The plugin system was introduced in RuboCop 1.72.

An improved API for RuboCop extensions, called plugins, is being introduced to provide officially documented ways to extend RuboCop. This API is provided by the lint_roller library and is intended to replace previous undocumented and unofficial methods that emerged out of necessity.

As a user, you will need to adjust your .rubocop.yml to load extensions that support this new API differently than before. As an extension developer, you will need to modify your extension accordingly, as explained below.

This page provides guidance on migrating to RuboCop extensions using plugins. It is divided into two main sections: one for plugin users and the other for plugin developers.

For Plugin Users

Please update the RuboCop extension cops specified in configuration files like .rubocop.yml from require to plugins.

  - rubocop-performance

Specifically, those that trigger warnings like the following should be updated:

$ bundle exec rubocop
rubocop-performance extension supports plugin, specify `plugins: rubocop-performance`
instead of `require: rubocop-performance` in /Users/koic/src/github.com/rubocop/rubocop/.rubocop.yml.
For more information, see https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/plugin_migration_guide.html.
Non-plugin extension Ruby files can continue to use require for file requiring.

For Plugin Developers

Converting an existing RuboCop extension using Inject.defaults! into a plugin can generally be done in the following three steps.

  1. Create Plugin class

  2. Update gemspec file

  3. Remove Inject.defaults! code

The rubocop-performance extension gem is used as an example here. Replace "performance" with the name of your extension as appropriate.

1. Create Plugin class

Prepare the plugin class. It is typically placed under the department directory, such as rubocop/performance/plugin.rb.

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'lint_roller'

module RuboCop
  module Performance
    # A plugin that integrates RuboCop Performance with RuboCop's plugin system.
    class Plugin < LintRoller::Plugin
      def about
          name: 'rubocop-performance',
          version: VERSION,
          homepage: 'https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop-performance',
          description: 'A collection of RuboCop cops to check for performance optimizations in Ruby code.'

      def supported?(context)
        context.engine == :rubocop

      def rules(_context)
          type: :path,
          config_format: :rubocop,
          value: Pathname.new(__dir__).join('../../../config/default.yml')

For details on configurations, refer to the lint_roller documentation: https://github.com/standardrb/lint_roller?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-make-a-plugin

2. Update gemspec file

Set the plugin class name in spec.metadata['default_lint_roller_plugin'] and add a runtime dependency on lint_roller.

spec.['default_lint_roller_plugin'] = 'RuboCop::Performance::Plugin'


Update rubocop to a version that supports plugins or higher.

spec.require('rubocop', '>= 1.72.0')

3. Replace Inject.defaults! code

Replace rubocop/performance/inject, where the RuboCop::Performance::Inject class is defined.

$ rm 'rubocop/performance/inject'

Remove the call to RuboCop::Performance::Inject.defaults! and the related require_relative code.

require_relative 'rubocop/performance/inject'


And use require_relative for the plugin class file instead of the above.

require_relative 'rubocop/performance/plugin'