@.


Alias for Pointer#-@.


Returns the integer memory location of this pointer.


Alias for Pointer#to_i.


Returns the pointer contents as a string.


Returns the pointer contents as a string.


Cast this pointer to a ruby object.

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Fiddle::CStructEntity

Class Method Details

.malloc(types, func = nil)

Allocates a C union the types provided.

When the instance is garbage collected, the C function func is called.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/struct.rb', line 217

def CUnionEntity.malloc(types, func=nil)
  addr = Fiddle.malloc(CUnionEntity.size(types))
  CUnionEntity.new(addr, types, func)


Returns the size needed for the union with the given types.

  [ Fiddle::TYPE_DOUBLE,
    Fiddle::TYPE_VOIDP ]) #=> 8
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/struct.rb', line 229

def CUnionEntity.size(types)
  types.map { |type, count = 1|
    PackInfo::SIZE_MAP[type] * count

Instance Method Details


Calculate the necessary offset and for each union member with the given types

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/struct.rb', line 237

def set_ctypes(types)
  @ctypes = types
  @offset = Array.new(types.length, 0)
  @size   = self.class.size types