
Module: RSpec::Core::Sandbox

Relationships & Source Files
Defined in: rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/sandbox.rb



This module is not normally available. You must require ‘rspec/core/sandbox` to load it.

A sandbox isolates the enclosed code into an environment that looks ‘new’ meaning globally accessed objects are reset for the duration of the sandbox.

Class Method Summary

  • .sandboxed

    Execute a provided block with ::RSpec global objects (configuration, world) reset.

Class Method Details


Execute a provided block with ::RSpec global objects (configuration, world) reset. This is used to test ::RSpec with ::RSpec.

When calling this the configuration is passed into the provided block. Use this to set custom configs for your sandboxed examples.

“‘ Sandbox.sandboxed do |config|

config.before(:context) { RSpec.current_example = nil }

end “‘

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# File 'rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/sandbox.rb', line 21

def self.sandboxed
  orig_config  = RSpec.configuration
  orig_world   = RSpec.world
  orig_example = RSpec.current_example

  RSpec.configuration = RSpec::Core::Configuration.new
  RSpec.world         = RSpec::Core::World.new(RSpec.configuration)

  yield RSpec.configuration
  RSpec.configuration   = orig_config
  RSpec.world           = orig_world
  RSpec.current_example = orig_example