
Class: RDoc::Markup::ToHtmlCrossref

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ToHtml, Formatter
Instance Chain:
Inherits: RDoc::Markup::ToHtml
Defined in: lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb


Subclass of the ToHtml class that supports looking up method names, classes, etc to create links. ::RDoc::CrossReference is used to generate those links based on the current context.

Constant Summary

::RDoc::Text - Included


ToHtml - Inherited


Class Method Summary

ToHtml - Inherited


Creates a new formatter that will output HTML.

Formatter - Inherited


Converts a target url to one that is relative to a given path.


Creates a new Formatter.

Instance Attribute Summary

ToHtml - Inherited


The ::RDoc::CodeObject HTML is being generated for.


Path to this document for relative links.

Formatter - Inherited


Are we currently inside tt tags?

Instance Method Summary

ToHtml - Inherited


Adds blank_line to the output.


Adds block_quote to the output.


Adds heading to the output.


Finishes consumption of list


Finishes consumption of list_item


Prepares the visitor for consuming list_item


Prepares the visitor for consuming list


Adds paragraph to the output.


Adds raw to the output.


Adds rule to the output.


Adds verbatim to the output.


CGI-escapes text


Returns the generated output.


Generate a link to url with content text.


special is a


special is a potential link.


special is an rdoc-schemed link that will be converted into a hyperlink.


This special is a link where the label is different from the URL label[url] or {url long label}.


Determines the HTML list element for list_type and open_tag


Maps attributes to HTML tags.


Returns the HTML end-tag for list_type


Returns the HTML tag for list_type, possible using a label from list_item


Returns true if text is valid ruby syntax.


Prepares the visitor for HTML generation.


Converts item to HTML using Text#to_html

::RDoc::Text - Included


Expands tab characters in text to eight spaces.


Flush text left based on the shortest line.


Convert a string in markup format into HTML.


Strips hashes, expands tabs then flushes text to the left.


Normalizes text then builds a Document from it.


The first limit characters of text as HTML.


Strips leading # characters from text


Strips leading and trailing n characters from text


Strips /* */ style comments.


Converts ampersand, dashes, ellipsis, quotes, copyright and registered trademark symbols in text to properly encoded characters.


Wraps txt to line_len

Formatter - Inherited


Adds document to the output.


Adds a special for links of the form rdoc-…:


Adds a special for links of the form <text> and <#add_tag

Add a new set of tags for an attribute.


Allows tag to be decorated with additional information.


Marks up content


Converts flow items flow


Converts added specials.


Converts a string to be fancier if desired.


Use ignore in your subclass to ignore the content of a node.


Turns off tags for item on res


Turns on tags for item on res


Extracts and a scheme, url and an anchor id from url and returns them.


Is tag a tt tag?

Constructor Details

.new(options, from_path, context, markup = nil) ⇒ ToHtmlCrossref

Creates a new crossref resolver that generates links relative to #context which lives at from_path in the generated files. '#' characters on references are removed unless #show_hash is true. Only method names preceded by '#' or '::' are linked, unless hyperlink_all is true.


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb', line 31

def initialize(options, from_path, context, markup = nil)
  raise ArgumentError, 'from_path cannot be nil' if from_path.nil?

  super options, markup

  @context       = context
  @from_path     = from_path
  @hyperlink_all = @options.hyperlink_all
  @show_hash     = @options.show_hash

  crossref_re = @hyperlink_all ? ALL_CROSSREF_REGEXP : CROSSREF_REGEXP
  @markup.add_special crossref_re, :CROSSREF

  @cross_reference = RDoc::CrossReference.new @context

Instance Attribute Details

#context (rw)

::RDoc::CodeObject for generating references

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb', line 18

attr_accessor :context

#show_hash (rw)

Should we show '#' characters on method references?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb', line 23

attr_accessor :show_hash

Instance Method Details

#cross_reference(name, text = nil)

Creates a link to the reference name if the name exists. If text is given it is used as the link text, otherwise name is used.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb', line 51

def cross_reference name, text = nil
  lookup = name

  name = name[1..-1] unless @show_hash if name[0, 1] == '#'

  name = "#{CGI.unescape $'} at #{$1}" if name =~ /(.*[^#:])@/

  text = name unless text

  link lookup, text

#gen_url(url, text)

Generates links for rdoc-ref: scheme URLs and allows ToHtml to handle other schemes.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb', line 118

def gen_url url, text
  return super unless url =~ /\Ardoc-ref:/

  cross_reference $', text


We're invoked when any text matches the CROSSREF pattern. If we find the corresponding reference, generate a link. If the name we're looking for contains no punctuation, we look for it up the module/class chain. For example, ToHtml is found, even without the RDoc::Markup:: prefix, because we look for it in module ::RDoc::Markup first.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb', line 70

def handle_special_CROSSREF(special)
  name = special.text

  return name if name =~ /@[\w-]+\.[\w-]/ # labels that look like emails

  unless @hyperlink_all then
    # This ensures that words entirely consisting of lowercase letters will
    # not have cross-references generated (to suppress lots of erroneous
    # cross-references to "new" in text, for instance)
    return name if name =~ /\A[a-z]*\z/

  cross_reference name