Class: RuboCop::CLI::Command::ExecuteRunner Private
Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: |
Defined in: | lib/rubocop/cli/command/execute_runner.rb |
Run all the selected cops and report the result.
Constant Summary
Combination of short and long formatter names.
%w[h html j json ju junit].freeze
Class Attribute Summary
- Inherited
Class Method Summary
- Inherited
Instance Attribute Summary
Instance Method Summary
- #run Internal use only
- #bug_tracker_uri private Internal use only
- #display_error_summary(errors) private Internal use only
- #display_summary(runner) private Internal use only
- #display_warning_summary(warnings) private Internal use only
- #execute_runner(paths) private Internal use only
- #maybe_print_corrected_source private Internal use only
- #with_redirect private Internal use only
- Included
Instance Method Details
#bug_tracker_uri (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubocop/cli/command/execute_runner.rb', line 85
def bug_tracker_uri return unless Gem.loaded_specs.key?('rubocop') "#{Gem.loaded_specs['rubocop']. ['bug_tracker_uri']}\n" end
#display_error_summary(errors) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubocop/cli/command/execute_runner.rb', line 69
def display_error_summary(errors) return if errors.empty? warn Rainbow("\n#{pluralize(errors.size, 'error')} occurred:").red errors.each { |error| warn Rainbow(error).red } warn Rainbow(<<~WARNING.strip).yellow Errors are usually caused by RuboCop bugs. Please, update to the latest RuboCop version if not already in use, and report a bug if the issue still occurs on this version. #{bug_tracker_uri} Mention the following information in the issue report: #{RuboCop::Version.verbose} WARNING end
#display_summary(runner) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubocop/cli/command/execute_runner.rb', line 56
def display_summary(runner) display_warning_summary(runner.warnings) display_error_summary(runner.errors) end
#display_warning_summary(warnings) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubocop/cli/command/execute_runner.rb', line 61
def display_warning_summary(warnings) return if warnings.empty? warn Rainbow("\n#{pluralize(warnings.size, 'warning')}:").yellow warnings.each { |warning| warn warning } end
#execute_runner(paths) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubocop/cli/command/execute_runner.rb', line 22
def execute_runner(paths) runner =, @config_store) all_pass_or_excluded = with_redirect do all_passed = display_summary(runner) all_passed || @options[:auto_gen_config] end maybe_print_corrected_source if runner.aborting? STATUS_INTERRUPTED elsif all_pass_or_excluded && runner.errors.empty? STATUS_SUCCESS else STATUS_OFFENSES end end
#maybe_print_corrected_source (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubocop/cli/command/execute_runner.rb', line 91
def maybe_print_corrected_source # Integration tools (like RubyMine) expect to have only the JSON result # when specifying JSON format. Similar HTML and JUnit are targeted as well. # See: return if INTEGRATION_FORMATTERS.include?(@options[:format]) return unless @options[:stdin] && @options[:autocorrect] (@options[:stderr] ? $stderr : $stdout).puts '=' * 20 print @options[:stdin] end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubocop/cli/command/execute_runner.rb', line 16
def run execute_runner(@paths) end
#with_redirect (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rubocop/cli/command/execute_runner.rb', line 42
def with_redirect if @options[:stderr] orig_stdout = $stdout begin $stdout = $stderr yield ensure $stdout = orig_stdout end else yield end end