
Class: RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingProxy Private

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: RSpec::Mocks::TestDoubleProxy
Defined in: rspec-mocks/lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb


A verifying proxy mostly acts like a normal proxy, except that it contains extra logic to try and determine the validity of any expectation set on it. This includes whether or not methods have been defined and the validity of arguments on method calls.

In all other ways this behaves like a normal proxy. It only adds the verification behaviour to specific methods then delegates to the parent implementation.

These checks are only activated if the doubled class has already been loaded, otherwise they are disabled. This allows for testing in isolation.

Constant Summary

Proxy - Inherited


Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Proxy - Inherited

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-mocks/lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb', line 88

def method_reference
  @method_reference ||= Hash.new do |h, k|
    h[k] = @method_reference_class.for(@doubled_module, k)

#validate_arguments!(method_name, args)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-mocks/lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb', line 98

def validate_arguments!(method_name, args)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-mocks/lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb', line 94

def visibility_for(method_name)