
Class: Complex

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ::Numeric
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Numeric
Defined in: complex.c


A complex number can be represented as a paired real number with imaginary unit; a+bi. Where a is real part, b is imaginary part and i is imaginary unit. Real a equals complex a+0i mathematically.

Complex object can be created as literal, and also by using Kernel.Complex, .rect, .polar or to_c method.

2+1i                 #=> (2+1i)
Complex(1)           #=> (1+0i)
Complex(2, 3)        #=> (2+3i)
Complex.polar(2, 3)  #=> (-1.9799849932008908+0.2822400161197344i)
3.to_c               #=> (3+0i)

You can also create complex object from floating-point numbers or strings.

Complex(0.3)         #=> (0.3+0i)
Complex('0.3-0.5i')  #=> (0.3-0.5i)
Complex('2/3+3/4i')  #=> ((2/3)+(3/4)*i)
Complex('1@2')       #=> (-0.4161468365471424+0.9092974268256817i)

0.3.to_c             #=> (0.3+0i)
'0.3-0.5i'.to_c      #=> (0.3-0.5i)
'2/3+3/4i'.to_c      #=> ((2/3)+(3/4)*i)
'1@2'.to_c           #=> (-0.4161468365471424+0.9092974268256817i)

A complex object is either an exact or an inexact number.

Complex(1, 1) / 2    #=> ((1/2)+(1/2)*i)
Complex(1, 1) / 2.0  #=> (0.5+0.5i)

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

::Numeric - Inherited


Return true if num is finite number, oterwise returns false.


Returns values corresponding to the value of num's magnitude:


Returns true if num is an ::Integer.


Returns true if num is less than 0.


Returns self if num is not zero, nil otherwise.


Returns true if num is greater than 0.


Returns self.


Returns true if num is a Real number.


Returns true if num has a zero value.

Instance Method Summary

::Numeric - Inherited


x.modulo(y) means x-y*(x/y).floor.


Unary Plus—Returns the receiver's value.


Unary Minus—Returns the receiver's value, negated.


Returns zero if number equals other, otherwise nil is returned if the two values are incomparable.


Returns the absolute value of num.


Returns square of self.


Alias for Numeric#arg.


Returns 0 if the value is positive, pi otherwise.


Returns the smallest possible ::Integer that is greater than or equal to num.


Returns self.


Alias for Numeric#conj.


Returns the denominator (always positive).


Uses #/ to perform division, then converts the result to an integer.


Returns an array containing the quotient and modulus obtained by dividing num by numeric.


Returns true if num and numeric are the same type and have equal values.


Returns float division.


Returns the largest integer less than or equal to num.


Returns the corresponding imaginary number.


Returns zero.


Alias for Numeric#imag.


Numerics are immutable values, which should not be copied.


Alias for Numeric#abs.


Alias for Numeric#%.


Returns the numerator.


Alias for Numeric#arg.


Returns an array; [num.abs, num.arg].


Returns most exact division (rational for integers, float for floats).


Returns an array; [num, 0].


Alias for Numeric#rect.


x.remainder(y) means x-y*(x/y).truncate.


Rounds num to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).


Trap attempts to add methods to ::Numeric objects.


Invokes the given block with the sequence of numbers starting at num, incremented by step (defaulted to 1) on each call.


Returns the value as a complex.


Invokes the child class's #to_i method to convert num to an integer.


Returns num truncated to an ::Integer.

::Comparable - Included


Compares two objects based on the receiver's <=> method, returning true if it returns -1.


Compares two objects based on the receiver's <=> method, returning true if it returns -1 or 0.


Compares two objects based on the receiver's <=> method, returning true if it returns 0.


Compares two objects based on the receiver's <=> method, returning true if it returns 1.


Compares two objects based on the receiver's <=> method, returning true if it returns 0 or 1.


Returns false if obj <=> min is less than zero or if anObject <=> max is greater than zero, true otherwise.


Returns min if obj <=> min is less than zero, max if obj <=> max is greater than zero and obj otherwise.

Class Method Details

.polar(abs[, arg]) ⇒ Complex

Returns a complex object which denotes the given polar form.

Complex.polar(3, 0)            #=> (3.0+0.0i)
Complex.polar(3, Math::PI/2)   #=> (1.836909530733566e-16+3.0i)
Complex.polar(3, Math::PI)     #=> (-3.0+3.673819061467132e-16i)
Complex.polar(3, -Math::PI/2)  #=> (1.836909530733566e-16-3.0i)

.rect(real[, imag]) ⇒ Complex .rectangular(real[, imag]) ⇒ Complex
Also known as: .rectangular

Returns a complex object which denotes the given rectangular form.

Complex.rectangular(1, 2)  #=> (1+2i)

.rect(real[, imag]) ⇒ Complex .rectangular(real[, imag]) ⇒ Complex

Alias for .rect.

Instance Attribute Details

#finite?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if cmp's magnitude is finite number, oterwise returns false.

#infinite?Boolean (readonly)

Returns values corresponding to the value of cmp's magnitude:





For example:

   (1+1i).infinite?                   #=> nil
   (Float::INFINITY + 1i).infinite?   #=> 1

#realNumeric (readonly)

Returns the real part.

Complex(7).real      #=> 7
Complex(9, -4).real  #=> 9

#real?Boolean (readonly)

Returns false.

Instance Method Details


#**(numeric) ⇒ Complex

Performs exponentiation.

Complex('i') ** 2              #=> (-1+0i)
Complex(-8) ** Rational(1, 3)  #=> (1.0000000000000002+1.7320508075688772i)

#+(numeric) ⇒ Complex

Performs addition.

Complex(2, 3)  + Complex(2, 3)   #=> (4+6i)
Complex(900)   + Complex(1)      #=> (901+0i)
Complex(-2, 9) + Complex(-9, 2)  #=> (-11+11i)
Complex(9, 8)  + 4               #=> (13+8i)
Complex(20, 9) + 9.8             #=> (29.8+9i)

#-(numeric) ⇒ Complex

Performs subtraction.

Complex(2, 3)  - Complex(2, 3)   #=> (0+0i)
Complex(900)   - Complex(1)      #=> (899+0i)
Complex(-2, 9) - Complex(-9, 2)  #=> (7+7i)
Complex(9, 8)  - 4               #=> (5+8i)
Complex(20, 9) - 9.8             #=> (10.2+9i)


Returns negation of the value.

-Complex(1, 2)  #=> (-1-2i)

#/(numeric) ⇒ Complex #quo(numeric) ⇒ Complex

Performs division.

Complex(2, 3)  / Complex(2, 3)   #=> ((1/1)+(0/1)*i)
Complex(900)   / Complex(1)      #=> ((900/1)+(0/1)*i)
Complex(-2, 9) / Complex(-9, 2)  #=> ((36/85)-(77/85)*i)
Complex(9, 8)  / 4               #=> ((9/4)+(2/1)*i)
Complex(20, 9) / 9.8             #=> (2.0408163265306123+0.9183673469387754i)

#==(object) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if cmp equals object numerically.

Complex(2, 3)  == Complex(2, 3)   #=> true
Complex(5)     == 5               #=> true
Complex(0)     == 0.0             #=> true
Complex('1/3') == 0.33            #=> false
Complex('1/2') == '1/2'           #=> false

#absNumeric #magnitudeNumeric
Also known as: #magnitude

Returns the absolute part of its polar form.

Complex(-1).abs         #=> 1
Complex(3.0, -4.0).abs  #=> 5.0


Returns square of the absolute value.

Complex(-1).abs2         #=> 1
Complex(3.0, -4.0).abs2  #=> 25.0

#argFloat #angleFloat #phaseFloat

Alias for #arg.

#argFloat #angleFloat #phaseFloat
Also known as: #angle, #phase

Returns the angle part of its polar form.

Complex.polar(3, Math::PI/2).arg  #=> 1.5707963267948966

#conjComplex #conjugateComplex

Alias for #~.

#conjComplex #conjugateComplex

Alias for #~.


Returns the denominator (lcm of both denominator - real and imag).

See numerator.

#fdiv(numeric) ⇒ Complex

Performs division as each part is a float, never returns a float.

Complex(11, 22).fdiv(3)  #=> (3.6666666666666665+7.333333333333333i)

#imagNumeric #imaginaryNumeric
Also known as: #imaginary

Returns the imaginary part.

Complex(7).imaginary      #=> 0
Complex(9, -4).imaginary  #=> -4

#imagNumeric #imaginaryNumeric

Alias for #imag.


Returns the value as a string for inspection.

Complex(2).inspect                       #=> "(2+0i)"
Complex('-8/6').inspect                  #=> "((-4/3)+0i)"
Complex('1/2i').inspect                  #=> "(0+(1/2)*i)"
Complex(0, Float::INFINITY).inspect      #=> "(0+Infinity*i)"
Complex(Float::NAN, Float::NAN).inspect  #=> "(NaN+NaN*i)"

#absNumeric #magnitudeNumeric

Alias for #abs.


Returns the numerator.

1   2       3+4i  <-  numerator
    - + -i  ->  ----
    2   3        6    <-  denominator

c = Complex('1/2+2/3i')  #=> ((1/2)+(2/3)*i)
n = c.numerator          #=> (3+4i)
d = c.denominator        #=> 6
n / d                    #=> ((1/2)+(2/3)*i)
Complex(Rational(n.real, d), Rational(n.imag, d))
                         #=> ((1/2)+(2/3)*i)

See denominator.

#argFloat #angleFloat #phaseFloat

Alias for #arg.


Returns an array; [cmp.abs, cmp.arg].

Complex(1, 2).polar  #=> [2.23606797749979, 1.1071487177940904]


#rationalize([eps]) ⇒ Rational

Returns the value as a rational if possible (the imaginary part should be exactly zero).

Complex(1.0/3, 0).rationalize  #=> (1/3)
Complex(1, 0.0).rationalize    # RangeError
Complex(1, 2).rationalize      # RangeError

See to_r.

#rectArray #rectangularArray
Also known as: #rectangular

Returns an array; [cmp.real, cmp.imag].

Complex(1, 2).rectangular  #=> [1, 2]

#rectArray #rectangularArray

Alias for #rect.


Returns self.

Complex(2).to_c      #=> (2+0i)
Complex(-8, 6).to_c  #=> (-8+6i)


Returns the value as a float if possible (the imaginary part should be exactly zero).

Complex(1, 0).to_f    #=> 1.0
Complex(1, 0.0).to_f  # RangeError
Complex(1, 2).to_f    # RangeError


Returns the value as an integer if possible (the imaginary part should be exactly zero).

Complex(1, 0).to_i    #=> 1
Complex(1, 0.0).to_i  # RangeError
Complex(1, 2).to_i    # RangeError


Returns the value as a rational if possible (the imaginary part should be exactly zero).

Complex(1, 0).to_r    #=> (1/1)
Complex(1, 0.0).to_r  # RangeError
Complex(1, 2).to_r    # RangeError

See rationalize.


Returns the value as a string.

Complex(2).to_s                       #=> "2+0i"
Complex('-8/6').to_s                  #=> "-4/3+0i"
Complex('1/2i').to_s                  #=> "0+1/2i"
Complex(0, Float::INFINITY).to_s      #=> "0+Infinity*i"
Complex(Float::NAN, Float::NAN).to_s  #=> "NaN+NaN*i"

#conjComplex #conjugateComplex
Also known as: #conjugate, #conj

Returns the complex conjugate.

Complex(1, 2).conjugate  #=> (1-2i)