
Class: RDoc::CrossReference

Relationships & Source Files
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/rdoc/cross_reference.rb


CrossReference is a reusable way to create cross references for names.

Constant Summary


    Version of CROSSREF_REGEXP used when --hyperlink-all is specified.

    # File 'lib/rdoc/cross_reference.rb', line 77
      # A::B::C.meth
      # Stand-alone method
      | \\?#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}
      # A::B::C
      | #{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}(?=[@\s).?!,;<\000]|\z)
      # Things that look like filenames
      | (?:\.\.\/)*[-\/\w][_\/.][-\w\/.]
      # Things that have markup suppressed
      | \\[^\s<]
     # labels for headings

    Regular expression to match class references

    1. There can be a '\' in front of text to suppress the cross-reference

    2. There can be a '::' in front of class names to reference from the top-level namespace.

    3. The method can be followed by parenthesis (not recommended)

    # File 'lib/rdoc/cross_reference.rb', line 14

    Regular expressions matching text that should potentially have cross-reference links generated are passed to add_special. Note that these expressions are meant to pick up text for which cross-references have been suppressed, since the suppression characters are removed by the code that is triggered.

    # File 'lib/rdoc/cross_reference.rb', line 30
      # A::B::C.meth
      # Stand-alone method (preceded by a #)
      | \\?\##{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}
      # Stand-alone method (preceded by ::)
      | ::#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}
      # A::B::C
      # The stuff after CLASS_REGEXP_STR is a
      # nasty hack.  CLASS_REGEXP_STR unfortunately matches
      # words like dog and cat (these are legal "class"
      # names in Fortran 95).  When a word is flagged as a
      # potential cross-reference, limitations in the markup
      # engine suppress other processing, such as typesetting.
      # This is particularly noticeable for contractions.
      # In order that words like "can't" not
      # be flagged as potential cross-references, only
      # flag potential class cross-references if the character
      # after the cross-reference is a space, sentence
      # punctuation, tag start character, or attribute
      # marker.
      | #{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}(?=[@\s).?!,;<\000]|\z)
      # Things that look like filenames
      # The key thing is that there must be at least
      # one special character (period, slash, or
      # underscore).
      | (?:\.\.\/)*[-\/\w][_\/.][-\w\/.]
      # Things that have markup suppressed
      # Don't process things like '\<' in \<tt>, though.
      # TODO: including < is a hack, not very satisfying.
      | \\[^\s<]
     # labels for headings

    Regular expression to match method references.


    # File 'lib/rdoc/cross_reference.rb', line 21

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #seen rw

    Hash of references that have been looked-up to their replacements.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(context) ⇒ CrossReference

Allows cross-references to be created based on the given context (RDoc::Context).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/cross_reference.rb', line 110

def initialize context
  @context = context
  @store   = context.store

  @seen = {}

Instance Attribute Details

#seen (rw)

Hash of references that have been looked-up to their replacements

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/cross_reference.rb', line 104

attr_accessor :seen

Instance Method Details

#resolve(name, text)

Returns a reference to name.

If the reference is found and name is not documented text will be returned. If name is escaped name is returned. If name is not found text is returned.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/cross_reference.rb', line 124

def resolve name, text
  return @seen[name] if @seen.include? name

  if /#{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}([.#]|::)#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}/o =~ name then
    type = $2
    type = '' if type == '.'  # will find either #method or ::method
    method = "#{type}#{$3}"
    container = @context.find_symbol_module($1)
  elsif /^([.#]|::)#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}/o =~ name then
    type = $1
    type = '' if type == '.'
    method = "#{type}#{$2}"
    container = @context
    container = nil

  if container then
    ref = container.find_local_symbol method

    unless ref || RDoc::TopLevel === container then
      ref = container.find_ancestor_local_symbol method

  ref = case name
        when /^\\(#{CLASS_REGEXP_STR})$/o then
          @context.find_symbol $1
          @context.find_symbol name
        end unless ref

  # Try a page name
  ref = @store.page name if not ref and name =~ /^\w+$/

  ref = nil if RDoc::Alias === ref # external alias, can't link to it

  out = if name == '\\' then
        elsif name =~ /^\\/ then
          # we remove the \ only in front of what we know:
          # other backslashes are treated later, only outside of <tt>
          ref ? $' : name
        elsif ref then
          if ref.display? then

  @seen[name] = out
