
Class: RDoc::TopLevel

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
self, Context, Comparable, CodeObject, Generator::Markup, Text
Inherits: RDoc::Context
Defined in: lib/rdoc/top_level.rb,


A TopLevel context is a representation of the contents of a single file

Constant Summary

Text - Included


Context - Inherited


Class Method Summary

Context - Inherited


Creates an unnamed empty context with public current visibility.

CodeObject - Inherited


Creates a new CodeObject that will document itself and its children.

Instance Attribute Summary

Context - Inherited


Block params to be used in the next MethodAttr parsed under this context.


The current documentation section that new items will be added to.


Sets the current documentation section of documentation.


Params to be used in the next MethodAttr parsed under this context.


Use this section for the next method, attribute or constant added.


Hash old_name => [aliases], for aliases that haven't (yet) been resolved to a method/attribute.


Current visibility of this context.


Class/module aliases.


All attr* methods.


Constants defined.


Hash of registered constants.


Modules this context is extended with.


Aliases that could not be resolved.


Does this context and its methods and constants all have documentation?


Files this context is found in.


Modules this context includes.


Methods defined in this context.


Hash of registered methods.


Name of this class excluding namespace.


Should we remove this context from the documentation?


Files this context requires.


Changes the visibility for new methods to visibility

CodeObject - Inherited


Our comment.


Replaces our comment with comment, unless it is empty.


Do we document our children?


Enables or disables documentation of this CodeObject's children unless it has been turned off by :enddoc:


Do we document ourselves?


Enables or disables documentation of this CodeObject unless it has been turned off by :enddoc:.


Are we done documenting (ie, did we come across a :enddoc:)?


Turns documentation on/off, and turns on/off #document_self and #document_children.


Force documentation of this CodeObject.


Force the documentation of this object unless documentation has been turned off by :enddoc:


Line in #file where this CodeObject was defined.


Offset in #file where this CodeObject was defined.


Our parent CodeObject.


Sets the parent CodeObject.


The section this CodeObject is in.


Set the section this CodeObject is in.


The Store for this object.


Sets the store that contains this CodeObject.


We are the model of the code, but we know that at some point we will be worked on by viewers.


Should this CodeObject be displayed in output?


Does this object have a comment with content or is #received_nodoc true?


Which file this code object was defined in.


Has this class been ignored?


Hash of arbitrary metadata for this CodeObject.


Did we ever receive a :nodoc: directive?


Has this class been suppressed?


Sets the full_name overriding any computed full name.

Instance Method Summary

Context - Inherited


Contexts are sorted by full_name.


Adds an item of type klass with the given #name and comment to the context.


Adds an_alias that is automatically resolved.


Adds attribute if not already there.


Adds a class named given_name with superclass.


Adds the class or module mod to the modules or classes Hash self_hash, and to all_hash (either TopLevel.modules_hash or TopLevel.classes_hash), unless #done_documenting is true.


Adds constant if not already there.


Adds extension module ext which should be an Extend


Adds included module include which should be an Include


Adds method if not already there.


Adds a module named #name.


Adds an alias from from (a class or module) to #name which was defined in file.


Adds require to this context's top level.


Returns a section with title, creating it if it doesn't already exist.


Adds thing to the collection array


Is there any content?


Creates the full name for a child with #name


Class attributes.


Class methods.


Array of classes in this context.


All classes and modules in this namespace.


Hash of classes keyed by class name.


Is part of this thing was defined in file?


Iterator for attributes.


Iterator for classes and modules.


Iterator for constants.


Iterator for extension modules.


Iterator for included modules.


Iterator for methods.


Iterator for each section's contents sorted by title.


Finds an attribute #name with singleton value singleton.


Finds an attribute with #name in this context.


Finds a class method with #name in this context.


Finds a constant with #name in this context.


Find a module at a higher scope.


Finds an external alias #name with singleton value singleton.


Finds an external alias with #name in this context.


Finds a file with #name in this context.


Finds an instance method with #name in this context.


Finds a method, constant, attribute, external alias, module or file named symbol in this context.


Finds a method named #name with singleton value singleton.


Finds a instance or module method with #name in this context.


Find a module with #name using ruby's scoping rules.


Look up symbol, first as a module, then as a local symbol.


Look up a module named symbol.


The full name for this context.


URL for this with a prefix


Sets the defaults for methods and so-forth.


Instance attributes.


Instance methods.


Breaks method_list into a nested hash by type ('class' or 'instance') and visibility (:public, :protected, :private).


Yields AnyMethod and Attr entries matching the list of names in methods.


Array of modules in this context.


Hash of modules keyed by module name.


Name to use to generate the url.


Record top_level as a file self is in.


Removes methods and attributes with a visibility less than min_visibility.


Tries to resolve unmatched aliases when a method or attribute has just been added.


Returns Context::Section objects referenced in this context for use in a table of contents.


Sections in this context.


Sets the current section to a section with title.


Given an array methods of method names, set the visibility of each to visibility


Sorts sections alphabetically (default) or in TomDoc fashion (none, Public, Internal, Deprecated).


Return the TopLevel that owns us.


Upgrades NormalModule mod in enclosing to a class_type

CodeObject - Inherited


Yields each parent of this CodeObject.


File name where this CodeObject was found.


Use this to ignore a CodeObject and all its children until found again (#record_location is called).


The options instance from the store this CodeObject is attached to, or a default options instance if the CodeObject is not attached.


File name of our parent.


Name of our parent.


Records the TopLevel (file) where this code object was defined.


Enable capture of documentation unless documentation has been turned off by :enddoc:


Disable capture of documentation.


Use this to suppress a CodeObject and all its children until the next file it is seen in or documentation is discovered.

Generator::Markup - Included


Generates a relative URL from this object's path to target_path


Generates a relative URL from from_path to this object's path.


Build a webcvs URL starting for the given url with full_path appended as the destination path.


Handy wrapper for marking up this object's comment.


Creates an Markup::ToHtmlCrossref formatter.

Text - Included


Expands tab characters in text to eight spaces.


Flush text left based on the shortest line.


Convert a string in markup format into HTML.


Strips hashes, expands tabs then flushes text to the left.


Normalizes text then builds a Markup::Document from it.


The first limit characters of text as HTML.


Strips leading # characters from text


Strips leading and trailing n characters from text


Strips /* */ style comments.


Converts ampersand, dashes, ellipsis, quotes, copyright and registered trademark symbols in text to properly encoded characters.


Wraps txt to line_len

Constructor Details

.new(absolute_name, relative_name = absolute_name) ⇒ TopLevel

Creates a new TopLevel for the file at #absolute_name. If documentation is being generated outside the source dir #relative_name is relative to the source directory.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 42

def initialize absolute_name, relative_name = absolute_name
  @name = nil
  @absolute_name = absolute_name
  @relative_name = relative_name
  @file_stat     = File.stat(absolute_name) rescue nil # HACK for testing
  @diagram       = nil
  @parser        = nil

  @classes_or_modules = []

Instance Attribute Details

#absolute_name (rw)

Absolute name of this file

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 21

attr_accessor :absolute_name

#classes_or_modules (readonly)

All the classes or modules that were declared in this file. These are assigned to either #classes_hash or #modules_hash once we know what they really are.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 28

attr_reader :classes_or_modules

#display?Boolean (readonly)

Only a TopLevel that contains text file) will be displayed. See also CodeObject#display?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 120

def display?
  text? and super

#file_stat (rw)

This TopLevel's File::Stat struct

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 11

attr_accessor :file_stat

#parser (rw)

The parser class that processed this file

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 35

attr_accessor :parser

#relative_name (rw)

Relative name of this file

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 16

attr_accessor :relative_name

#text?Boolean (readonly)

Is this TopLevel from a text file instead of a source code file?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 273

def text?
  @parser and @parser.ancestors.include? RDoc::Parser::Text

Instance Method Details

#==(other) Also known as: #eql?

An TopLevel is equal to another with the same relative_name

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 57

def == other
  self.class === other and @relative_name == other.relative_name


Adds an_alias to Object instead of self.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 66

def add_alias(an_alias)
  object_class.record_location self
  return an_alias unless @document_self
  object_class.add_alias an_alias


Adds constant to Object instead of self.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 75

def add_constant constant
  object_class.record_location self
  return constant unless @document_self
  object_class.add_constant constant


Adds include to Object instead of self.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 84

def add_include(include)
  object_class.record_location self
  return include unless @document_self
  object_class.add_include include


Adds method to Object instead of self.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 93

def add_method(method)
  object_class.record_location self
  return method unless @document_self
  object_class.add_method method


Adds class or module mod. Used in the building phase by the Ruby parser.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 103

def add_to_classes_or_modules mod
  @classes_or_modules << mod

#base_name Also known as: #name

Base name of this file

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 110

def base_name
  File.basename @relative_name


Returns a URL for this source file on some web repository. Use the -W command line option to set.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/generator/markup.rb', line 158

def cvs_url
  url = @store.rdoc.options.webcvs

  if /%s/ =~ url then
    url % @relative_name
    url + @relative_name


Alias for #==.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 61

alias eql? ==


See #find_class_or_module

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 130

def find_class_or_module name
  @store.find_class_or_module name


Finds a class or module named symbol

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 137

def find_local_symbol(symbol)
  find_class_or_module(symbol) || super


Finds a module or class with #name

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 144

def find_module_named(name)


Returns the relative name of this file

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 151

def full_name


An TopLevel has the same hash as another with the same relative_name

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 159

def hash


URL for this with a prefix

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 166

def http_url(prefix)
  path = [prefix, @relative_name.tr('.', '_')]

  File.join(*path.compact) + '.html'


Time this file was last modified, if known

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 184

def last_modified
  @file_stat ? file_stat.mtime : nil


Dumps this TopLevel for use by ri. See also #marshal_load

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 191

def marshal_dump


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 114

alias name base_name


Returns the NormalClass “Object”, creating it if not found.

Records self as a location in “Object”.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 217

def object_class
  @object_class ||= begin
    oc = @store.find_class_named('Object') || add_class(RDoc::NormalClass, 'Object')
    oc.record_location self


Base name of this file without the extension

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 228

def page_name
  basename = File.basename @relative_name
  basename =~ /\.(rb|rdoc|txt|md)$/i

  $` || basename


Path to this file for use with HTML generator output.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 238

def path
  http_url @store.rdoc.generator.file_dir


Search record used by Generator::JsonIndex

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/top_level.rb', line 256

def search_record
  return unless @parser < RDoc::Parser::Text
