Class: Net::HTTP
Relationships & Source Files | |
Namespace Children | |
| |
| |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: |
Defined in: | lib/net/http.rb, lib/net/http/backward.rb |
An HTTP client API for Ruby.
provides a rich library which can be used to build HTTP
user-agents. For more details about HTTP
see RFC2616
is designed to work closely with URI. URI::HTTP#host
, URI::HTTP#port
and URI::HTTP#request_uri
are designed to work with HTTP
If you are only performing a few GET requests you should try OpenURI.
Simple Examples
All examples assume you have loaded HTTP
require 'net/http'
This will also require 'uri' so you don't need to require it separately.
methods in the following section do not persist connections. They are not recommended if you are performing many HTTP
Net::HTTP.get('', '/index.html') # => String
uri = URI('')
Net::HTTP.get(uri) # => String
GET with Dynamic Parameters
uri = URI('')
params = { :limit => 10, :page => 3 }
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
puts res.body if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
uri = URI('')
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => 'ruby', 'max' => '50')
puts res.body
POST with Multiple Values
uri = URI('')
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => ['ruby', 'perl'], 'max' => '50')
puts res.body
How to use HTTP
The following example code can be used as the basis of a HTTP
user-agent which can perform a variety of request types using persistent connections.
uri = URI('')
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|
request = uri
response = http.request request # Net::HTTPResponse object
.start immediately creates a connection to an HTTP
server which is kept open for the duration of the block. The connection will remain open for multiple requests in the block if the server indicates it supports persistent connections.
The request types HTTP
supports are listed below in the section “HTTP Request Classes”.
If you wish to re-use a connection across multiple HTTP
requests without automatically closing it you can use .new instead of .start. #request will automatically open a connection to the server if one is not currently open. You can manually close the connection with #finish.
For all the HTTP
request objects and shortcut request methods you may supply either a String for the request path or a URI from which HTTP
will extract the request path.
Response Data
uri = URI('')
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
# Headers
res['Set-Cookie'] # => String
res.get_fields('set-cookie') # => Array
res.to_hash['set-cookie'] # => Array
puts "Headers: #{res.to_hash.inspect}"
# Status
puts res.code # => '200'
puts res. # => 'OK'
puts # => 'HTTPOK'
# Body
puts res.body if res.response_body_permitted?
Following Redirection
Each HTTPResponse object belongs to a class for its response code.
For example, all 2XX responses are instances of a HTTPSuccess subclass, a 3XX response is an instance of a HTTPRedirection subclass and a 200 response is an instance of the HTTPOK class. For details of response classes, see the section “HTTP Response Classes” below.
Using a case statement you can handle various types of responses properly:
def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10)
# You should choose a better exception.
raise ArgumentError, 'too many HTTP redirects' if limit == 0
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(uri_str))
case response
when Net::HTTPSuccess then
when Net::HTTPRedirection then
location = response['location']
warn "redirected to #{location}"
fetch(location, limit - 1)
print fetch('')
A POST can be made using the Post request class. This example creates a urlencoded POST body:
uri = URI('')
req =
req.set_form_data('from' => '2005-01-01', 'to' => '2005-03-31')
res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http|
case res
when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPRedirection
# OK
At this time HTTP
does not support multipart/form-data. To send multipart/form-data use Net::HTTPRequest#body=
and Net::HTTPRequest#content_type=
req =
req.body = multipart_data
req.content_type = 'multipart/form-data'
Other requests that can contain a body such as PUT can be created in the same way using the corresponding request class (Net::HTTP::Put).
Setting Headers
The following example performs a conditional GET using the If-Modified-Since header. If the files has not been modified since the time in the header a Not Modified response will be returned. See RFC 2616 section 9.3 for further details.
uri = URI('')
file = File.stat 'cached_response'
req =
req['If-Modified-Since'] = file.mtime.rfc2822
res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http|
open 'cached_response', 'w' do |io|
io.write res.body
end if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
Basic Authentication
Basic authentication is performed according to RFC2617
uri = URI('')
req =
req.basic_auth 'user', 'pass'
res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http|
puts res.body
Streaming Response Bodies
By default HTTP
reads an entire response into memory. If you are handling large files or wish to implement a progress bar you can instead stream the body directly to an IO.
uri = URI('')
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|
request = uri
http.request request do |response|
open 'large_file', 'w' do |io|
response.read_body do |chunk|
io.write chunk
HTTPS is enabled for an HTTP
connection by #use_ssl=.
uri = URI('')
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port,
:use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|
request = uri
response = http.request request # Net::HTTPResponse object
In previous versions of Ruby you would need to require 'net/https' to use HTTPS. This is no longer true.
will automatically create a proxy from the http_proxy
environment variable if it is present. To disable use of http_proxy
, pass nil
for the proxy address.
You may also create a custom proxy:
proxy_addr = ''
proxy_port = 8080'', nil, proxy_addr, proxy_port).start { |http|
# always proxy via your.proxy.addr:8080
See .new for further details and examples such as proxies that require a username and password.
automatically adds Accept-Encoding for compression of response bodies and automatically decompresses gzip and deflate responses unless a Range header was sent.
Compression can be disabled through the Accept-Encoding: identity header.
HTTP Request Classes
Here is the HTTP
request class hierarchy.
HTTP Response Classes
Here is HTTP
response class hierarchy. All classes are defined in ::Net module and are subclasses of HTTPResponse.
- HTTPUnknownResponse
For unhandled
extensions - HTTPInformation
- HTTPContinue
- HTTPSwitchProtocol
- HTTPSuccess
- HTTPCreated
- HTTPAccepted
- HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation
- HTTPNoContent
- HTTPResetContent
- HTTPPartialContent
- HTTPMultiStatus
- HTTPRedirection
- HTTPMultipleChoices
- HTTPMovedPermanently
- HTTPFound
- HTTPSeeOther
- HTTPNotModified
- HTTPUseProxy
- HTTPTemporaryRedirect
- HTTPClientError
- HTTPBadRequest
- HTTPUnauthorized
- HTTPPaymentRequired
- HTTPForbidden
- HTTPNotFound
- HTTPMethodNotAllowed
- HTTPNotAcceptable
- HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired
- HTTPRequestTimeOut
- HTTPConflict
- HTTPGone
- HTTPLengthRequired
- HTTPPreconditionFailed
- HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge
- HTTPRequestURITooLong
- HTTPUnsupportedMediaType
- HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
- HTTPExpectationFailed
- HTTPUnprocessableEntity
- HTTPLocked
- HTTPFailedDependency
- HTTPUpgradeRequired
- HTTPPreconditionRequired
- HTTPTooManyRequests
- HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
- HTTPServerError
- HTTPInternalServerError
- HTTPNotImplemented
- HTTPBadGateway
- HTTPServiceUnavailable
- HTTPGatewayTimeOut
- HTTPVersionNotSupported
- HTTPInsufficientStorage
- HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired
There is also the HTTPBadResponse exception which is raised when there is a protocol error.
Constant Summary
HTTPVersion =
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 390'1.1'
Revision =
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 389%q$Revision$.split[1]
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 776[ :ca_file, :ca_path, :cert, :cert_store, :ciphers, :key, :ssl_timeout, :ssl_version, :verify_callback, :verify_depth, :verify_mode, ]
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 763[ :@ca_file, :@ca_path, :@cert, :@cert_store, :@ciphers, :@key, :@ssl_timeout, :@ssl_version, :@verify_callback, :@verify_depth, :@verify_mode, ]
Class Attribute Summary
Address of proxy host.
.proxy_class? ⇒ Boolean
returns true if self is a class which was created by
. -
User password for accessing proxy.
Port number of proxy host.
User name for accessing proxy.
Turns on net/http 1.2 (Ruby 1.8) features.
.version_1_2? ⇒ Boolean
(also: .is_version_1_2?)
Returns true if net/http is in version 1.2 mode.
Class Method Summary
The default port to use for
requests; defaults to 80. -
.get(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil)
Sends a GET request to the target and returns the
response as a string. -
.get_print(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil)
Gets the body text from the target and outputs it to $stdout.
.get_response(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil, &block)
Sends a GET request to the target and returns the
response as a HTTPResponse object. -
The default port to use for
requests; defaults to 80. -
The default port to use for HTTPS requests; defaults to 443.
.new(address, port = nil, p_addr = :ENV, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil) ⇒ HTTP
Creates a new
object without opening a TCP connection orHTTP
session. -
.post_form(url, params)
Posts HTML form data to the specified URI object.
Proxy(p_addr = :ENV, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil)
Creates an
proxy class which behaves likeHTTP
, but performs all access via the specified proxy. -
.start(address, port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass, &block)
Creates a new
object, then additionally opens the TCP connection andHTTP
Instance Attribute Summary
Sets path of a CA certification file in PEM format.
Sets path of a CA certification directory containing certifications in PEM format.
Sets an
object as client certificate. -
Sets the
to verify peer certificate. -
Sets the available ciphers.
- #close_on_empty_response rw
Seconds to wait for 100 Continue response.
Setter for the continue_timeout attribute.
Seconds to reuse the connection of the previous request.
Sets an
object. -
The local host used to establish the connection.
The local port used to establish the connection.
Number of seconds to wait for the connection to open.
(also: #proxyaddr)
The address of the proxy server, if one is configured.
- #proxy_address=(value) rw
- #proxy_from_env=(value) rw
#proxy_from_env? ⇒ Boolean
True if the proxy for this connection is determined from the environment.
The proxy password, if one is configured.
- #proxy_pass=(value) rw
(also: #proxyport)
The port of the proxy server, if one is configured.
- #proxy_port=(value) rw
The proxy username, if one is configured.
- #proxy_user=(value) rw
Number of seconds to wait for one block to be read (via one read(2) call).
Setter for the read_timeout attribute.
Sets the SSL timeout seconds.
Sets the SSL version.
Turn on/off SSL.
#use_ssl? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if SSL/TLS is being used with
. -
Sets the verify callback for the server certification verification.
Sets the maximum depth for the certificate chain verification.
Sets the flags for server the certification verification at beginning of SSL/TLS session.
The DNS host name or IP address to connect to.
The port number to connect to.
#proxy? ⇒ Boolean
True if requests for this connection will be proxied.
#started? ⇒ Boolean
(also: #active?)
Returns true if the
session has been started.
Instance Method Summary
#copy(path, initheader = nil)
Sends a COPY request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. -
#delete(path, initheader = {'Depth' => 'Infinity'})
Sends a DELETE request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. -
Finishes the
session and closes the TCP connection. -
#get(path, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block)
Retrieves data from
on the connected-to host which may be an absolute path String or a URI to extract the path from. -
#head(path, initheader = nil)
Gets only the header from
on the connected-to host. -
#initialize(address, port = nil) ⇒ HTTP
Creates a new
object for the specified server address, without opening the TCP connection or initializing theHTTP
session. - #inspect
#lock(path, body, initheader = nil)
Sends a LOCK request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. -
#mkcol(path, body = nil, initheader = nil)
Sends a MKCOL request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. -
#move(path, initheader = nil)
Sends a MOVE request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. -
#options(path, initheader = nil)
Sends a OPTIONS request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. -
#patch(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block)
Sends a PATCH request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. -
Returns the X.509 certificates the server presented.
#post(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block)
(must be a String) topath
. -
#propfind(path, body = nil, initheader = {'Depth' => '0'})
Sends a PROPFIND request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. -
#proppatch(path, body, initheader = nil)
Sends a PROPPATCH request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. -
#request(req, body = nil, &block)
Sends an HTTPRequest object
to theHTTP
server. -
#request_get(path, initheader = nil, &block)
(also: #get2)
Sends a GET request to the
. -
#request_head(path, initheader = nil, &block)
(also: #head2)
Sends a HEAD request to the
and returns the response as a HTTPResponse object. -
#request_post(path, data, initheader = nil, &block)
(also: #post2)
Sends a POST request to the
. -
#send_request(name, path, data = nil, header = nil)
Sends an
request to theHTTP
server. -
WARNING This method opens a serious security hole.
Opens a TCP connection and
session. -
#trace(path, initheader = nil)
Sends a TRACE request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. -
#unlock(path, body, initheader = nil)
Sends a UNLOCK request to the
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object. - #addr_port private
- #begin_transport(req) private
- #connect private
- D(msg) private
- #do_finish private
- #do_start private
- #edit_path(path) private
- #end_transport(req, res) private
- #keep_alive?(req, res) ⇒ Boolean private
- #on_connect private
#send_entity(path, data, initheader, dest, type, &block)
Executes a request which uses a representation and returns its body.
- #sspi_auth(req) private
- #sspi_auth?(res) ⇒ Boolean private
- #transport_request(req) private
Constructor Details
.new(address, port = nil, p_addr = :ENV, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil) ⇒ HTTP
Creates a new HTTP
object without opening a TCP connection or HTTP
The #address should be a DNS hostname or IP address, the #port is the port the server operates on. If no #port is given the default port for HTTP
or HTTPS is used.
If none of the p_
arguments are given, the proxy host and port are taken from the http_proxy
environment variable (or its uppercase equivalent) if present. If the proxy requires authentication you must supply it by hand. See URI::Generic#find_proxy
for details of proxy detection from the environment. To disable proxy detection set p_addr
to nil.
If you are connecting to a custom proxy, p_addr
the DNS name or IP address of the proxy host, p_port
the port to use to access the proxy, and p_user
and p_pass
the username and password if authorization is required to use the proxy.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 610
def, port = nil, p_addr = :ENV, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil) http = super address, port if proxy_class? then # from Net::HTTP::Proxy() http.proxy_from_env = @proxy_from_env http.proxy_address = @proxy_address http.proxy_port = @proxy_port http.proxy_user = @proxy_user http.proxy_pass = @proxy_pass elsif p_addr == :ENV then http.proxy_from_env = true else http.proxy_address = p_addr http.proxy_port = p_port || default_port http.proxy_user = p_user http.proxy_pass = p_pass end http end
#initialize(address, port = nil) ⇒ HTTP
Creates a new HTTP
object for the specified server address, without opening the TCP connection or initializing the HTTP
session. The #address should be a DNS hostname or IP address.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 634
def initialize(address, port = nil) @address = address @port = (port || HTTP.default_port) @local_host = nil @local_port = nil @curr_http_version = HTTPVersion @keep_alive_timeout = 2 @last_communicated = nil @close_on_empty_response = false @socket = nil @started = false @open_timeout = 60 @read_timeout = 60 @continue_timeout = nil @debug_output = nil @proxy_from_env = false @proxy_uri = nil @proxy_address = nil @proxy_port = nil @proxy_user = nil @proxy_pass = nil @use_ssl = false @ssl_context = nil @ssl_session = nil @sspi_enabled = false SSL_IVNAMES.each do |ivname| instance_variable_set ivname, nil end end
Class Attribute Details
.proxy_address (readonly)
Address of proxy host. If HTTP
does not use a proxy, nil.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1008
attr_reader :proxy_address
.proxy_class? ⇒ Boolean
returns true if self is a class which was created by HTTP::Proxy
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1003
def proxy_class? defined?(@is_proxy_class) ? @is_proxy_class : false end
.proxy_pass (readonly)
User password for accessing proxy. If HTTP
does not use a proxy, nil.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1018
attr_reader :proxy_pass
.proxy_port (readonly)
Port number of proxy host. If HTTP
does not use a proxy, nil.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1011
attr_reader :proxy_port
.proxy_user (readonly)
User name for accessing proxy. If HTTP
does not use a proxy, nil.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1014
attr_reader :proxy_user
.version_1_2 (readonly)
Turns on net/http 1.2 (Ruby 1.8) features. Defaults to ON in Ruby 1.8 or later.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 402
def HTTP.version_1_2 true end
.version_1_2? ⇒ Boolean
Also known as: .is_version_1_2?
Returns true if net/http is in version 1.2 mode. Defaults to true.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 408
def HTTP.version_1_2? true end
Class Method Details
The default port to use for HTTP
requests; defaults to 80.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 519
def HTTP.default_port http_default_port() end
.get(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil)
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 455
def HTTP.get(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil) get_response(uri_or_host, path, port).body end
.get_print(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil)
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 436
def HTTP.get_print(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil) get_response(uri_or_host, path, port) {|res| res.read_body do |chunk| $stdout.print chunk end } nil end
.get_response(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil, &block)
Sends a GET request to the target and returns the HTTP
response as a HTTPResponse object. The target can either be specified as (uri
), or as (host
, path
, #port = 80); so:
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(''))
print res.body
res = Net::HTTP.get_response('', '/index.html')
print res.body
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 471
def HTTP.get_response(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil, &block) if path host = uri_or_host new(host, port || HTTP.default_port).start {|http| return http.request_get(path, &block) } else uri = uri_or_host start(uri.hostname, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') {|http| return http.request_get(uri, &block) } end end
The default port to use for HTTP
requests; defaults to 80.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 524
def HTTP.http_default_port 80 end
The default port to use for HTTPS requests; defaults to 443.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 529
def HTTP.https_default_port 443 end
.post_form(url, params)
Posts HTML form data to the specified URI object. The form data must be provided as a Hash mapping from String to String. Example:
{ "cmd" => "search", "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50" }
This method also does Basic Authentication iff url
.user exists. But userinfo for authentication is deprecated (RFC3986). So this feature will be removed.
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
Net::HTTP.post_form URI(''),
{ "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50" }
Proxy(p_addr = :ENV, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil)
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 980
def HTTP.Proxy(p_addr = :ENV, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil) return self unless p_addr { @is_proxy_class = true if p_addr == :ENV then @proxy_from_env = true @proxy_address = nil @proxy_port = nil else @proxy_from_env = false @proxy_address = p_addr @proxy_port = p_port || default_port end @proxy_user = p_user @proxy_pass = p_pass } end
.start(address, port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass, &block)
.start(address, port = nil, p_addr = nil, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil, opt, &block)
Creates a new HTTP
object, then additionally opens the TCP connection and HTTP
Arguments are the following:
- address
hostname or IP address of the server
- port
port of the server
- p_addr
address of proxy
- p_port
port of proxy
- p_user
user of proxy
- p_pass
pass of proxy
- opt
optional hash
opt sets following values by its accessor. The keys are ca_file, ca_path, cert, cert_store, ciphers, close_on_empty_response, key, open_timeout, read_timeout, ssl_timeout, ssl_version, use_ssl, verify_callback, verify_depth and verify_mode. If you set :use_ssl
as true, you can use https and default value of verify_mode is set as OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
If the optional block is given, the newly created HTTP
object is passed to it and closed when the block finishes. In this case, the return value of this method is the return value of the block. If no block is given, the return value of this method is the newly created HTTP
object itself, and the caller is responsible for closing it upon completion using the finish() method.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 567
def HTTP.start(address, *arg, &block) # :yield: http arg.pop if opt = Hash.try_convert(arg[-1]) port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass = *arg port = https_default_port if !port && opt && opt[:use_ssl] http = new(address, port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass) if opt if opt[:use_ssl] opt = {verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER}.update(opt) end http.methods.grep(/\A(\w+)=\z/) do |meth| key = $1.to_sym opt.key?(key) or next http.__send__(meth, opt[key]) end end http.start(&block) end
Instance Attribute Details
#address (readonly)
The DNS host name or IP address to connect to.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 685
attr_reader :address
#ca_file (rw)
Sets path of a CA certification file in PEM format.
The file can contain several CA certificates.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 793
attr_accessor :ca_file
#ca_path (rw)
Sets path of a CA certification directory containing certifications in PEM format.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 797
attr_accessor :ca_path
#cert (rw)
Sets an OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
object as client certificate. (This method is appeared in Michal Rokos's OpenSSL extension).
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 801
attr_accessor :cert
#cert_store (rw)
Sets the X509::Store
to verify peer certificate.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 804
attr_accessor :cert_store
#ciphers (rw)
Sets the available ciphers. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ciphers=
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 807
attr_accessor :ciphers
#close_on_empty_response (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 744
attr_accessor :close_on_empty_response
#continue_timeout (rw)
Seconds to wait for 100 Continue response. If the HTTP
object does not receive a response in this many seconds it sends the request body. The default value is nil
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 723
attr_reader :continue_timeout
#continue_timeout=(sec) (rw)
Setter for the continue_timeout attribute.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 726
def continue_timeout=(sec) @socket.continue_timeout = sec if @socket @continue_timeout = sec end
#keep_alive_timeout (rw)
Seconds to reuse the connection of the previous request. If the idle time is less than this Keep-Alive Timeout, HTTP
reuses the TCP/IP socket used by the previous communication. The default value is 2 seconds.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 735
attr_accessor :keep_alive_timeout
#key (rw)
Sets an OpenSSL::PKey::RSA
or OpenSSL::PKey::DSA
object. (This method is appeared in Michal Rokos's OpenSSL extension.)
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 811
attr_accessor :key
#local_host (rw)
The local host used to establish the connection.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 691
attr_accessor :local_host
#local_port (rw)
The local port used to establish the connection.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 694
attr_accessor :local_port
#open_timeout (rw)
Number of seconds to wait for the connection to open. Any number may be used, including Floats for fractional seconds. If the HTTP
object cannot open a connection in this many seconds, it raises a Net::OpenTimeout
exception. The default value is 60 seconds.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 706
attr_accessor :open_timeout
#port (readonly)
The port number to connect to.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 688
attr_reader :port
#proxy? ⇒ Boolean
True if requests for this connection will be proxied
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1022
def proxy? !!if @proxy_from_env then proxy_uri else @proxy_address end end
#proxy_address (rw) Also known as: #proxyaddr
The address of the proxy server, if one is configured.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1043
def proxy_address if @proxy_from_env then proxy_uri&.hostname else @proxy_address end end
#proxy_address=(value) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 697
attr_writer :proxy_address
#proxy_from_env=(value) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 696
attr_writer :proxy_from_env
#proxy_from_env? ⇒ Boolean
True if the proxy for this connection is determined from the environment
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1031
def proxy_from_env? @proxy_from_env end
#proxy_pass (rw)
The proxy password, if one is configured
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1066
def proxy_pass @proxy_pass end
#proxy_pass=(value) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 700
attr_writer :proxy_pass
#proxy_port (rw) Also known as: #proxyport
The port of the proxy server, if one is configured.
#proxy_port=(value) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 698
attr_writer :proxy_port
#proxy_user (rw)
The proxy username, if one is configured
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1061
def proxy_user @proxy_user end
#proxy_user=(value) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 699
attr_writer :proxy_user
#read_timeout (rw)
Number of seconds to wait for one block to be read (via one read(2) call). Any number may be used, including Floats for fractional seconds. If the HTTP
object cannot read data in this many seconds, it raises a Net::ReadTimeout
exception. The default value is 60 seconds.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 712
attr_reader :read_timeout
#read_timeout=(sec) (rw)
Setter for the read_timeout attribute.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 715
def read_timeout=(sec) @socket.read_timeout = sec if @socket @read_timeout = sec end
#ssl_timeout (rw)
Sets the SSL timeout seconds.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 814
attr_accessor :ssl_timeout
#ssl_version (rw)
Sets the SSL version. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ssl_version=
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 817
attr_accessor :ssl_version
#started? ⇒ Boolean
Also known as: #active?
Returns true if the HTTP
session has been started.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 738
def started? @started end
#use_ssl=(flag) (rw)
Turn on/off SSL. This flag must be set before starting session. If you change use_ssl value after session started, a HTTP
object raises IOError.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 755
def use_ssl=(flag) flag = flag ? true : false if started? and @use_ssl != flag raise IOError, "use_ssl value changed, but session already started" end @use_ssl = flag end
#use_ssl? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if SSL/TLS is being used with HTTP
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 747
def use_ssl? @use_ssl end
#verify_callback (rw)
Sets the verify callback for the server certification verification.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 820
attr_accessor :verify_callback
#verify_depth (rw)
Sets the maximum depth for the certificate chain verification.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 823
attr_accessor :verify_depth
#verify_mode (rw)
Sets the flags for server the certification verification at beginning of SSL/TLS session.
are acceptable.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 829
attr_accessor :verify_mode
Instance Method Details
#addr_port (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1543
def addr_port if use_ssl? address() + (port == HTTP.https_default_port ? '' : ":#{port()}") else address() + (port == HTTP.http_default_port ? '' : ":#{port()}") end end
#begin_transport(req) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1460
def begin_transport(req) if @socket.closed? connect elsif @last_communicated if @last_communicated + @keep_alive_timeout < Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) D 'Conn close because of keep_alive_timeout' @socket.close connect elsif && @socket.eof? D "Conn close because of EOF" @socket.close connect end end if not req.response_body_permitted? and @close_on_empty_response req['connection'] ||= 'close' end req.update_uri address, port, use_ssl? req['host'] ||= addr_port() end
#connect (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 868
def connect if proxy? then conn_address = proxy_address conn_port = proxy_port else conn_address = address conn_port = port end D "opening connection to #{conn_address}:#{conn_port}..." s = Timeout.timeout(@open_timeout, Net::OpenTimeout) { begin, conn_port, @local_host, @local_port) rescue => e raise e, "Failed to open TCP connection to " + "#{conn_address}:#{conn_port} (#{e.})" end } s.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1) D "opened" if use_ssl? ssl_parameters = iv_list = instance_variables SSL_IVNAMES.each_with_index do |ivname, i| if iv_list.include?(ivname) and value = instance_variable_get(ivname) ssl_parameters[SSL_ATTRIBUTES[i]] = value if value end end @ssl_context = @ssl_context.set_params(ssl_parameters) D "starting SSL for #{conn_address}:#{conn_port}..." s =, @ssl_context) s.sync_close = true D "SSL established" end @socket = @socket.read_timeout = @read_timeout @socket.continue_timeout = @continue_timeout @socket.debug_output = @debug_output if use_ssl? begin if proxy? buf = "CONNECT #{@address}:#{@port} HTTP/#{HTTPVersion}\r\n" buf << "Host: #{@address}:#{@port}\r\n" if proxy_user credential = ["#{proxy_user}:#{proxy_pass}"].pack('m') credential.delete!("\r\n") buf << "Proxy-Authorization: Basic #{credential}\r\n" end buf << "\r\n" @socket.write(buf) HTTPResponse.read_new(@socket).value end # Server Name Indication (SNI) RFC 3546 s.hostname = @address if s.respond_to? :hostname= if @ssl_session and Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME) < @ssl_session.time.to_f + @ssl_session.timeout s.session = @ssl_session if @ssl_session end ssl_socket_connect(s, @open_timeout) if @ssl_context.verify_mode != OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE s.post_connection_check(@address) end @ssl_session = s.session rescue => exception D "Conn close because of connect error #{exception}" @socket.close if @socket and not @socket.closed? raise exception end end on_connect end
#copy(path, initheader = nil)
Sends a COPY request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.
D(msg) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1551
def D(msg) return unless @debug_output @debug_output << msg @debug_output << "\n" end
#delete(path, initheader = {'Depth' => 'Infinity'})
Sends a DELETE request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.
#do_finish (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 954
def do_finish @started = false @socket.close if @socket and not @socket.closed? @socket = nil end
#do_start (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 862
def do_start connect @started = true end
#edit_path(path) (private)
[ GitHub ]#end_transport(req, res) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1483
def end_transport(req, res) @curr_http_version = res.http_version @last_communicated = nil if @socket.closed? D 'Conn socket closed' elsif not res.body and @close_on_empty_response D 'Conn close' @socket.close elsif keep_alive?(req, res) D 'Conn keep-alive' @last_communicated = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) else D 'Conn close' @socket.close end end
Finishes the HTTP
session and closes the TCP connection. Raises IOError if the session has not been started.
#get(path, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block)
Retrieves data from path
on the connected-to host which may be an absolute path String or a URI to extract the path from.
must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '/', … }, and it defaults to an empty hash. If initheader
doesn't have the key 'accept-encoding', then a value of “gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3” is used, so that gzip compression is used in preference to deflate compression, which is used in preference to no compression. Ruby doesn't have libraries to support the compress (Lempel-Ziv) compression, so that is not supported. The intent of this is to reduce bandwidth by default. If this routine sets up compression, then it does the decompression also, removing the header as well to prevent confusion. Otherwise it leaves the body as it found it.
This method returns a HTTPResponse object.
If called with a block, yields each fragment of the entity body in turn as a string as it is read from the socket. Note that in this case, the returned response object will not contain a (meaningful) body.
argument is obsolete. It still works but you must not use it.
This method never raises an exception.
response = http.get('/index.html')
# using block'result.txt', 'w') {|f|
http.get('/~foo/') do |str|
f.write str
#head(path, initheader = nil)
Gets only the header from path
on the connected-to host. header
is a Hash like { 'Accept' => '/', … }.
This method returns a HTTPResponse object.
This method never raises an exception.
response = nil
Net::HTTP.start('some.www.server', 80) {|http|
response = http.head('/index.html')
p response['content-type']
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 666
def inspect "#<#{self.class} #{@address}:#{@port} open=#{started?}>" end
#keep_alive?(req, res) ⇒ Boolean
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1500
def keep_alive?(req, res) return false if req.connection_close? if @curr_http_version <= '1.0' res.connection_keep_alive? else # HTTP/1.1 or later not res.connection_close? end end
#lock(path, body, initheader = nil)
Sends a LOCK request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.
#mkcol(path, body = nil, initheader = nil)
Sends a MKCOL request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.
#move(path, initheader = nil)
Sends a MOVE request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.
#on_connect (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 943
def on_connect end
#options(path, initheader = nil)
Sends a OPTIONS request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.
#patch(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block)
Sends a PATCH request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1200
def patch(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block) # :yield: body_segment send_entity(path, data, initheader, dest, Patch, &block) end
Returns the X.509 certificates the server presented.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 832
def peer_cert if not use_ssl? or not @socket return nil end end
#post(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block)
Posts data
(must be a String) to path
. header
must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '/', … }.
This method returns a HTTPResponse object.
If called with a block, yields each fragment of the entity body in turn as a string as it is read from the socket. Note that in this case, the returned response object will not contain a (meaningful) body.
argument is obsolete. It still works but you must not use it.
This method never raises exception.
response ='/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=foo')
# using block'result.txt', 'w') {|f|'/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=foo') do |str|
f.write str
You should set Content-Type: header field for POST. If no Content-Type: field given, this method uses “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” by default.
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1194
def post(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block) # :yield: body_segment send_entity(path, data, initheader, dest, Post, &block) end
#propfind(path, body = nil, initheader = {'Depth' => '0'})
Sends a PROPFIND request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.
#proppatch(path, body, initheader = nil)
Sends a PROPPATCH request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.
#request(req, body = nil, &block)
Sends an HTTPRequest object req
to the HTTP
If req
is a HTTP::Post or HTTP::Put request containing data, the data is also sent. Providing data for a HTTP::Head or HTTP::Get request results in an ArgumentError.
Returns an HTTPResponse object.
When called with a block, passes an HTTPResponse object to the block. The body of the response will not have been read yet; the block can process it using HTTPResponse#read_body, if desired.
This method never raises Net.*
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1382
def request(req, body = nil, &block) # :yield: response unless started? start { req['connection'] ||= 'close' return request(req, body, &block) } end if proxy_user() req.proxy_basic_auth proxy_user(), proxy_pass() unless use_ssl? end req.set_body_internal body res = transport_request(req, &block) if sspi_auth?(res) sspi_auth(req) res = transport_request(req, &block) end res end
#request_get(path, initheader = nil, &block) Also known as: #get2
Sends a GET request to the path
. Returns the response as a HTTPResponse object.
When called with a block, passes an HTTPResponse object to the block. The body of the response will not have been read yet; the block can process it using HTTPResponse#read_body, if desired.
Returns the response.
This method never raises Net.*
response = http.request_get('/index.html')
# The entity body is already read in this case.
p response['content-type']
puts response.body
# Using a block
http.request_get('/index.html') {|response|
p response['content-type']
response.read_body do |str| # read body now
print str
#request_head(path, initheader = nil, &block) Also known as: #head2
Sends a HEAD request to the path
and returns the response as a HTTPResponse object.
Returns the response.
This method never raises Net.*
response = http.request_head('/index.html')
p response['content-type']
#request_post(path, data, initheader = nil, &block) Also known as: #post2
Sends a POST request to the path
Returns the response as a HTTPResponse object.
When called with a block, the block is passed an HTTPResponse object. The body of that response will not have been read yet; the block can process it using HTTPResponse#read_body, if desired.
Returns the response.
This method never raises Net.*
# example
response = http.request_post('/cgi-bin/nice.rb', 'datadatadata...')
p response.status
puts response.body # body is already read in this case
# using block
http.request_post('/cgi-bin/nice.rb', 'datadatadata…') {|response|
p response.status
p response['content-type']
response.read_body do |str| # read body now
print str
#send_entity(path, data, initheader, dest, type, &block) (private)
Executes a request which uses a representation and returns its body.
#send_request(name, path, data = nil, header = nil)
Sends an HTTP
request to the HTTP
server. Also sends a DATA string if data
is given.
Returns a HTTPResponse object.
This method never raises Net.*
response = http.send_request('GET', '/index.html')
puts response.body
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1361
def send_request(name, path, data = nil, header = nil) has_response_body = name != 'HEAD' r =,(data ? true : false),has_response_body,path,header) request r, data end
WARNING This method opens a serious security hole. Never use this method in production code.
Sets an output stream for debugging.
http = HTTP
.new(hostname) http.set_debug_output $stderr http.start { .… }
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 679
def set_debug_output(output) warn 'Net::HTTP#set_debug_output called after HTTP started' if started? @debug_output = output end
#sspi_auth(req) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1524
def sspi_auth(req) n = req["Proxy-Authorization"] = "Negotiate #{n.get_initial_token}" # Some versions of ISA will close the connection if this isn't present. req["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive" req["Proxy-Connection"] = "Keep-Alive" res = transport_request(req) authphrase = res["Proxy-Authenticate"] or return res req["Proxy-Authorization"] = "Negotiate #{n.complete_authentication(authphrase)}" rescue => err raise'HTTP authentication failed', err) end
#sspi_auth?(res) ⇒ Boolean
# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1509
def sspi_auth?(res) return false unless @sspi_enabled if res.kind_of?(HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired) and proxy? and res["Proxy-Authenticate"].include?("Negotiate") begin require 'win32/sspi' true rescue LoadError false end else false end end
Opens a TCP connection and HTTP
When this method is called with a block, it passes the HTTP
object to the block, and closes the TCP connection and HTTP
session after the block has been executed.
When called with a block, it returns the return value of the block; otherwise, it returns self.
#trace(path, initheader = nil)
Sends a TRACE request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.
#transport_request(req) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/net/http.rb', line 1416
def transport_request(req) count = 0 begin begin_transport req res = catch(:response) { req.exec @socket, @curr_http_version, edit_path(req.path) begin res = HTTPResponse.read_new(@socket) res.decode_content = req.decode_content end while res.kind_of?(HTTPInformation) res.uri = req.uri res } res.reading_body(@socket, req.response_body_permitted?) { yield res if block_given? } rescue Net::OpenTimeout raise rescue Net::ReadTimeout, IOError, EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::EPIPE, # avoid a dependency on OpenSSL defined?(OpenSSL::SSL) ? OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError : IOError, Timeout::Error => exception if count == 0 && IDEMPOTENT_METHODS_.include?(req.method) count += 1 @socket.close if @socket and not @socket.closed? D "Conn close because of error #{exception}, and retry" retry end D "Conn close because of error #{exception}" @socket.close if @socket and not @socket.closed? raise end end_transport req, res res rescue => exception D "Conn close because of error #{exception}" @socket.close if @socket and not @socket.closed? raise exception end
#unlock(path, body, initheader = nil)
Sends a UNLOCK request to the path
and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.