
Module: RuboCop::Cop::CheckLineBreakable

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Included In:
Defined in: lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb


This mixin detects collections that are safe to "break" by inserting new lines. This is useful for breaking up long lines.

Let’s look at hashes as an example:

We know hash keys are safe to break across lines. We can add linebreaks into hashes on lines longer than the specified maximum. Then in further passes cops can clean up the multi-line hash. For example, say the maximum line length is as indicated below:

{foo: "0000000000", bar: "0000000000", baz: "0000000000"}

In a LineLength autocorrection pass, a line is added before the first key that exceeds the column limit:

"0000000000", bar: "0000000000", baz: "0000000000"

In a MultilineHashKeyLineBreaks pass, lines are inserted before all keys:

"0000000000", bar: "0000000000", baz: "0000000000"

Then in future passes FirstHashElementLineBreak, MultilineHashBraceLayout, and TrailingCommaInHashLiteral will manipulate as well until we get:

{ foo: "0000000000", bar: "0000000000", baz: "0000000000", }

(Note: Passes may not happen exactly in this sequence.)

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Details

#all_on_same_line?(nodes) ⇒ Boolean (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 202

def all_on_same_line?(nodes)
  return true if nodes.empty?

  nodes.first.first_line == nodes.last.last_line

#already_on_multiple_lines?(node) ⇒ Boolean (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 222

def already_on_multiple_lines?(node)
  return node.first_line != node.last_argument.last_line if node.def_type?


#breakable_collection?(node, elements) ⇒ Boolean (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 135

def breakable_collection?(node, elements)
  # For simplicity we only want to insert breaks in normal
  # hashes wrapped in a set of curly braces like {foo: 1}.
  # That is, not a kwargs hash. For method calls, this ensures
  # the method call is made with parens.
  starts_with_bracket = !node.hash_type? || node.loc.begin

  # If the call has a second argument, we can insert a line
  # break before the second argument and the rest of the
  # argument will get auto-formatted onto separate lines
  # by other cops.
  has_second_element = elements.length >= 2

  starts_with_bracket && has_second_element

#chained_to_heredoc?(node) ⇒ Boolean (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 228

def chained_to_heredoc?(node)
  while (node = node.receiver)
    return true if (node.str_type? || node.dstr_type? || node.xstr_type?) && node.heredoc?


#children_could_be_broken_up?(children) ⇒ Boolean (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 189

def children_could_be_broken_up?(children)
  return false if all_on_same_line?(children)

  last_seen_line = -1
  children.each do |child|
    return true if last_seen_line >= child.first_line

    last_seen_line = child.last_line

#contained_by_breakable_collection_on_same_line?(node) ⇒ Boolean (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 152

def contained_by_breakable_collection_on_same_line?(node)
  node.each_ancestor.find do |ancestor|
    # Ignore ancestors on different lines.
    break if ancestor.first_line != node.first_line

    if ancestor.hash_type? || ancestor.array_type?
      elements = ancestor.children
    elsif ancestor.send_type?
      elements = process_args(ancestor.arguments)

    return true if breakable_collection?(ancestor, elements)


#contained_by_multiline_collection_that_could_be_broken_up?(node) ⇒ Boolean (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 172

def contained_by_multiline_collection_that_could_be_broken_up?(node)
  node.each_ancestor.find do |ancestor|
    if (ancestor.hash_type? || ancestor.array_type?) &&
       breakable_collection?(ancestor, ancestor.children)
      return children_could_be_broken_up?(ancestor.children)

    next unless ancestor.send_type?

    args = process_args(ancestor.arguments)
    return children_could_be_broken_up?(args) if breakable_collection?(ancestor, args)


#extract_breakable_node(node, max)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 45

def extract_breakable_node(node, max)
  if node.send_type?
    return if chained_to_heredoc?(node)

    args = process_args(node.arguments)
    return extract_breakable_node_from_elements(node, args, max)
  elsif node.def_type?
    return extract_breakable_node_from_elements(node, node.arguments, max)
  elsif node.array_type? || node.hash_type?
    return extract_breakable_node_from_elements(node, node.children, max)

#extract_breakable_node_from_elements(node, elements, max) (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 62

def extract_breakable_node_from_elements(node, elements, max)
  return unless breakable_collection?(node, elements)
  return if safe_to_ignore?(node)

  line = processed_source.lines[node.first_line - 1]
  return if processed_source.line_with_comment?(node.loc.line)
  return if line.length <= max

  extract_first_element_over_column_limit(node, elements, max)

#extract_first_element_over_column_limit(node, elements, max) (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 74

def extract_first_element_over_column_limit(node, elements, max)
  line = node.first_line

  # If a `send` node is not parenthesized, don't move the first element, because it
  # can result in changed behavior or a syntax error.
  if node.send_type? && !node.parenthesized? && !first_argument_is_heredoc?(node)
    elements = elements.drop(1)

  i = 0
  i += 1 while within_column_limit?(elements[i], max, line)
  i = shift_elements_for_heredoc_arg(node, elements, i)

  return if i.nil?
  return elements.first if i.zero?

  elements[i - 1]

#first_argument_is_heredoc?(node) ⇒ Boolean (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 94

def first_argument_is_heredoc?(node)
  first_argument = node.first_argument

  first_argument.respond_to?(:heredoc?) && first_argument.heredoc?

#process_args(args) (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 209

def process_args(args)
  # If there is a trailing hash arg without explicit braces, like this:
  #    method(1, 'key1' => value1, 'key2' => value2)
  # ...then each key/value pair is treated as a method 'argument'
  # when determining where line breaks should appear.
  last_arg = args.last
  args = args[0...-1] + last_arg.children if last_arg&.hash_type? && !last_arg&.braces?

#safe_to_ignore?(node) ⇒ Boolean (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 119

def safe_to_ignore?(node)
  return true unless max
  return true if already_on_multiple_lines?(node)

  # If there's a containing breakable collection on the same
  # line, we let that one get broken first. In a separate pass,
  # this one might get broken as well, but to avoid conflicting
  # or redundant edits, we only mark one offense at a time.
  return true if contained_by_breakable_collection_on_same_line?(node)

  return true if contained_by_multiline_collection_that_could_be_broken_up?(node)


#shift_elements_for_heredoc_arg(node, elements, index) (private)

This method is for internal use only.

If a send node contains a heredoc argument, splitting cannot happen after the heredoc or else it will cause a syntax error.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 103

def shift_elements_for_heredoc_arg(node, elements, index)
  return index unless node.send_type? || node.array_type?

  heredoc_index = elements.index { |arg| arg.respond_to?(:heredoc?) && arg.heredoc? }
  return index unless heredoc_index
  return nil if heredoc_index.zero?

  heredoc_index >= index ? index : heredoc_index + 1

#within_column_limit?(element, max, line) ⇒ Boolean (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/check_line_breakable.rb', line 114

def within_column_limit?(element, max, line)
  element && element.loc.column <= max && element.loc.line == line