
Class: RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcher Private

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcherWithOperatorSupport, RSpec::Matchers::AliasedNegatedMatcher
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: RSpec::Matchers::MatcherDelegator
Defined in: rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/aliased_matcher.rb


Decorator that wraps a matcher and overrides ‘description` using the provided block in order to support an alias of a matcher. This is intended for use when composing matchers, so that you can use an expression like `include( a_value_within(0.1).of(3) )` rather than `include( be_within(0.1).of(3) )`, and have the corresponding description read naturally.

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

MatcherDelegator - Inherited

Composable - Included


Alias for Composable#and.


Delegates to ‘#matches?`.


Creates a compound ‘and` expectation.


Returns the description of the given object in a way that is aware of composed matchers.


Creates a compound ‘or` expectation.


This provides a generic way to fuzzy-match an expected value against an actual value.


Alias for Composable#or.


We should enumerate arrays as long as they are not recursive.


Transforms the given data structure (typically a hash or array) into a new data structure that, when ‘#inspect` is called on it, will provide descriptions of any contained matchers rather than the normal #inspect output.


Historically, a single matcher instance was only checked against a single value.

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method


Forward messages on to the wrapped matcher. Since many matchers provide a fluent interface (e.g. ‘a_value_within(0.1).of(3)`), we need to wrap the returned value if it responds to #description, so that our override can be applied when it is eventually used.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/aliased_matcher.rb', line 24

def method_missing(*)
  return_val = super
  return return_val unless RSpec::Matchers.is_a_matcher?(return_val)
  self.class.new(return_val, @description_block)

Instance Method Details


Provides the description of the aliased matcher. Aliased matchers are designed to behave identically to the original matcher except for the description and failure messages. The description is different to reflect the aliased name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/aliased_matcher.rb', line 36

def description


Provides the failure_message of the aliased matcher. Aliased matchers are designed to behave identically to the original matcher except for the description and failure messages. The failure_message is different to reflect the aliased name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/aliased_matcher.rb', line 46

def failure_message


Provides the failure_message_when_negated of the aliased matcher. Aliased matchers are designed to behave identically to the original matcher except for the description and failure messages. The failure_message_when_negated is different to reflect the aliased name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/aliased_matcher.rb', line 56

def failure_message_when_negated