
Class: Gem::Resolver::APISpecification

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Gem::Resolver::Specification
Defined in: lib/rubygems/resolver/api_specification.rb


Represents a specification retrieved via the rubygems.org API.

This is used to avoid loading the full Specification object when all we need is the name, version, and dependencies.

Class Method Summary

Specification - Inherited


Sets default instance variables for the specification.

Instance Attribute Summary

Specification - Inherited


The dependencies of the gem for this specification.


Returns true if this specification is installable on this platform.


The name of the gem for this specification.


The platform this gem works on.


The set this specification came from.


The source for this specification.


The version of the gem for this specification.

Instance Method Summary

Specification - Inherited


The name and version of the specification.


Installs this specification using the ::Gem::Installer options.

Constructor Details

.new(set, api_data) ⇒ APISpecification

Creates an APISpecification for the given set from the rubygems.org api_data.

See guides.rubygems.org/rubygems-org-api/#misc_methods for the format of the api_data.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver/api_specification.rb', line 17

def initialize(set, api_data)

  @set = set
  @name = api_data[:name]
  @version = Gem::Version.new api_data[:number]
  @platform = Gem::Platform.new api_data[:platform]
  @dependencies = api_data[:dependencies].map do |name, ver|
    Gem::Dependency.new name, ver.split(/\s*,\s*/)