
Class: Gem::Resolver::State

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Struct
Instance Chain:
self, Struct
Inherits: Struct
  • Object
Defined in: lib/rubygems/resolver.rb


Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs. #needed is a ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that, well, need to be satisfied. #specs is the ::Gem::List of ActivationRequest that are being tested. #dep is the DependencyRequest that was used to generate this state. #spec is the Specification for this state. possible is ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that can be tried to find a complete set. #conflicts is a [DependencyRequest, Conflict] hit tried to activate the state.

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #conflicts rw

    Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs.

  • #dep rw

    Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs.

  • #needed rw

    Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs.

  • #possibles rw

    Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs.

  • #spec rw

    Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs.

  • #specs rw

    Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs.

Instance Attribute Details

#conflicts (rw)

Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs. #needed is a ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that, well, need to be satisfied. #specs is the ::Gem::List of ActivationRequest that are being tested. #dep is the DependencyRequest that was used to generate this state. #spec is the Specification for this state. possible is ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that can be tried to find a complete set. conflicts is a [DependencyRequest, Conflict] hit tried to activate the state.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 265

State = Struct.new(:needed, :specs, :dep, :spec, :possibles, :conflicts)

#dep (rw)

Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs. #needed is a ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that, well, need to be satisfied. #specs is the ::Gem::List of ActivationRequest that are being tested. dep is the DependencyRequest that was used to generate this state. #spec is the Specification for this state. possible is ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that can be tried to find a complete set. #conflicts is a [DependencyRequest, Conflict] hit tried to activate the state.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 265

State = Struct.new(:needed, :specs, :dep, :spec, :possibles, :conflicts)

#needed (rw)

Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs. needed is a ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that, well, need to be satisfied. #specs is the ::Gem::List of ActivationRequest that are being tested. #dep is the DependencyRequest that was used to generate this state. #spec is the Specification for this state. possible is ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that can be tried to find a complete set. #conflicts is a [DependencyRequest, Conflict] hit tried to activate the state.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 265

State = Struct.new(:needed, :specs, :dep, :spec, :possibles, :conflicts)

#possibles (rw)

Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs. #needed is a ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that, well, need to be satisfied. #specs is the ::Gem::List of ActivationRequest that are being tested. #dep is the DependencyRequest that was used to generate this state. #spec is the Specification for this state. possible is ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that can be tried to find a complete set. #conflicts is a [DependencyRequest, Conflict] hit tried to activate the state.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 265

State = Struct.new(:needed, :specs, :dep, :spec, :possibles, :conflicts)

#spec (rw)

Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs. #needed is a ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that, well, need to be satisfied. #specs is the ::Gem::List of ActivationRequest that are being tested. #dep is the DependencyRequest that was used to generate this state. spec is the Specification for this state. possible is ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that can be tried to find a complete set. #conflicts is a [DependencyRequest, Conflict] hit tried to activate the state.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 265

State = Struct.new(:needed, :specs, :dep, :spec, :possibles, :conflicts)

#specs (rw)

Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs. #needed is a ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that, well, need to be satisfied. specs is the ::Gem::List of ActivationRequest that are being tested. #dep is the DependencyRequest that was used to generate this state. #spec is the Specification for this state. possible is ::Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that can be tried to find a complete set. #conflicts is a [DependencyRequest, Conflict] hit tried to activate the state.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 265

State = Struct.new(:needed, :specs, :dep, :spec, :possibles, :conflicts)