
Class: Integer

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ::Numeric
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Numeric
Defined in: numeric.c,


Holds Integer values. You cannot add a singleton method to an Integer. Any attempt to add a singleton method to an Integer object will raise a ::TypeError.

Constant Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

::Numeric - Inherited


Return true if num is finite number, oterwise returns false.


Returns values corresponding to the value of num's magnitude:


Returns true if num is an Integer.


Returns true if num is less than 0.


Returns self if num is not zero, nil otherwise.


Returns true if num is greater than 0.


Returns self.


Returns true if num is a Real number.


Returns true if num has a zero value.

Instance Method Summary

::Numeric - Inherited


x.modulo(y) means x-y*(x/y).floor.


Unary Plus—Returns the receiver's value.


Unary Minus—Returns the receiver's value, negated.


Returns zero if number equals other, otherwise nil is returned if the two values are incomparable.


Returns the absolute value of num.


Returns square of self.


Alias for Numeric#arg.


Returns 0 if the value is positive, pi otherwise.


Returns the smallest possible Integer that is greater than or equal to num.


Returns self.


Alias for Numeric#conj.


Returns the denominator (always positive).


Uses #/ to perform division, then converts the result to an integer.


Returns an array containing the quotient and modulus obtained by dividing num by numeric.


Returns true if num and numeric are the same type and have equal values.


Returns float division.


Returns the largest integer less than or equal to num.


Returns the corresponding imaginary number.


Returns zero.


Alias for Numeric#imag.


Numerics are immutable values, which should not be copied.


Alias for Numeric#abs.


Alias for Numeric#%.


Returns the numerator.


Alias for Numeric#arg.


Returns an array; [num.abs, num.arg].


Returns most exact division (rational for integers, float for floats).


Returns an array; [num, 0].


Alias for Numeric#rect.


x.remainder(y) means x-y*(x/y).truncate.


Rounds num to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).


Trap attempts to add methods to ::Numeric objects.


Invokes the given block with the sequence of numbers starting at num, incremented by step (defaulted to 1) on each call.


Returns the value as a complex.


Invokes the child class's #to_i method to convert num to an integer.


Returns num truncated to an Integer.

::Comparable - Included


Compares two objects based on the receiver's #<=> method, returning true if it returns -1.


Compares two objects based on the receiver's #<=> method, returning true if it returns -1 or 0.


Compares two objects based on the receiver's #<=> method, returning true if it returns 0.


Compares two objects based on the receiver's #<=> method, returning true if it returns 1.


Compares two objects based on the receiver's #<=> method, returning true if it returns 0 or 1.


Returns false if obj #<=> min is less than zero or if anObject #<=> max is greater than zero, true otherwise.


Returns min if obj #<=> min is less than zero, max if obj #<=> max is greater than zero and obj otherwise.

Instance Attribute Details

#even?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if int is an even number.

#integer?Boolean (readonly)

Since int is already an Integer, this always returns true.

#odd?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if int is an odd number.

Instance Method Details

#%(other) ⇒ Numeric #modulo(other) ⇒ Numeric
Also known as: #modulo

Returns int modulo other.

See Numeric#divmod for more information.

#&(integer) ⇒ Integer

Bitwise AND.

#*(numeric) ⇒ numeric_result

Performs multiplication: the class of the resulting object depends on the class of numeric and on the magnitude of the result. It may return a Bignum.

#**(numeric) ⇒ numeric_result

Raises integer to the power of numeric, which may be negative or fractional. The result may be an Integer, or a ::Float

2 ** 3      #=> 8
2 ** -1     #=> (1/2)
2 ** 0.5    #=> 1.4142135623731

123456789 ** 2      #=> 15241578750190521
123456789 ** 1.2    #=> 5126464716.09932
123456789 ** -2     #=> (1/15241578750190521)

#+(numeric) ⇒ numeric_result

Performs addition: the class of the resulting object depends on the class of numeric and on the magnitude of the result. It may return a Bignum.

#-(numeric) ⇒ numeric_result

Performs subtraction: the class of the resulting object depends on the class of numeric and on the magnitude of the result. It may return a Bignum.


Negates int. (returns an integer whose value is 0-int)

#/(numeric) ⇒ numeric_result

Performs division: the class of the resulting object depends on the class of numeric and on the magnitude of the result. It may return a Bignum.

#<(real) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if the value of int is less than that of real.

#<<(count) ⇒ Integer

Shifts int left count positions, or right if count is negative.

#<=(real) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if the value of int is less than or equal to that of real.

#<=>(numeric) ⇒ 1, ...

Comparison—Returns -1, 0, +1 or nil depending on whether int is less than, equal to, or greater than numeric.

This is the basis for the tests in the ::Comparable module.

nil is returned if the two values are incomparable.

#==(y) Also known as: #===


Alias for #==.

#>(real) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if the value of int is greater than that of real.

#>=(real) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if the value of int is greater than or equal to that of real.

#>>(count) ⇒ Integer

Shifts int right count positions, or left if count is negative.

#[](n) ⇒ 0, 1

Bit Reference—Returns the nth bit in the binary representation of int, where int[0] is the least significant bit.

For example:

a = 0b11001100101010
30.downto(0) do |n| print a[n] end
#=> 0000000000000000011001100101010

a = 9**15
50.downto(0) do |n|
  print a[n]
#=> 000101110110100000111000011110010100111100010111001

#^(integer) ⇒ Integer


#absInteger #magnitudeInteger
Also known as: #magnitude

Returns the absolute value of int.

-12345.abs   #=> 12345
12345.abs    #=> 12345
-1234567890987654321.abs   #=> 1234567890987654321


Returns the number of bits of the value of int.

“the number of bits” means that the bit position of the highest bit which is different to the sign bit. (The bit position of the bit 2**n is n+1.) If there is no such bit (zero or minus one), zero is returned.

I.e. This method returns ceil(log2(int < 0 ? -int : int+1)).

(-2**10000-1).bit_length  #=> 10001
(-2**10000).bit_length    #=> 10000
(-2**10000+1).bit_length  #=> 10000
(-2**1000-1).bit_length   #=> 1001
(-2**1000).bit_length     #=> 1000
(-2**1000+1).bit_length   #=> 1000
(-2**12-1).bit_length     #=> 13
(-2**12).bit_length       #=> 12
(-2**12+1).bit_length     #=> 12
-0x101.bit_length         #=> 9
-0x100.bit_length         #=> 8
-0xff.bit_length          #=> 8
-2.bit_length             #=> 1
-1.bit_length             #=> 0
0.bit_length              #=> 0
1.bit_length              #=> 1
0xff.bit_length           #=> 8
0x100.bit_length          #=> 9
(2**12-1).bit_length      #=> 12
(2**12).bit_length        #=> 13
(2**12+1).bit_length      #=> 13
(2**1000-1).bit_length    #=> 1000
(2**1000).bit_length      #=> 1001
(2**1000+1).bit_length    #=> 1001
(2**10000-1).bit_length   #=> 10000
(2**10000).bit_length     #=> 10001
(2**10000+1).bit_length   #=> 10001

This method can be used to detect overflow in Array#pack as follows.

if n.bit_length < 32
  [n].pack("l") # no overflow
  raise "overflow"

#ceil([ndigits]) ⇒ Integer, Float

Returns the smallest number than or equal to int in decimal digits (default 0 digits).

Precision may be negative. Returns a floating point number when ndigits is positive, self for zero, and ceil up for negative.

1.ceil        #=> 1
1.ceil(2)     #=> 1.0
15.ceil(-1)   #=> 20

#chr([encoding]) ⇒ String

Returns a string containing the character represented by the int's value according to encoding.

65.chr    #=> "A"
230.chr   #=> "\346"
255.chr(Encoding::UTF_8)   #=> "\303\277"

#coerce(numeric) ⇒ Array

Returns an array with both a numeric and a big represented as Bignum objects.

This is achieved by converting numeric to a Bignum.

A TypeError is raised if the numeric is not a Fixnum or Bignum type.

(0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF+1).coerce(42)   #=> [42, 4611686018427387904]


Returns 1.

#digitsArray #digits(base) ⇒ Array

Returns the array including the digits extracted by place-value notation with radix base of int.

base should be greater than or equal to 2.

12345.digits      #=> [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
12345.digits(7)   #=> [4, 6, 6, 0, 5]
12345.digits(100) #=> [45, 23, 1]

-12345.digits(7)  #=> Math::DomainError

#div(numeric) ⇒ Integer

Performs integer division: returns integer result of dividing int by numeric.

#divmod(numeric) ⇒ Array

#downto(limit) {|i| ... } ⇒ self #downto(limit) ⇒ Enumerator

Iterates the given block, passing decreasing values from int down to and including limit.

If no block is given, an ::Enumerator is returned instead.

5.downto(1) { |n| print n, ".. " }
print "  Liftoff!\n"
#=> "5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..   Liftoff!"

#fdiv(numeric) ⇒ Float

Returns the floating point result of dividing integer by numeric.

654321.fdiv(13731)      #=> 47.6528293642124
654321.fdiv(13731.24)   #=> 47.6519964693647

-1234567890987654321.fdiv(13731)      #=> -89910996357705.5
-1234567890987654321.fdiv(13731.24)   #=> -89909424858035.7

#floor([ndigits]) ⇒ Integer, Float

Returns the largest number less than or equal to int in decimal digits (default 0 digits).

Precision may be negative. Returns a floating point number when ndigits is positive, self for zero, and floor down for negative.

1.floor        #=> 1
1.floor(2)     #=> 1.0
15.floor(-1)   #=> 10

#gcd(int2) ⇒ Integer

Returns the greatest common divisor (always positive). 0.gcd(x) and x.gcd(0) return abs(x).

2.gcd(2)                    #=> 2
3.gcd(-7)                   #=> 1
((1<<31)-1).gcd((1<<61)-1)  #=> 1

#gcdlcm(int2) ⇒ Array

Returns an array; [int.gcd(int2), int.lcm(int2)].

2.gcdlcm(2)                    #=> [2, 2]
3.gcdlcm(-7)                   #=> [1, 21]
((1<<31)-1).gcdlcm((1<<61)-1)  #=> [1, 4951760154835678088235319297]

#to_s(base = 10) ⇒ String #inspect(base = 10) ⇒ String

Alias for #to_s.

#lcm(int2) ⇒ Integer

Returns the least common multiple (always positive). 0.lcm(x) and x.lcm(0) return zero.

2.lcm(2)                    #=> 2
3.lcm(-7)                   #=> 21
((1<<31)-1).lcm((1<<61)-1)  #=> 4951760154835678088235319297

#absInteger #magnitudeInteger

Alias for #abs.

#%(other) ⇒ Numeric #modulo(other) ⇒ Numeric

Alias for #%.

#nextInteger #succInteger
Also known as: #succ

Returns the Integer equal to int + 1.

1.next      #=> 2
(-1).next   #=> 0
1.succ      #=> 2
(-1).succ   #=> 0


Returns self.


Returns the int itself.

?a.ord    #=> 97

This method is intended for compatibility to character constant in Ruby 1.9.

For example, ?a.ord returns 97 both in 1.8 and 1.9.


Returns the Integer equal to int - 1.

1.pred      #=> 0
(-1).pred   #=> -2

#rationalize([eps]) ⇒ Rational

Returns the value as a rational. The optional argument eps is always ignored.

#remainder(numeric) ⇒ Numeric

Returns the remainder after dividing big by numeric as:

x.remainder(y) means x-y*(x/y).truncate


5.remainder(3)    #=> 2
-5.remainder(3)   #=> -2
5.remainder(-3)   #=> 2
-5.remainder(-3)  #=> -2

-1234567890987654321.remainder(13731)      #=> -6966
-1234567890987654321.remainder(13731.24)   #=> -9906.22531493148

See Numeric#divmod.

#round([ndigits]) ⇒ Integer, Float

Rounds int to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).

Precision may be negative. Returns a floating point number when ndigits is positive, self for zero, and round down for negative.

1.round        #=> 1
1.round(2)     #=> 1.0
15.round(-1)   #=> 20


Returns the number of bytes in the machine representation of int.

1.size            #=> 4
-1.size           #=> 4
2147483647.size   #=> 4
(256**10 - 1).size   #=> 12
(256**20 - 1).size   #=> 20
(256**40 - 1).size   #=> 40

#nextInteger #succInteger

Alias for #next.

#times {|i| ... } ⇒ self #timesEnumerator

Iterates the given block int times, passing in values from zero to int - 1.

If no block is given, an ::Enumerator is returned instead.

5.times do |i|
  print i, " "
#=> 0 1 2 3 4


Converts int to a ::Float. If int doesn't fit in a ::Float, the result is infinity.

#to_iInteger Also known as: #to_int

As int is already an Integer, all these methods simply return the receiver.

Synonyms is #to_int

#to_iInteger #to_intInteger

Alias for #to_i.


Returns the value as a rational.

1.to_r        #=> (1/1)
(1<<64).to_r  #=> (18446744073709551616/1)

#to_s(base = 10) ⇒ String Also known as: #inspect

Returns a string containing the representation of int radix base (between 2 and 36).

12345.to_s       #=> "12345"
12345.to_s(2)    #=> "11000000111001"
12345.to_s(8)    #=> "30071"
12345.to_s(10)   #=> "12345"
12345.to_s(16)   #=> "3039"
12345.to_s(36)   #=> "9ix"
78546939656932.to_s(36)  #=> "rubyrules"

#truncate([ndigits]) ⇒ Integer, Float

Returns the smallest number than or equal to int in decimal digits (default 0 digits).

Precision may be negative. Returns a floating point number when ndigits is positive, self for zero, and truncate up for negative.

1.truncate        #=> 1
1.truncate(2)     #=> 1.0
15.truncate(-1)   #=> 10

#upto(limit) {|i| ... } ⇒ self #upto(limit) ⇒ Enumerator

Iterates the given block, passing in integer values from int up to and including limit.

If no block is given, an ::Enumerator is returned instead.

For example:

5.upto(10) { |i| print i, " " }
#=> 5 6 7 8 9 10

#|(integer) ⇒ Integer

Bitwise OR.


One's complement: returns a number where each bit is flipped.

Inverts the bits in an integer. As Integers are conceptually infinite length, the result acts as if it had an infinite number of one bits to the left. In hex representations, this is displayed as two periods to the left of the digits.

sprintf("%X", ~0x1122334455)    #=> "..FEEDDCCBBAA"