
Class: Gem::Resolver


Given a set of Dependency objects as needed and a way to query the set of available specs via set, calculates a set of ActivationRequest objects which indicate all the specs that should be activated to meet the all the requirements.

Constant Summary


    If the DEBUG_RESOLVER environment variable is set then debugging mode is enabled for the resolver. This will display information about the state of the resolver while a set of dependencies is being resolved.

    # File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 21

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(needed, set = nil) ⇒ Resolver

Create Resolver object which will resolve the tree starting with needed Dependency objects.

set is an object that provides where to look for specifications to satisfy the Dependencies. This defaults to Resolver::IndexSet, which will query rubygems.org.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 109

def initialize needed, set = nil
  @set = set || Gem::Resolver::IndexSet.new
  @needed = needed

  @conflicts           = []
  @development         = false
  @development_shallow = false
  @ignore_dependencies = false
  @missing             = []
  @skip_gems           = {}
  @soft_missing        = false
  @stats               = Gem::Resolver::Stats.new

Class Method Details


Combines sets into a Resolver::ComposedSet that allows specification lookup in a uniform manner. If one of the sets is itself a Resolver::ComposedSet its sets are flattened into the result Resolver::ComposedSet.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 69

def self.compose_sets *sets

  sets = sets.map do |set|
    case set
    when Gem::Resolver::BestSet then
    when Gem::Resolver::ComposedSet then

  case sets.length
  when 0 then
    raise ArgumentError, 'one set in the composition must be non-nil'
  when 1 then


Creates a Resolver that queries only against the already installed gems for the needed dependencies.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 97

def self.for_current_gems needed
  new needed, Gem::Resolver::CurrentSet.new

Instance Attribute Details

#conflicts (readonly)

Contains all the conflicts encountered while doing resolution

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 28

attr_reader :conflicts

#development (rw)

Resolver::Set to true if all development dependencies should be considered.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 33

attr_accessor :development

#development_shallow (rw)

Resolver::Set to true if immediate development dependencies should be considered.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 38

attr_accessor :development_shallow

#ignore_dependencies (rw)

When true, no dependencies are looked up for requested gems.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 43

attr_accessor :ignore_dependencies

#missing (readonly)

List of dependencies that could not be found in the configured sources.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 48

attr_reader :missing

#skip_gems (rw)

Hash of gems to skip resolution. Keyed by gem name, with arrays of gem specifications as values.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 56

attr_accessor :skip_gems

#soft_missing (rw)

When a missing dependency, don't stop. Just go on and record what was missing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 62

attr_accessor :soft_missing

#stats (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 50

attr_reader :stats

Instance Method Details


Proceed with resolution! Returns an array of Resolver::ActivationRequest objects.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/resolver.rb', line 182

def resolve
  @conflicts = []

  needed = Gem::Resolver::RequirementList.new

  @needed.reverse_each do |n|
    request = Gem::Resolver::DependencyRequest.new n, nil

    needed.add request

  @stats.record_requirements needed

  res = resolve_for needed, nil

  raise Gem::DependencyResolutionError, res if
    res.kind_of? Gem::Resolver::Conflict
