
Module: RSpec::Core::MockingAdapters::RSpec Private

Do not use. This module is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Defined in: rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/mocking_adapters/rspec.rb

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

::RSpec::Mocks::ExampleMethods - Included


Used to wrap an object in preparation for stubbing a method on it.


Used to wrap a class in preparation for stubbing a method on instances of it.


Disables warning messages about expectations being set on nil.


Constructs a test double against a specific class.


Constructs a test double that is optimized for use with ‘have_received` against a specific class.


Constructs an instance of [RSpec::Mocks::Double](RSpec::Mocks::Double) configured with an optional name, used for reporting in failure messages, and an optional hash of message/return-value pairs.


Used to wrap an object in preparation for setting a mock expectation on it.


Used to wrap a class in preparation for setting a mock expectation on instances of it.


Verifies that the given object received the expected message during the course of the test.


Hides the named constant with the given value.


Constructs a test double against a specific class.


Constructs a test double that is optimized for use with ‘have_received` against a specific class.


Constructs a test double against a specific object.


Constructs a test double that is optimized for use with ‘have_received` against a specific object.


Used to specify a message that you expect or allow an object to receive.


stubs/mocks a chain of messages on an object or test double.


Shorthand syntax used to setup message(s), and their return value(s), that you expect or allow an object to receive.


Constructs a test double that is optimized for use with ‘have_received`.


Stubs the named constant with the given value.


Turns off the verifying of partial doubles for the duration of the block, this is useful in situations where methods are defined at run time and you wish to define stubs for them but not turn off partial doubles for the entire run suite.

::RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers - Included


Acts like an arg splat, matching any number of args at any point in an arg list.


Matches any argument at all.


Matches an array that excludes the specified items.


Matches an array that includes the specified items at least once.


Matches a boolean value.


Matches if the actual argument responds to the specified messages.


Matches a hash that doesn’t include the specified key(s) or key/value.


Matches a hash that includes the specified key(s) or key/value pairs.


Matches if ‘arg.instance_of?(klass)`.


Matches if ‘arg.kind_of?(klass)`.


Matches no arguments.

Class Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/mocking_adapters/rspec.rb', line 14

def self.configuration


[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/mocking_adapters/rspec.rb', line 10

def self.framework_name

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/mocking_adapters/rspec.rb', line 18

def setup_mocks_for_rspec


[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/mocking_adapters/rspec.rb', line 26

def teardown_mocks_for_rspec


[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/mocking_adapters/rspec.rb', line 22

def verify_mocks_for_rspec