
Top Level Namespace

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Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Details



This is only available when you have enabled the ‘should` syntax.

Tells the object to respond to all messages. If specific stub values are declared, they’ll work as expected. If not, the receiver is returned.

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This is only available when you have enabled the ‘should` syntax.

Returns true if this object has received ‘as_null_object`

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Sets and expectation that this object should not receive a message during this example.

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This is only available when you have enabled the ‘should` syntax.

Sets an expectation that this object should receive a message before the end of the example.


logger = double('logger')
thing_that_logs = ThingThatLogs.new(logger)

See Also:

[ GitHub ]



This is only available when you have enabled the ‘should` syntax.

Tells the object to respond to the message with the specified value.


counter.stub(:count => 37)
counter.stub(:count) { 37 }

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

#stub_chain(method1, method2) #stub_chain("method1.method2") #stub_chain(method1, method_to_value_hash)


This is only available when you have enabled the ‘should` syntax.

Stubs a chain of methods.

## Warning:

Chains can be arbitrarily long, which makes it quite painless to violate the Law of Demeter in violent ways, so you should consider any use of ‘stub_chain` a code smell. Even though not all code smells indicate real problems (think fluent interfaces), stub_chain still results in brittle examples. For example, if you write `foo.stub_chain(:bar, :baz => 37)` in a spec and then the implementation calls foo.baz.bar, the stub will not work.


double.stub_chain("foo.bar") { :baz }
double.stub_chain(:foo, :bar => :baz)
double.stub_chain(:foo, :bar) { :baz }

  # Given any of ^^ these three forms ^^:
  double.foo.bar # => :baz

  # Common use in Rails/ActiveRecord:
  Article.stub_chain("recent.published") { [Article.new] }

See Also:

[ GitHub ]



This is only available when you have enabled the ‘should` syntax.

Removes a stub. On a double, the object will no longer respond to ‘message`. On a real object, the original method (if it exists) is restored.

This is rarely used, but can be useful when a stub is set up during a shared ‘before` hook for the common case, but you want to replace it for a special case.

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