
Module: RSpec::Rails::JobExampleGroup

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
self, RailsExampleGroup, ActiveSupport::ExecutionContext::TestHelper, ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes::TestHelper, TaggedLoggingAdapter, FixtureSupport::Fixtures, FixtureSupport, ActiveRecord::TestFixtures, MinitestAssertionAdapter, MinitestLifecycleAdapter, SetupAndTeardownAdapter
Defined in: rspec-rails/lib/rspec/rails/example/job_example_group.rb,


Container module for job spec functionality. It is only available if ActiveJob has been loaded before it.

Class Method Summary

MinitestAssertionAdapter::ClassMethods - Extended


Returns the names of assertion methods that we want to expose to examples without exposing non-assertion methods in Test::Unit or Minitest.


SetupAndTeardownAdapter::ClassMethods - Extended


Wraps ‘setup` calls from within Rails’ testing framework in ‘before` hooks.


Wraps ‘teardown` calls from within Rails’ testing framework in ‘after` hooks.

Instance Attribute Summary

FixtureSupport - Included


Monkey patched to avoid collisions with ‘let(:name)’ in ::RSpec::Rails 6.1 and after and let(:method_name) before ::RSpec::Rails 6.1.

Instance Method Summary

TaggedLoggingAdapter - Included


Vendored from activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/tagged_logging.rb This implements the tagged_logger method where it is expected, but doesn’t call ‘name` or set it up like ::RSpec::Rails does.

MinitestAssertionAdapter - Included

MinitestLifecycleAdapter - Included

SetupAndTeardownAdapter - Included